Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent.

Chapter 341: A good job in throwing away the blame

Chapter 341: A good scapegoat
After listening to the security guard's retelling, Director Gu nodded, then turned to Qin Huairu and asked in a serious tone: "Qin Huairu, are they telling the truth?"

Qin Huairu, who had always been uneasy, was so suddenly asked by Director Gu that she couldn't think of anything to say and continued to argue: "Director Gu, I just brought some leftovers..."

After hearing this, Director Gu frowned, then pointed to the two large lunch boxes that were opened and asked in a stern tone: "Qin Huairu, do you call this leftovers?"

"Then tell me, where do your so-called leftovers come from?"

"When did the food in our factory cafeteria become richer than in restaurants outside?"

As soon as Director Gu said these words, Qin Huairu felt like he was about to suffer.

What she just said was just what the four of them said. She was not the chef in the cafeteria, so there was no way she could get these meals conveniently.

Yes, the cafeteria chef!

She also has Nan Yi!
"These things were given to me by Nan Yi, the chef of the fifth canteen in our factory. He said they were leftovers, so I just assumed they were. I don't know anything about the rest."

In order to save herself, Qin Huairu decisively sold Nan Yi at the critical moment.

At this time, Qin Huairu's mind was spinning rapidly.

She now claims that these two lunch boxes were given to her by Nan Yi, which is not the same concept as her stealing things from the factory.

She is just an ordinary workshop worker and has no ability to touch these things, let alone take them out.

Therefore, if you really want to pursue this matter, then go to Nan Yi, the chef in the cafeteria. She, Qin Huairu, is innocent.

Besides, she didn't lie, except that these two lunch boxes were hers, and the food in them was all packed by Nan Yi for her.

After listening to Qin Huairu's words, Director Gu said to a security guard: "Go to the Fifth Canteen and call Nan Yi here."

After Director Gu's order was issued, a security guard immediately ran to the Fifth Canteen to call Nan Yi.

At this moment, Nan Yi was in the fifth canteen, fetching meals for the shift workers.

After finishing the meal, he arranged for someone to clean up the canteen, and then he could get off work.

"Nanyi, hurry to the factory gate. Director Gu of our security department calls you over." The security guard who came to call Nanyi shouted directly as soon as he entered the cafeteria.

There are quite a few people working shifts today, and they all come here to eat at this time.

Seeing that someone from the security department was coming, everyone started talking about whether something happened.

Hearing this, Nan Yi did not stop cooking with the spoon in his hand. Instead, while cooking, he said to the security guard: "Wait a minute, I'm cooking right now. I'll go over when I'm done."

When the security personnel heard this, it seemed that Nan Yi did not know the seriousness of the problem, so the security personnel put on a straight face and said in a stern tone:
"Nanyi, our security office seized two large lunch boxes that Qin Huairu wanted to take out at the factory gate. She said that you gave them to her."

"Are you sure you don't want to go over now?"

Two big lunch boxes?
Didn't he fill it with delicious dishes such as chicken, fish and meat for Qin Huairu?
Did the security department intercept Qin Huairu?

Nan Yi threw down the rice spoon in his hand and rushed out of the canteen.

Seeing Nan Yi rush out of the cafeteria, the security personnel who came to notify him also followed him and ran towards the factory entrance.

Nan Yi, wearing an apron and cooking sleeves, jogged all the way to the gate of the factory.

"Comrade Nan Yi, can you explain these two big lunch boxes?" Seeing Nan Yi coming, Director Gu asked directly.

Nan Yi glanced at the two full lunch boxes he filled, and then looked at the workers surrounding him.

Nan Yi sighed in his heart: "It seems that this matter is no longer good!"

At this time, Qin Huairu had made up her mind to put all the blame on Nan Yi, so she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Nan Yi at all.

Nan Yi also didn't expect that this was the second time he filled two lunch boxes for Qin Huairu. Why was he being investigated?

But now that they have been caught, what is there to say?

"Director Gu, what do you want me to say?" Nan Yi said helplessly.

Hearing this, Director Gu frowned, and then said loudly: "It's not what I want you to say, but what you want to say."

"Qin Huairu said just now that you gave these two big lunch boxes to her and asked her to take them out of the factory."

"Also, I took a look and found that the dishes in these lunch boxes are probably used for entertaining in the small canteen. Why do they appear in these two big lunch boxes?"

"As a chef who cooks for a small canteen, shouldn't you explain?"

Director Gu's words immediately caused everyone onlookers to start talking.

From ancient times to the present, no cook has clean hands and feet. Everyone knows this.

To use a folk saying, that is, if the cook does not steal, the grain will not be harvested!However, this is the common practice of the common people below, and it cannot be said on the table at all.

Look at the two large lunch boxes filled with chicken, fish and other stuff. This is too much stealing!
"I have nothing to explain." Being questioned in public, Nan Yi really didn't know what to say, so he could only continue to pretend to be confused.

"Come here, take people to our security office." Upon seeing this, Director Gu immediately called for people and took Qin Huairu and Nan Yi to the security office.

The factory gate is not the place to deal with things. Besides, it is the time to get off work. So many people will always gather at this gate. If the factory leaders see it, don't think that their security department is idle again.

Qin Huairu, Nan Yi, and the two big lunch boxes that were stopped went to the factory security office together.

The people who were watching the excitement at the factory gate saw that the protagonists of the incident were gone, and they all left the factory gate talking.

Yi Zhonghai, who had been hiding in the crowd just now, was not in a hurry to leave. He planned to stay for a while and inquire about the situation.

In the factory security office, Director Gu personally acted as the chief examiner, and Fang Weiguo acted as an observer on behalf of the factory leaders, questioning Qin Huairu and Nan Yi respectively.

In front of Director Gu and Fang Weiguo, Qin Huairu insisted that these two lunch boxes were given to her by Nan Yi and asked her to take them out, and she had no idea about the rest.

Qin Huairu's statement puts all the responsibility on Nan Yi.

Nan Yi, on the other hand, is quite a bachelor. "I did give him the lunch box, but those are the leftovers from serving Xiao Zao at noon."

"We can't use these leftovers for entertaining again. If we don't take them out or eat them, we just throw them away. Isn't it a waste?"

"I remember that whether it was our country's laws or our factory's rules and regulations, there was no such thing as saying that leftovers cannot be taken away."

"And it was also said above that everyone should save food and avoid waste..."

Although Nan Yi was very loyal and took on everything, he insisted that the dishes in the lunch box were the leftovers left over from serving Xiao Zao at noon.

He wasn't afraid of anyone investigating or confronting someone about this matter.

After all, he was careful when leaving food for Qin Huairu.

He didn't cut corners on the ingredients for the reception like Silly Zhu did in the past.

Instead, just make more. In this case, even if you ask someone who ate Xiaozao at that time, they will testify for him and prove that the amounts of dishes served on the table are normal.

As for whether there were any leftovers or anything, the reception required drinking. Everyone was so drunk that no one could remember whether there was any leftovers.

In fact, Director Gu is quite familiar with Nanyi. After all, he is one of the most powerful middle managers in the factory. He has also eaten at Nanyi's small stoves several times.

Overall, my impression of Nanyi is pretty good.

And he also knew that this Nanyi was brought back by Deputy Director Li from a branch factory below, and he should be regarded as Deputy Director Li's person.

And Deputy Director Li is the deputy director in charge of logistics and their security department.

Although he, the security director, was specially assigned by his superiors to cooperate with Lin Shengli in the rolling mill, as long as it did not involve Lin Shengli and the confidential workshop, at least on the surface, he must respect the fact that Deputy Factory Director Li was not the supervisor. .

If you encounter this kind of thing in normal times, you will either be punished clearly or punished, or you will be criticized and educated and let go. If you are really unsure, just go to the superior supervisor who committed the crime and let them make a decision.

But this time, Lin Shengli gave him a chance to make corrections, and he seized this opportunity and suddenly found a model.

Moreover, he also called Fang Weiguo over to witness.

At this time, Director Gu was a little confused about how to deal with Jin's affairs and Jin's two people.

Because according to the current evidence and inquiry records, Nan Yi is considered the principal culprit in this matter, and Qin Huairu is considered a minor accessory.

But this Nanyi only admitted that he took some leftovers from Xiaozao, so there was no way to verify and confront him.

If this was the case, it would be difficult to directly accuse Nan Yi of stealing property from the factory.

Although food is considered to be the property of the factory, the leftovers are really hard to define.

After all, leftovers can only be thrown away if they are not taken away or eaten.

But in these days, how can anyone dare to waste so much...

Another thing is that there is indeed no rule in this factory that you are not allowed to take leftovers home. Although these so-called leftovers are a bit too rich, the cook who cooked them insisted that they were leftovers. What can they do with the leftovers?

In this matter, according to the current situation, at most it can be said that the bad moral character of the cook Nan Yi caused some abnormal losses to the canteen, but it did not rise to the level of being legally responsible.

Also, if this was the case, he would have to consider the influence of Deputy Factory Director Li.

But if we just let these two people go, doesn't it mean that their security office has really become a pile of corpses?
Director Gu looked at Fang Weiguo beside him, then whispered a few words to Fang Weiguo, turned to Nan Yi and said:

"Nanyi, since you have admitted this matter, then, for this matter, I will impose a fine of 50 yuan on you personally, and then the entire factory will be criticized!"

(End of this chapter)

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