Pirate: I talk about the world in the sea

Chapter 275 The one who robbed you of your money is Kaido, what does Cronus have to do with me

Chapter 275 The one who robbed you of your money is Kaido, what does Cronus have to do with me (please subscribe)

"Bastard Crow, the 50 billion Baileys are here, just order them!"

Kaido directed his brothers to move Bailey off the pirate ship, and said to Cronus in front of him.

Kaido felt that he was definitely the chosen one in this sea. He originally thought that he didn't bring enough money this time. With Cronus' skin-peeling attributes, he could redeem at most one person back.

Unexpectedly, a windfall fell on his head. Now, he could rescue Jhin and Quinn without using the Bailey he brought from Ghost Island.

Even when Kaido thought about it carefully, he seemed to be able to make a little profit from this trip. After all, 25 billion beli out of his 15 billion beri was bought from Black Carbon Orochi for 0 yuan, so he didn't have to pay it back at all.

While Kaido was having fun in his heart, Lafitte and a group of Titan Pirates' boys finished counting the Baileys sent by Kaido. After confirming that the number was sufficient, he nodded to Cronus.

"I didn't expect that, Kaido, you are actually a big boss. You can take 50 billion Baileys at any time. You are really rich!"

"Hmph, it goes without saying that I became famous several years before you, so I still have some wealth."

At this time, Kaido had forgotten all the dirty things he had done before going to the island. He was very proud to show off his financial resources, but did not notice the subtle expression on Cronus's face.

In fact, Kaido knew about the vicious robbery that happened in the nearby waters just now when he called his brothers to move the boat over.

After all, there are blood bats acting as monitors on the sea around Ionia, patrolling 24 hours a day, and finally summarizing the collected information and intelligence to the central processor of Lafitte.

After Lafitte reported to Cronus what Kaido had done, Cronus had to praise Kaido for being such a clever little guy, but this simple and crude style of painting was indeed consistent with Kaido's teacher. practice.

Kronos, who believed that he relied on his brains and claimed to be a cultural man of the sea, looked down upon teacher Kaido's bandit behavior that relied only on brute force.

Of course, he looked down upon him, and Cronus had no intention of seeking justice for those World Government agents.

Anyway, both Kaido and the World Government want to send 50 billion Beli to themselves. The World Government's failure to send the money is their problem and has nothing to do with themselves.

Even if the Five Old Stars asked him, Cronus would be able to confidently say, "Kaido is the one who robbed you of your money. Cronus has nothing to do with me."

"Since money is no problem, let me go."

As the saying goes, money is a man's courage, and he got 50 billion Baileys for nothing. Kaido was in a very good mood at the moment, and he was also very bold when he spoke.

"Don't worry, I, Cronus, am not untrustworthy. I will release him immediately. After all, your two subordinates are the God of Wealth worth 50 billion Baileys. Together, they can almost catch up with Captain Roger's 55 billion. There’s a bounty on the head.”

Listening to Cronus's words of praise or ridicule, Kaido thought to himself, can this be the same? The bounty is set by the world government according to their threat level. For a pirate, the bigger the bounty. Gold is the higher the glory.

Roger's bounty was so large not only because he reached the final island and was crowned Pirate King, but also because he had surrendered by then, preventing anyone from taking Roger to the navy to collect the bounty.

That's why the World Government raised Roger's bounty to such a huge amount.

But the 50 billion Baileys given to these two losers, Jhin and Quinn, was a ransom, and it was a huge ransom that he, the boss, had to pay!

Can the two be compared?

If possible, Kaido really hopes that the bounty for Jhin and Kaido is 50 beli, so that he can get them back by paying only a steel coin with a face value of 100 beli.

At this moment, Kaido missed the stupid Jack in his team.Jack is so kind. Whenever he has something to do, he rushes to do it. When something happens, Jack takes the responsibility himself. Although his mind is not very bright, he has never let himself feel so aggrieved that he has to pay ransom to others.

Jack, you wait in Impel Down City, the boss will definitely rescue you!
Just when Kaido was missing his most loyal little brother, Bi Gezhar, who had received Cronus's order to release him, also brought Jhin and Quinn over.

"Fuck, Cronus bastard, how could you tie someone up like this?"

When he saw his two men for the first time, Kaido couldn't help but cursed.

Yan Liangjin was okay, just wearing shackles made of seastone on his hands and feet, but Quinn had a lot more on him.

Because this guy's body was too plump, the boys of the Titan Pirates wrapped circles of sea tower stone chains around his body.

In addition, the kid who was responsible for tying people seemed to have other side jobs, so Quinn was tied up with a very artistic sense. This tying technique was called "tortoise shell binding" in later generations.

Because there were too many chains tied around his body, Quinn acted immediately when he was brought up. He jumped up and down the whole way.

"Boss Kaido, you...you are finally here. I have been miserable this time!"

As soon as he saw Kaido, Quinn squirmed like a caterpillar at Kaido's feet, crying about his tragic experience.

"Cronus, are you abusing my men?"

When Kaido saw Quinn in such miserable condition, he immediately became angry like Cronus.

"How is it possible? These two are the gods of wealth worth 50 billion. I have been supporting them during this period.",

Cronus responded mercilessly to Kaido's incompetent rage. He, Cronus, could not do anything to torture prisoners, and considering the 50 billion Beli, Cronus But I entertained these two with delicious food and drink.

Yan Liangjin gained several pounds after staying with him for a while, and his belly almost burst his black leather suit.

"Boss Kaido, I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about this bastard Jhin..."

Quinn seemed to have found someone to complain to, and poured out his experiences during this period like beans from a bamboo tube.

It turned out that after being captured, Cronus entertained them with delicious food and drinks every day, but Quinn was tied up so much that he couldn't even move, so every day when it was time to eat, he could only watch the flames destroy his rice. After eating, he reached out to his own food.

In Yan Liangjin's words, you can live for several weeks even if you don't eat with these hundreds of kilograms of fat anyway. Cronus should bear the sugar-coated bullets by himself.

After hearing Quinn's accusation, Kaido felt a dull pain in the big horns on his head. If these two guys hadn't followed him loyally for several years, he would really want to clean up the house now.

"Okay, everyone and I go back to Ghost Island!"

Kaido gave these two guys a hard look, and then took them away.

"Fellow Taoist... Bah, Boss Kaido, please stay!"


(End of this chapter)

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