Start with Hinata and travel through the heavens

Chapter 147 The basilisk strikes again

Chapter 147 The basilisk strikes again

Lockhart took out the potion from his suitcase. In his memory, it was something he bought at a high price from Knockturn Alley.

It can temporarily replenish a person's magic power. Lockhart felt that he needed this thing very much, so he uncorked the bottle and drank half of the bottle in one breath.Only then did Lockhart feel a sense of being grounded. He no longer felt like he was floating like before.

Hinata Hoshino appeared quietly in Lockhart's office.Hinata Hoshino feels that everything that happened to Lockhart can only be said to be a turn of events.

Lockhart used the Forgetting Curse to seize the memories of too many wizards, so that now the youthful version of Voldemort can tamper with his memory day, and Hinata Hoshino is also tampering with his memory.

The so-called magic replenishing potion bought at a high price from Knockturn Alley was actually Hinata Hoshino's experiment. Of course, it was made by the wooden clone. He himself did not want to engage in such complicated research.

Products made using materials that have a slight magic restoration effect, plus Hinata Hoshino's own Yang Escape Chakra.

Hinata Hoshino just feels that this arrangement and combination can effectively restore a wizard's magic power, although it seems that he has never seen any wizards in the Harry Potter world who have problems due to depletion of magic power.

Judging from Lockhart's reaction, the potion was quite effective. Voldemort absorbed a lot of magic power and recovered most of it.

It’s just that the taste needs to be improved, remember to add sugar later.

Lockhart lay down to rest. Not long after he lay down, Lockhart opened his eyes and saw that the youthful version of Voldemort was already controlling this body.

The basilisk marched under the control of Hinata Hoshino. The youth version of Voldemort sneered and stepped on the basilisk's head.

When he arrived at the scene of yesterday's crime and was about to admire his masterpiece, he found that the bloody writing he left had been replaced by other writing.

"I accept your offer of war in this dark night. Tonight, the orange pupils bloom, and the unclean one turns into the mother of Pyrrha and Deucalion. I am justice, and the pure-blooded one should be the wand. I wish you Kill those who are unclean! To be an enemy of me is to be an enemy of heaven."

The orange eyes refer to the basilisk, the unclean ones refer to wizards born from hybrids and ordinary people, and the mother of Pyrrha and Deucalion refers to stones.

Although it sounded more like a villain than the words he originally wrote, he just felt an inexplicable sense of shame.


Percy's goddess Penello came to see Percy and happened to bump into the basilisk. The basilisk stared at Penello, who turned to stone.

Obviously Hinata Hoshino deliberately suppressed the basilisk's ability. The youth version of Voldemort sneered, a mudblood is a mudblood, stupid.

Penello's scream alerted all the Gryffindor students. They lowered their heads and cautiously walked out of the lounge.

Hermione had previously analyzed that the monster causing trouble was a basilisk. As a top student, they still believed Hermione's words, not to mention the endorsement of Dumbledore.

Hermione felt a little uncomfortable today. In fact, she felt that she couldn't drive IMART every day. Hinata Hoshino had no choice but to let Hermione take a day off and continue tomorrow.

So, Hinata Hoshino and Hermione mixed in with the crowd and walked out of the Gryffindor lounge together.

Hinata Hoshino smiled and winked at Hermione. Hermione's face was slightly red, but she still stared back with dignity, which made Hinata Hoshino feel that the current Hermione was a bit cute.

Percy originally thought that someone with no eyes was being attacked, but he didn't expect that it was his goddess Penelo.Percy just started crying.

"Penello, Penelo, my goddess, my muse, my love, my everything."

"How could I lose you, oh, I'm so distraught, oh, my liver and gallbladder are bursting."

Percy had just started howling, and George and Fred began to dub Percy, one on the left and the other on the right. Hinata Hoshino felt that his title of best voice substitute was being taken away.

It's not the fault of George and Fred being cold-blooded, but the fact that Hinata Hoshino rescued Dean yesterday spread to a small area, so they are not worried at all.

Only the youthful version of Voldemort, who was restricted in Lockhart's body, didn't know, otherwise he probably wouldn't have done such useless work.Voldemort Youth Edition: Such a powerful force, I can hardly suppress it, that adult's power.

Hinata Hoshino bit his index finger, blood flowed out, and touched Penello's lips.Penello drank the blood and regained his mobility. He opened his mouth instinctively, and Hinata Hoshino looked at Percy.

"Prefect Percy, you are very good at it."

Percy covered his face and pulled Penello away. George and Fred also looked playful. They didn't expect that Percy, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, was not honest at all.

As a blind student, Hinata Hoshino discovered a bright spot. Why did Penelo subconsciously think of his fingers as that? Could it be that Percy only...

Hinata Hoshino shook his head, tut, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it, Percy, thank you for your hard work, this hidden disease is hard to explain clearly.

Hinata Hoshino's expression made many Gryffindor students realize Percy's secret. Percy's face turned red and he carried Penelope to the hospital.

Percy: I usually just use my fingers, do you believe it?
Penello: I believe it.The feeling is there.

Hinata Hoshino smiled and high-fived George and Fred, as if he had accomplished something great.

Padma Patil pulled Hermione away. They were roommates.

"tui, disgusting man."

Hinata Hoshino shrugged helplessly, and Hermione left her obediently. She also felt that the joke was too much.

The youth version of Voldemort came to the Chamber of Secrets and discovered the hole in the Slytherin statue, and realized that Slytherin's heritage had been taken away.

He couldn't help but curse secretly, what he didn't get, others were not allowed to get it, even if it was destroyed.

Soon, he discovered that Hogwarts was not as full of panic as he had imagined, as if his carefully planned plan was a joke.

The youth version of Voldemort realized that he should no longer control Lockhart, a fool. It was getting colder and it was time for Lockhart to die.

"Celebrate, the Dark Lord's resurrection."

An old house elf suddenly appeared, and the voice he made belonged to a young woman.

Kreacher, the house elf of the Black family, is now being controlled by Delphi.

"Who are you?"

With Voldemort's arrogance, even though he is still young, he still disdains talking to house elves. He is talking to the person who controls the house elves.

At this time, Voldemort didn't know Regulus Black yet, so he certainly didn't know Kreacher.

"One, an admirer of the Dark Lord, comes from the Black family."

"Huh, admirers? Black family? Poor excuse."

Kreacher threw out a bottle of unicorn blood, which was a treasure, blood voluntarily donated by unicorns.

Voldemort Youth Edition, when he opened the cork and smelled it, he immediately judged the origin of this thing.He was a little surprised. This was actually a collection in the Lestrange vault.

Originally there were three bottles in the vault, but Hinata Hoshino took two bottles away and used them to research wound potions and magic replenishing potions.

(End of this chapter)

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