Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent.

Chapter 313 Doesn’t it have any special powers?

In the afternoon, in the office of Dean Qian’s research institute.

"Shengli is here, come on, come and sit." As he said that, Dean Qian quickly called on the staff to pour tea for Lin Shengli.

After the staff went out, Dean Qian said with a smile: "Shengli, you don't know that with the relevant information you provided, our shore-based anti-ship missile project has made a major breakthrough..."

"The shore-based anti-ship missile project team is clamoring to take credit from you!"

After listening to Dean Qian's words, Lin Shengli said modestly: "I hope I can help everyone..."

"By the way Shengli, judging from the information you provided, your understanding and mastery of rocket engine technology is not like what you said. You have only studied it for a while and your technical level is not bad."

"Did you know that Shengli, according to normal procedures, our hospital organized a special discussion meeting on the information you provided."

"After demonstration and discussion, everyone agreed that the solid motor technology you provided is a very mature, advanced, stable and reliable technology, and can be fully used in our shore-based anti-ship missile project."

"But everyone also believes that if such a good technology is only used for short-range missiles such as shore-based anti-ship missiles, it would be a waste of resources."

"So, after everyone's unanimous discussion, the hospital decided to invite you to participate in our launch vehicle research and development project."

"Shengli, I think you should be able to understand that if there is a breakthrough in launch vehicle technology, it will have a great promotion effect on our missiles and future aerospace projects."

"Comrade Shengli, I hope you can seriously consider it..."

After listening to Dean Qian's words, Lin Shengli now particularly doubted whether Dean Qian had any special powers, and why he could become Dean Qian quickly just by drawing out some technology related to the aerospace field. Come to your door?
The solid motor technology last time was like this, and the improved first-generation launch vehicle technology this time is also like this!

The launch vehicle research and development project that Dean Qian invited Lin Shengli to participate in should be the development of my country's first-generation launch vehicle, the Long March-[-] launch vehicle.

Among the information Lin Shengli had read, Long March [-] was a three-stage launch vehicle developed to launch my country's first artificial earth satellite, Dongfanghong [-].

Its first- and second-stage rockets used mature technologies at the time. In fact, they adopted the technology of the improved Dongfeng-[-] medium-range ballistic missile, and made adaptive modifications for launching satellites. The third stage was newly developed. The upper stage uses solid fuel as propellant.

Long March 65 was initiated and developed in [-].

In November 67, it was decided that the my country Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology would be responsible for the specific development work.

In early 68, the overall design of the rocket was completed, and it took about two years to complete various large-scale ground tests.

On April 70, 4, the Long March-24 rocket was launched for the first time, successfully sending my country's first artificial earth satellite, Dongfanghong-[-], into orbit. The launch was a complete success.

On March 71, 3, the Long March-3 rocket was launched for the second time, accurately delivering the Shijian-[-] scientific experiment satellite into orbit, another complete success.

The successful development and launch of Long March [-] officially opened a new era for our country to enter the stars and the sea.

At this time, it should be that the Long March [-] project has just begun.

But if you want to build a launch vehicle, you have to use a launch site. There are no launch sites for launch vehicles in these four-nine cities.

Among the information that Lin Shengli had read, Lin Shengli remembered that the launch site of Long March [-] was at the Mouquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province.

That place, at this time, is truly a Gobi desert.

If it joins the launch vehicle project, it will not be allowed to stay at the launch site.

If Lin Shengli stays at the launch site for a long time, what will happen to his sign-in?
I'm afraid that the ten times a month renewal slip is really not enough!

Furthermore, what about the projects he has on hand?
What to do with his own two system tasks?
Otherwise, it is still the same as the solid motor technology, just copy it down and give it to the dean directly.

But after thinking about it, it doesn’t seem possible.

You must know that solid motor technology is just a single technology.

If Lin Shengli was able to research it, it can also be said that he derived it from the fighter engine.

But this time he got this, a complete set of improved first-generation launch vehicle technology.

Let’s not talk about whether he copied all the relevant technical information. It would take him years of the monkey and horses and months to finish it.

Just say that you have never seen or studied launch vehicles. Where did your technology come from?
Therefore, only after Lin Shengli participated in the launch vehicle research and development project, he occasionally had some genius inspiration and presented these technologies bit by bit.

However, this conflicts with Lin Shengli's worries above.

Tangled ah!
Seeing that Lin Shengli was deep in thought, perhaps he knew what Lin Shengli was worried about. Dean Qian smiled and said, "Comrade Shengli, you don't have to worry about how your participation in our project will affect your other work."

"At this time, our launch vehicle project is only in the initial stage of project establishment."

“Most of the subsequent overall design was carried out in our research institute.”

"After the subsequent overall design is completed, theoretical demonstration, and production and assembly are completed, we will go to the launch site to conduct various ground experiments." Having said this, Dean Qian took a sip of tea and continued: "Comrade Shengli "For this project, we plan to start the project in one year, complete the design and theoretical demonstration in three years, complete various ground experiments in two years, and strive to launch our launch vehicle into space in the sixth year."

"So, in the first three or four years, you can take care of both ends, not only not delaying the relevant work at hand, but also taking care of our launch vehicle project."

"As for the subsequent experiments and launch projects, if you have time, you can optionally participate."

"Moreover, we specifically asked our superiors for instructions, and they gave special instructions to allow you to participate in this project as a project consultant."

"In addition, in order to facilitate your communication with the project, with the approval of your superiors, we will set up a project liaison room in the steel rolling mill where you work."

"This is so that when you are busy, if you have any new ideas or good ideas, you can communicate with us in time."

"Comrade Shengli, your superiors have said that you are very familiar with this role of consultant."

"You can't. You can be a consultant for other projects, but not our project, right?"

Since he had nothing to worry about, Lin Shengli had nothing to hesitate about, so he smiled and said:
"Okay, Dean Qian, if that's the case, I'm willing to join our launch vehicle research and development project."

Seeing that Lin Shengli agreed, Dean Qian stood up happily, stretched out his hand, took Lin Shengli's hand and said, "Comrade Shengli, you are welcome to join our launch vehicle research and development project."

Afterwards, Dean Qian briefly chatted with Lin Shengli about the launch vehicle research and development project.

"Come on, Comrade Shengli, I will take you to meet the person in charge of our project. He will talk to you about the specific matters of our project."

With that said, Dean Qian led Lin Shengli out of the office and came to another office building in their courtyard.

After Dean Qian walked into an office, he smiled and said loudly to the people inside: "Team Leader Wang, I have sent you the elite soldiers and generals you asked for! Are you satisfied this time? "

"Oh, yes, yes, thank you, Dean Qian!" The man named Team Leader Wang saw that it was Dean Qian who was leading Lin Shengli over, and he quickly stood up to greet him.

"Comrade Shengli, this is the specific person in charge of our launch vehicle development project, Comrade Wang Shiliang." Dean Qian introduced Lin Shengli.

Lin Shengli took a look and saw that this was an acquaintance, a comrade in the conference room when he went to discuss solid motors that day.

Lin Shengli smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Team Leader Wang, I am Lin Shengli."

"Oh hello, hello, I've been waiting for you."

"Quick, come and sit down."

"Dean Qian, please sit down too." Team Leader Wang warmly greeted Lin Shengli and Dean Qian to sit down.

Dean Qian waved his hand and said: "Comrade Lao Wang, I won't sit down anymore. I have delivered the person to you. My task has been completed. You can talk about the rest."

After finishing speaking, Dean Qian and Lin Shengli said hello to Lin Shengli and went to do other things.

After Dean Qian left, Team Leader Wang poured a glass of water for Lin Shengli: "Comrade Shengli, it's great that you can come here."

"Our project has just been established, but we are lacking technical experts like you..."

Lin Shengli smiled and said modestly: "Team Leader Wang, you are flattering me. I am not an expert in rocket technology. I have only done a little research."

Hearing Lin Shengli speak so modestly, Team Leader Wang shook his head and said, "Hey, Comrade Shengli, when you come to our place, you should stop being so humble."

"If nothing else, everyone in our hospital is impressed by the solid motor technology you provided some time ago."

"You have such a technical level, why can't you be an expert in this field..."

"You don't even know that in order to get you to join our launch vehicle research and development project, I went to the dean and applied for it countless times."

"Lao Li and their shore-based anti-ship missile project still want to snatch it from you..."

In order not to continue this topic, Lin Shengli quickly changed the topic and asked: "That Team Leader Wang, don't you know where our project is now?"

"Please tell me something so I can get familiar with it in advance."

Hearing Lin Shengli ask this, Team Leader Wang sighed and said with a troubled expression: "Hey, Comrade Shengli, you think too well, how far have you gone?"

"Our project has just been established, and we don't even have the staff yet."

"As for the launch site and production workshop, they have just begun to establish projects..."

"It's you. I fought hard to get it from Dean Qian."

Lin Shengli was quite surprised to hear what Team Leader Wang said. (End of chapter)

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