Chapter 369 Don’t be humble at this time
They didn't expect that Lin Shengli, at such a young age, was not only a superb technical genius, he was also able to think so meticulously and thoughtfully in other aspects.

"Comrade Shengli, do you have any specific requirements for the selection of this personnel?" asked a military boss present.

Hearing this, Lin Shengli smiled and replied: "As for the conditions for this selection, there are indeed some requirements."

"However, this condition is not too much."

"As for this, I hope that the comrades who come will have a slightly higher education level, at least technical secondary school or high school or above. If they are college students, that would be even better."

"In addition, if you are studying geography or have knowledge of geography, priority will be given."

"The other one is that he has a delicate mind and is good at reasoning and analysis, especially being careful."

"After all, the images taken by our satellite are not as clear as when we usually take pictures."

"Our comrades, we really need more careful comrades to do a comparative analysis of these images."

Everyone present at the meeting below, including the big boss who just asked the question, also nodded in approval of the conditions proposed by Lin Shengli.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections to the plan to build this military reconnaissance satellite, then the matter is settled." After looking around for a week, Mr. Nie made the final decision.

Just after the confidential meeting here, Lin Shengli and Team Leader Sun were dragged by Dean Qian to the office of his research institute, where they had another small meeting.

"Comrade Shengli, since the higher authorities have agreed to us building this military reconnaissance satellite, then we can go about it freely."

"Our superiors have given us such great support this time, and we must not let down their trust and expectations of us!"

As soon as they arrived at the office and just sat down, Dean Qian said in a serious tone.

"Dean Qian, don't worry about this. We will definitely do our best to complete this matter." Lin Shengli nodded and replied.

Then, Dean Qian asked: "Shengli, since you proposed this plan, how will it be implemented specifically? Do you have any plans?"

Hearing this, Lin Shengli thought for a moment and said, "Dean Qian, Team Leader Sun, that's what I think. I think we should divide our satellite development work."

"Our existing comrades can be divided into two project teams."

"The comrades in this group will continue to work on our scientific experiment satellite according to our original plan."

"However, they can focus their research on listening."

"After all, although our ultimate goal is to develop military satellites, we must still continue to develop the original functions so that we can use them to cover up the true purpose of our satellites."

"This other group of comrades is specifically responsible for the development of our military satellites. They are mainly responsible for solving the military reconnaissance function of the satellites."

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, Dean Qian nodded and said, "Okay, then, Team Leader Sun will continue to lead a project team and continue to work on the part of our satellite scientific experiment according to the original design plan. "

"As for Shengli You, she will lead another team responsible for the military reconnaissance function on the satellite."

After Dean Qian finished speaking, Lin Shengli immediately said: "Dean Qian, the team leader of the military investigation project, I think you should find another person."

Hearing what Lin Shengli said, Dean Qian thought that Lin Shengli was being humble again, so he quickly waved his hand and said:

"Comrade Shengli, please stop being humble at this time."

"You know, this plan to build a military reconnaissance satellite was proposed by you, and you are the most familiar with the related technology. If you don't take the lead, who else can take the lead?"

"Also, Comrade Shengli, if you are afraid that this matter will conflict with your other projects, that's okay. I will apply with my superiors and ask them to minimize assigning other tasks to you."

"After all, what else is more important than the satellite we are going to build?"

Seeing that Dean Qian seemed to have misunderstood something, Lin Shengli smiled and said, "Dean Qian, you have misunderstood."

"I'm not being modest, nor am I afraid of conflicting with other projects."

"After all, our entire satellite project has been moved to the steel rolling mill. No matter how busy I am, there is no way I won't be able to spare time to take a look."

"I mean, I will definitely be involved in the military reconnaissance function of developing satellites."

"However, I am really not suitable to be the team leader because I have other things to be busy with."

"Have you forgotten that the prerequisite for us to build military satellites is to solve the problem of continuous power supply to the satellites."

"Next, I have to hurry up and get the relevant equipment for solar power generation!"

After hearing Lin Shengli's explanation, Dean Qian also slapped his forehead and reacted immediately.

After the superior agreed to their military satellite project, Dean Qian was happy about it, but in the end, he forgot about the solar equipment. "Comrade Shengli, look at my memory, I really forgot about this."

"Oh, by the way, Shengli, what are you going to do with this solar power generation thing?"

"In this field, it seems that no one in our country has studied this yet. Even if I try to find help for you, I won't be able to find one!"

Regarding Dean Qian's concerns, Lin Shengli smiled and said, "Don't worry, this solar power generation sounds very high-end, and it seems to be a very advanced and high-end thing."

"Actually, there is a bit of technical content here, which is solar cells."

"This principle is even simpler. To put it bluntly, it is a collection of materials with photoelectric effect that can store light energy and then convert the light energy into electrical energy. It is also corrosion-resistant and high-temperature resistant. "

"I have done special research on this aspect, and technically there is no problem."

"But, to make these things, I need the corresponding equipment."

"The other thing is, I really need helpers to do this stuff, but I don't need them to do any specific research. They just need to assist me with some auxiliary and labor work."

"Otherwise, if I had to do it all by myself, I would be so exhausted that I don't know what year it will be before it is finished!"

After hearing what Lin Shengli said, Dean Qian and Team Leader Sun laughed a few times, and then Dean Qian said:
"Shengli, don't worry about this. Our research institute has a materials laboratory with all relevant equipment."

"However, because it is just starting up, this laboratory, except for equipment and basic personnel, has not conducted any research projects."

"It's just right this time. Together with the equipment and researchers inside, I will have them move to your steel rolling mill tomorrow."

"Dean Qian, isn't it inappropriate to move the materials laboratory in our hospital to our steel rolling mill?" Lin Shengli asked.

Dean Qian reached out and patted Lin Shengli's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Shengli, if this materials laboratory is placed in our courtyard, whether it is equipment or personnel, I'm afraid there won't be any in a short time." What an act.”

"You can understand some of these things without me having to say them."

"Moving this materials laboratory and related researchers to your steel rolling mill will allow them to play their due role."

"Okay Shengli, this matter has been decided. You should think about it and see if there are any other problems on your side. If there are any, you can bring them up now."

After hearing what Dean Qian said, Lin Shengli naturally understood that Dean Qian was helpless about certain things, so he did not continue to struggle with this matter, but turned around and continued talking about satellites.

"Dean Qian, Team Leader Sun, if possible, could you provide me with a prototype of a TV camera first?"

"After all, I haven't seen the actual thing yet, so I don't know how far its functions and performance can reach."

"If the imaging accuracy of this thing is too poor, we have to ask the manufacturer to improve it with us."

Hearing this, Dean Qian nodded and said, "That's no problem. I'll make arrangements soon."

"That's good. I don't have any other problems here for the time being. If I encounter any difficulties again later, I'll tell you."

Later, several people reached an agreement on the specific division of labor for this satellite project in the office.

Team Leader Sun was responsible for the overall coordination and overall planning of the two project teams, while Lin Shengli, the consultant for the entire project, went ahead to develop solar power generation related equipment, and at the same time, followed up on the research work on the satellite military reconnaissance function.

After the three-person meeting between Dean He Qian and Team Leader Sun, Lin Shengli and Team Leader Sun returned to the steel rolling mill together.

After Lin Shengli returned to the office, he continued to copy and organize the materials.

Lin Shengli is not worried at all about whether he can produce solar batteries, solar panels, and corresponding equipment for satellites.

But just for some photovoltaic materials, they are not advanced stuff. The technology is already available, so just copy it.

But when it comes to the TV camera, Lin Shengli is really unsure!
After all, he had never seen this thing before, and he didn't know whether it could be used in satellite image transmission.

In the evening of the next day, a large number of trucks covered with tarpaulins drove into a confidential workshop of the steel rolling mill.

Early in the morning a few days later, Lin Shengli went to deal with the matters at hand that required him to be responsible.

Then he went to the confidential workshop of the Fourth Branch Factory and told some of the information he compiled, together with some of his ideas, to the scientific researchers of the military investigation project.

After that, Lin Shengli came alone to the materials laboratory in another confidential workshop in the steel rolling mill.

As for photovoltaic materials, Lin Shengli plans to make a sample of it first, and then, together with the samples and technical data, will definitely be handed over to the state.

However, as for this information, we have to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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