Have I become a nightmare for goddesses?

Chapter 180 There is a concubine in the palace

Chapter 180 There is a concubine in the palace

The strong wind drives the rain, and the residual summer heat sweeps away the sky.

"This rain comes at the right time."

Zhao Huan was standing somewhere on a pavilion in the East Palace. In front of her eyes was the miserable wind and rolling rain, and the black clouds were threatening to destroy the city.

"God naturally wants to create momentum for His Royal Highness~"

The flame-haired beauty appeared next to her, it was Wu Juntang. The two stood side by side, with splashes of water falling on their faces from time to time, and heavy rain.

"We won't have a full moon to enjoy during this year's Mid-Autumn Festival."

The female prince shook her head sadly. She seemed to care more about the beautiful scenery than the coming storm.

"Your Highness, don't say that. The festival won't be celebrated until tomorrow. Maybe everything will be calm by then?"

The fifth lady said with a smile, her tone was joking, giving people a frivolous feeling.

"I will go see the Crown Princess tomorrow and talk to her about this matter."

Zhao Huan said after being quiet for a long time. When she mentioned her nominal wife, her tone did not show any emotion.

"This rain has just begun."

The female prince didn't respond for a while. She looked at Yu Yu in concentration, and it took a long time before she spoke.

"If she wants to be lively, it depends on the weather?"

She has always believed that governing the country must not be based on emotions. She also demands this from herself, so she never gets angry easily. The last time she got angry was yesterday. The man had been living in her bedroom for two days, but he had done nothing. , eating and waiting to die, she began to wonder, does this kind of person really have a way to calm down the chaos?

Zhao Huan looked at the cloudy sky and chuckled.

His Highness the Prince said lightly, still looking at the hazy world in the rain, as if immersed in it. She seemed to prefer the gloomy rain to the moonlit night.

Zhao Huan's words became reality.

Wu Juntang frowned, seemingly worried, but there was no seriousness in his eyes.

Inspector Wu watched with her. They were not formulating the next plan, but rather chatting.

"What you're saying is, what does she want, the Emperor will definitely agree to it."

The rain showed no sign of letting up until the evening.

"Go back to the palace."

The rain continued until the second day in the depressing atmosphere of the capital.

"What on earth is he waiting for?"

She was sitting in the spacious carriage, a night pearl dispelled the darkness, and the gentle light reflected her face. There was not much expression on her cold face, but the hand on her lower abdomen was squeezed unconsciously!

"Your Highness is thoughtful. My sister is not easy to deal with. Let her get under the eyes of the empress to avoid causing trouble."

"What about the Queen's banquet~"

Wu Jiuwan walked out of the Privy Council Office expressionlessly and boarded the Luanjia in the rain. The sound of pattering water made her already uneasy heart even more depressed.

"Ever since her loss, she has become even more difficult for me to see through. If there is any mistake in this plan, it will definitely be her fault. I can't give her a chance."

The Crown Princess was puzzled. The news she just received made her even more dissatisfied with Mr. Wei who was eating and drinking in the East Palace for free.

She received a secret report from her cronies in the government office. The Wei party gathered all the forces in the capital and returned to the Wei Mansion. The Four Immortals also raised their troops in the Xuntian Prison. They were eerily quiet and almost stopped openly engaging in friction. , the scary thing is that the two parties no longer communicate.

Like everyone who can see the situation clearly, she is not afraid of the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two families. What she is afraid of is that they stop exchanging views, which means that negotiation becomes impossible and war will be an absolute option. There is no doubt that as long as any sparks fly, come out, the two largest forces in the Daqi Kingdom will start a full-scale civil war. "I must ask him to make his thoughts clear today."

The beautiful wife stepped out of the car, her long black hair almost blending into the dark sky, and her gray-blue eyes exuding coldness like ice that would not melt.

She did not show her emotions on her face. The maid stepped forward to hold an umbrella for her, and she walked into the East Palace with a calm look.

The first time she came back was not to see her husband, but to go straight to the wild man she had hidden in the palace.


Wu Jiuwan returned to the palace and immediately noticed something was wrong. She came to the small pond, where Wei Er had been playing with his cat in the pavilion during the day, but today there was no one around, and she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"What about others..."

She came to the study, and naturally she would not do anything to intrude into someone's resting place, but when she asked outside the door but received no response, she decisively opened the door.

"This animal actually left without saying goodbye!"

Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess opened her beautiful eyes wide, her beautiful face was stained with a slight blush, and her breath was short.

"What a great Wei Buqi."

She rarely gets angry, but ever since she met him, she has always been angry, and this time she was even trembling with anger.

"Are you leaving now?"

Wu Jiuwan had some ideas about Wei Thief's hidden plan, and there was no sincerity in such cooperation. However, she still chose to trust him and believe in his will to calm the chaos. But what is going on now? She brought him back and treated him with good food, drink and sleep, but he left without saying a word and didn't even leave her any useful information. This was because he thought she was a prostitute from a brothel and was having sex for nothing!
"What on earth is he going to do!"

The Crown Princess raised her hand and tried to contact the person with the communication crystal. However, the message she sent was like a stone in the sea, and no sound of water waves could be heard.

"How unreasonable..."

With a frosty face, she quickly suppressed the anger in her heart and began to analyze the situation. She had failed to control that bastard from the beginning, and now he left quietly, and she didn't even know what he wanted to do.

"Your Highness." A palace maid walked into the room, "The prince is waiting for you outside."

When Wu Jiuwan heard this, she felt an inexplicable chill running down her spine. At this time of turmoil, her vigilance towards her husband was magnified to the limit, and he left at this juncture...

"I see."

She responded calmly, pondered for a moment, turned around and walked out. Fortunately, the prince did not break into her bedroom without permission, otherwise she would directly judge that her safety was threatened. She would not take any chances in this regard. Falling out is the inevitable result.

"My beloved concubine."

The Crown Princess walked out of the palace gate and saw her husband, who was wearing dragon-patterned uniforms. Seeing that he was only accompanied by a personal maid, she did not dare to relax her vigilance.

"Why did you come here in the rain?"

Wu Jiuwan asked without being surprised or angry, his expression was as usual.

"I have something to tell you."

The Crown Prince smiled slightly. She stood under the rain, and the light of the palace lantern seemed unable to penetrate the darkness around her.


The Crown Princess deliberately showed a trace of doubt in her eyes, feeling as if she was facing a formidable enemy.

"I originally wanted to send someone from the palace to tell you. After all, it's not a big deal, but I'm a little bit surprised about this, so I came here in person." Zhao Huan frowned, "Someone from the palace came earlier, saying that this year The Mid-Autumn Festival banquet will be held as usual, which seems to be the intention of Concubine Chen."

(End of this chapter)

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