Start with Hinata and travel through the heavens

Chapter 138 Magical version of dust escape

Chapter 138 Magical version of dust escape

Hermione, who was panting, looked at the energetic Hinata Hoshino and was a little envious of his physical fitness.

As the saying goes, if you know one thing, you can know everything.He had some minor problems with the fusion of blood-stained elimination. The fusion of blood-stained elimination is currently not a problem for him, but the fusion of three chakras to create a new blood-stained elimination is a bit difficult for him.

As we all know, the fusion of the three chakras of fire, earth, and wind can form Dust Release.According to the general laws of novels, fire, water, and thunder can also form hydrogen escape.

But I don't know why, it seems that the hydrogen escape that can be formed is only one step away, but there is no way to complete the last step.

So he decided to draw a parallel.Get the magic version of the dust shield out first, and maybe this problem will be solved.After completing the elimination of the bloodstains formed by the fusion of three chakra forms, he decided to develop into a new bloodstain formed by the fusion of four chakras.

Further down are five chakra fusions, or even seven chakra fusions.I believe that the Blood Succession Network will be completed soon.

"Everything is gray."

Hinata Hoshino waved his wand, and a white light emitted from the tip of the wand, covering the magic puppet.The magic puppet immediately turned into dust.Hinata Hoshino is still a little dissatisfied. This magic seems to be still half-finished and there are still areas that need improvement.

The attack range is still too small. It seems that the maximum it can cover is one person.This is very different from the Ninjutsu version of Dust Release.So Hinata Hoshino is still very dissatisfied, but the power of this magic is still good. It can be given to Hermione first to let her defend herself.

The highlight of magic in the world of Harry Potter is that wishes come true.As long as you have a strong belief, you can successfully cast a spell without chanting a spell or a wand, but the power is different.If it weren't for the fact that the Elder Wand had such a huge impact on a wizard, I'm afraid Dumbledore wouldn't be holding the Elder Wand.

"Everything is gray"

Hinata Hoshino held Hermione's hand and asked her to finish the spell word for word.A very subtle white light emitted from the wand.

Hitting the center of the magic doll only opened a hole in the center of the magic doll.That part seemed to disappear directly, which surprised Hermione, although just now Hinata Hoshino used this magic to directly turn a magic doll into nothingness.

But this was still very different from doing it herself. She walked into the magic doll with a surprised look on her face and carefully checked around the hole. There was indeed no dust at all, not even any residual material.

This made her a little unbelievable. She had never thought that magic could be so powerful.

After all, she was born in the world of ordinary people, and he still knew something about the existing thermal weapons.

In her impression, no matter how powerful magic is, it should not be as powerful as those thermal weapons.

But in her memory, there is no thermal weapon that can turn a person into nothingness instantly, leaving not even a trace.

This made Hermione a little worried unconsciously. What if she accidentally used this magic on someone?
This spell doesn't look like other spells and has a counter-spell.If a person is reduced to nothingness, there should be no way to restore him.

Hinata Hoshino rubbed her hair affectionately to reassure her.

"That's what magic is like. In fact, many magics don't have counter-spells. For example, you should know the three unforgivable spells. Avada Kedavra, Cruciatus, and Soul Out of Body. These three The reason why magic is included in the list of Unforgivable Curses is because they essentially have no counter-curses. Do you know Neville's parents? They were deformed into humanoid forms by Death Eaters using Cruciatus to cut out their bones."

"What you mean is that Neville's parents were also tortured by the Unforgivable Curse." "That's what I heard. That's why Neville closed himself off. Don't look at Neville's memory. It was all because he witnessed his parents being tortured when he was a child."

Hermione was a little silent. Ever since she entered the wizarding world, she had only seen a relatively harmonious atmosphere at Hogwarts.

She never thought that the wizarding war, which was only a few stories in the history books, would be so cruel, that it would cause a child to witness his parents being tortured, and then close himself off.

"Hoshino, can you promise me something? Come with me to visit Neville's parents during the summer vacation."

"Yes, and maybe I will have a way to cure his parents by then."

Ever since Hinata Hoshino obtained the reincarnation of the filthy earth, he has always wanted to understand the mystery of the soul through the reincarnation of the filthy earth.

There are still a few secret techniques related to the soul in the world of Naruto.For example, the secret technique of spiritualization developed by Senju Tobirama, the reincarnation of the dirty land and the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, sealing out the corpses.

However, Hyuga Hoshino does not know the secret technique of spiritual transformation, and it is too dangerous to seal away the corpses.Hinata Hoshino suddenly realized something, whether the person reincarnated in the dirty land can use the corpse sealing, or if Voldemort is resurrected, can he control him to cast the corpse sealing.

The god of death summoned by Harry Potter is the god of death in the world of Harry Potter or the god of death in the world of Naruto. Which of the two is more powerful?

This time, in addition to having fun, Hinata Hoshino had another reason to promote the resurrection of the Horcrux in Voldemort's notebook.The one who resurrected the notebook Horcrux should be a relatively young Voldemort. It is of little value, so let him try it.

I just don’t know if the real God of Death in this world is the one who created the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak?
Hinata Hoshino unconsciously thought of the Cornish elf that Lockhart caught in the first class in the original book.

Do you want Seamus to give him a hard blow? But maybe Hermione will be cruel and use the magic version of Dust Escape to take care of these elves in one go.

Hermione will soon have her first Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Hinata Hoshino spends most of his time resting in the Kamui Space, leaving the study and research to the wooden clone.

Hinata Hoshino couldn't help but feel a little lucky. When he left Taizong, he took a lot of small movie CDs with him to pass the time. Otherwise, he could only watch Jiraiya's Intimate Paradise.

Hermione arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. As soon as she entered, she found that the classroom was surrounded by posters and portraits of Lockhart, as well as a bunch of exaggerated decorations with Lockhart's personal touch.

Hermione covered her face helplessly, feeling that those books should really be burned somewhere because the ashes were scattered.

Harry Potter, Ron, Neville and Seamus came to the classroom as a group. The four of them felt like they were going blind.

Ron didn't understand why his mother and sister were such book fans.

Hinata Hoshino hid in Kamui Space to peek at the screen, while Lockhart mysteriously entered the classroom carrying a cage wrapped in red cloth.

(End of this chapter)

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