Start with Hinata and travel through the heavens

Chapter 158 Destruction of the Computing Department, Bronze Gate

Chapter 158 Destruction of the Computing Department, Bronze Gate
"I'm sorry to make you worry. I have to fulfill my promise and lead Wanwan to learn about her life experience."


The four girls were not surprised and watched Hinata Hoshino pick up Liang Wan and disappear from the place.

Liang Wan closed his eyes nervously, then opened them again, and found that he was high in the sky, with a secret base at his feet.

"This is where?"

"Wang's computing department."

"The Wang family?"

"The Wang family originated from the Feng Shui master of the Ming Dynasty, Wang Zanghai. Their most distinctive feature is that they have phoenix tattoos on their bodies."

"Am I from the Wang family?"


Hinata Hoshino told Liang Wan the story of the Wang family. Liang Wan was in a daze and was stunned by the answer Hinata Hoshino threw out.


Liang Wan didn't reply. She thought that the tattoo might have been left deliberately by her family in order to find her, but she didn't expect that it was a family totem.

She didn't know who her parents were, let alone whether they loved her or not, which made Liang Wan very confused.

Hinata Hoshino smiled, and formed a rock bed in the sky. He took the dream thoughts from the Kamui space and laid them on it, pulled them through the clouds, blocked them, and started an unobstructed meeting with Liangwan.

Wang Xiaoyuan felt a drop of water falling on her head and brushed her hand over her head.

Wang Xiaoyuan was confused, what is this?When I got closer and smelled it, I felt something familiar, and I seemed to be able to smell it occasionally.

Now is the time for the Wang family to relax. Most of the Wang family can take a walk on the playground. Wang Xiaoyuan did not take it seriously and returned to the base.

When she was washing up at night, she remembered that it was at this time that she could smell it, and then her pretty face turned red.

This question is destined to remain unanswered.

The next day, Liang Wan was in a much better mood. He stretched out his hand to brush through the clouds and mist, pretending to really touch the entity with a happy smile.

Hinata Hoshino shrugged helplessly, this skill is good.

Wu Xie quietly approached the stronghold of the Wang family's computing department. Wu Xie had changed a lot over the years, from Xiao Zeng ten years ago to Teacher Qin who is now climbing mountains.

In another ten years, in the restarted timeline, Teacher Zhu will still be there, getting younger and younger. Yucun is a good place.

Hinata Hoshino stretched out his hand, and Wu Xie and his men floated into the sky uncontrollably.

"Little Third Master, what's going on? Why are we flying?"

"Mistress, please think of a solution quickly."


Fatty Wang was about to say something else when he saw a smiling Hinata Hoshino on the clouds.

"Hey, Baiyanzi, you Baiyanzi, I'm making fun of your fat man."

With a wave of the hand, the rock bed expanded to form a platform. Several people stepped on the platform, feeling like they were dreaming.

Fatty Wang stamped his feet on the platform. When he realized that everything was okay, he ran over and gave Hinata Hoshino a bear hug.

"Rolling your eyes, you miss me so much."

"My little friend, your eyes are fine."

"Of course, thank you President Rishan for your concern."

"You probably want to destroy this place."

"That's right, can Hoshino help?"

"My Yuchuan cousin, your tone is unfamiliar. You don't even want to call me cousin." Wu Xie recalled the past, and he felt an indescribable feeling. It had been ten years.

"彳庍口巴, since my cousin wants it, I can only give it to you."

"Wait, Hoshino, help save two people."

With a move of his hand, Li Cu and Su Nan appeared on the rock platform. When Su Nan saw Wu Xie, he felt happy that he was indeed not dead.

Randomly, Su Nan was sad, and the Wang family's computing department might not be able to escape today.

Li Cu was pleasantly surprised. Mr. Wang told him that Wu Xie was dead. Unexpectedly, Wu Xie was still fine.

Wu Xie can't get out of the back left by his little brother, and Li Cu can't get out of the desert left by Wu Xie.

"Everyone, please watch carefully, this is the power of God."

After the success of the Reincarnation Eye, the second biggest benefit is the advancement of the Mangekyō Sharingan. Hinata Hoshino doesn't know if this can be regarded as the Eternal Mangekyō, but he can feel that even if the eye power is exhausted in one breath, he will not go blind.

Since he can't go blind, he can't make it too hard. The complete Susanoo appears, nearly 300 meters away, entwined with runes.

Zhang Rishan and Wu Xie felt like they couldn't close their mouths. Fatty Wang was okay, but his eyes were empty. Some of the other guys fell into coma under Susanoo's pressure, and some could barely stand, trembling.

Susanoo seal, a huge meteorite fell from the sky, carrying the power of destruction. From the perspective of Hinata Hoshino's white eyes, the bronze fragments in the Wang family's computing department emitted faint light spots, protecting a small number of people, about a dozen people. , I guessed right that they should be the elite of the Wang family.

The meteorite left a deep crater, releasing high heat and radiation. The survivors of the Wang family walked out of the edge of the crater tremblingly, feeling lucky.

The next second, the joy in their eyes turned into despair. Hinata Hoshino controlled the Susanoo to descend. The huge Susanoo gave these survivors a look of despair.

Hinata Hoshino took the initiative to disperse Susanoo and entered sage mode. Since he was having fun, he had to have fun.

Moreover, before the bronze fragments were destroyed, thousands of hands appeared that were a thousand meters high.

"Xianfa·Mu Dun·True thousands of hands."

The Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara statue appeared, and a figure emerged from the bronze fragments. As if it wanted to say something, a thousand arms were waving in unison.

"Boom boom boom"

Even though they were far up in the sky, Wu Xie and others covered their ears because they couldn't stand the loud sound.

Meteorites and bronze fragments were spread out, punched one by one, mixed with the Wang family to complete the work of filling the hole.

Waving his hand, the rock platform fell. Wu Xie was a little dazed until now. He had no idea that the Wang family's computing department, which made him feel like a formidable enemy, and the Wang family's department that made him run out of machines, would disappear in an instant. .

Wu Xie reached out and pinched Fatty Wang, who wailed.

"Innocent, you want to see if you are dreaming. Why are you pinching yourself? Why are you pinching Fatty?"

"It hurts if you don't pinch yourself."

Faced with Fatty Wang's dissatisfaction, Wu Xie explained the reason seriously, and Zhang Rishan chuckled. He thought of Qi Baye, who also made trouble with him in the same way at that time.

The Wang family was resolved, and Hinata Hoshino, Wu Xie and others went to the Bronze Gate.

Wu Xie successfully picked up his little brother, and Hinata Hoshino stood in front of the bronze door. The bronze door that gave him great fear before gave him the feeling now that it was not as threatening as the yellow reincarnation eye.

By some strange mistake, Hinata Hoshino pushed open the bronze door. There was a burst of light before his eyes, and Hinata Hoshino entered it.

The path of heaven, the path of humanity, the path of asuras, the path of animals, the path of evil and deceit, and the path of hell.

Hinata Hoshino suddenly understood that this was the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but why he was here.

Something is wrong!Something is wrong!
Hinata Hoshino felt that there was no aura of stealing the world in reincarnation.

[warn!warn!The host encounters the exile of the world consciousness and falls into reincarnation in the unknown world. Whether to use the opportunity of time travel to freeze the stolen world, and whether to use the opportunity of time travel to protect itself. ]
Until this time, the system that had been unable to communicate took the initiative to speak out.

"Use it, use it quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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