Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent.

Chapter 371 Green waters and lush mountains are mountains of gold and silver!

Seeing that Lin Shengli spoke so formally, Dean Qian immediately expressed his position: "Comrade Shengli, have you encountered any difficulties? Or is there anything I need to do?"

"No matter what you need here, just say it. If I can't do it, I'll go to my superiors for instructions."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli waved his hand and said, "Dean Qian, it's not that we encountered any difficulties. It's like this. It's about the materials laboratory. I have an idea."

"The solar power generation device we prepared for the satellite has been successfully developed and manufactured. Will the equipment installed in our steel rolling mill and the researchers who conducted experiments return to our research institute? Already?"

"That's what I think. I want to transfer some backbones among these scientific researchers to set up a specialized photovoltaic project team."

Hearing what Lin Shengli said, Dean Qian was very confused.

I don’t know why Lin Shengli set up a special photovoltaic project team.

As for Lin Shengli's previous question, Dean Qian immediately answered it.

"Shengli, as I said last time, we can put the materials laboratory and related staff in our hospital to your steel rolling mill for the time being, so that they can better play their role."

"So at least in the short term, equipment and related staff will not be withdrawn from your steel rolling mill."

"That victory, as for the second item you mentioned, in fact, as the real leader of the current materials laboratory, you have complete autonomy over how to arrange their next work."

"I said so, you should understand what I mean?"

After listening to Dean Qian's words, Lin Shengli nodded, indicating that he understood what Dean Qian meant.

Seeing that Lin Shengli understood what he meant, Dean Qian continued: "Shengli, since you took the initiative to establish another photovoltaic project team today, if it is convenient, can you tell me about your photovoltaic project?" Team, what’s next?”

"After all, our solar power generation device has been successfully built. Why do you want to build a separate photovoltaic project team?"

Hearing this, Lin Shengli immediately said: "Dean Qian, let's see what you said, is there anything inconvenient about this?"

"Although you said that the materials laboratory is currently under my management, am I not also under your management?"

"I'm here just to tell you my thoughts in detail."

"After all, I still count on you to give me some opinions. After this, I will also need your strong support."

After Lin Shengli finished speaking, Dean Qian smiled and said, "Okay, then Comrade Shengli, you can tell me."

Seeing this, Lin Shengli continued: "Dean Qian, I think you also know that all over the world, the way everyone obtains electricity is to use thermal power generation by burning coal."

"Although the cost of using thermal power to generate electricity is relatively low, it has a big flaw, which is that it pollutes the environment greatly."

"I don't know if you have heard that Western developed countries such as Eagle Sauce and John Bull are already looking for new energy sources other than thermal power."

"Dean Qian, we can recall that developed countries represented by Yingjiang, especially countries with particularly developed industries, are now facing a very serious problem, which is environmental pollution."

"Let's take John Bull for example. Since the Industrial Revolution, although their productivity has been greatly improved, problems have also followed one after another."

"As they use a large amount of fossil energy, the pollution of the atmosphere becomes more and more serious."

"This puts the health of their people in the country at great risk, especially among their people, the number of patients suffering from lung diseases is increasing day by day."

"Even their capital, London, has turned into a smog city due to unrestricted emissions."

"They will have to spend more money to deal with a series of problems caused by environmental pollution."

"Now, let's talk about our motherland. Our country is now at a stage where everything is waiting to be revitalized and we are vigorously developing all walks of life."

"Especially the development of industry. After all, the level of industrial development of a country represents the basis of its rapid rise."

"The development of industry will inevitably consume more energy."

"However, with the lessons learned from other countries here, do we still insist on going our own way? We must go through the same path that they first pollute, then spend a huge price, and then control the pollution."

Lin Shengli's idea was not just a temporary idea, but he was considering this issue when he came up with this solar power generation technology.

As a time traveler, Lin Shengli is deeply aware of and has witnessed the increasingly serious environmental problems of later generations.Think about the smog that shrouds most of the country, and in order to control this smog, there are car number restrictions, bans on burning wheat straw, bans on the use of firewood stoves in rural areas, and even my rabbit’s customs that have lasted for thousands of years, during the Spring Festival Setting off fireworks and firecrackers is prohibited...

One after another, these are all debts repaid for not paying attention to environmental protection in the first place!
Now, since he has this solar power generation technology in his hands at least decades in advance, he can start the utilization and development of new energy at this time and popularize this solar power generation.

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, as a powerful person in the scientific community, how could Dean Qian not understand what Lin Shengli wanted to express.

These guys actually know all about the environmental problems faced by industrialized countries.

But knowing that we know, what can we do?
The country cannot develop just because of environmental issues!
Therefore, even if we know that the development of industry will bring about various problems, in the end, for the development of the country, the environment still gives way to development.

"Shengli, I understand what you are saying, but as the developer of this solar power generation system, you know its cost best."

"Speaking of this thing, it is indeed a good thing, but you also know the situation in our country. It is okay to use a little of it for satellites or scientific research projects. If there is more, we cannot afford it at all with our current situation. .”

"So, it is unrealistic to use this to replace the current thermal power generation!"

Dean Qian quite appreciated and supported Lin Shengli's idea, but the reality was that he could not support Lin Shengli to do so.

After listening to Dean Qian's words, Lin Shengli was not in a hurry to argue with Dean Qian. Instead, he continued to tell Dean Qian his subsequent thoughts in a leisurely manner.

"Dean Qian, the cost of the solar power generation device we have developed is indeed a bit high."

"But it is precisely because of this that I came up with the idea of ​​setting up a photovoltaic project."

"According to the corresponding data calculation, the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the monocrystalline silicon solar panel we have developed now is 23%, which is almost close to the limit."

"So, the task of our photovoltaic project team is to find ways to continuously improve the process, perfect the corresponding technology, and then reduce the cost of solar panels."

"In this way, we can also lay a solid foundation for us to promote photovoltaic power generation in the future."

"And to be honest, our photovoltaic power generation cannot completely replace the energy supply of thermal power generation, but can serve as a member of the power supply to achieve a diversified energy supply model."

"After all, we are now really promoting photovoltaic power generation across the country. This condition is neither met nor realistic."

"Although it is relatively easy to solve technically, photovoltaic power generation has strict requirements on the care conditions of the installation area."

"However, if solar power generation, as a new type of clean energy, is promoted in suitable places, the local burden on thermal power generation will be reduced accordingly."

"In this way, corresponding emissions can be reduced, and the damage to the local environment will be reduced accordingly."

"Moreover, the methods used in different geological and landform environments will not be the same."

"I think that as our country's national strength continues to increase and science and technology continue to develop and improve, more and more clean energy will definitely be developed."

"Just like the new clean energy sources internationally, some people have proposed wind energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy, etc."

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, Dean Qian nodded in agreement.

After all, some of the international trends, especially some trends in scientific research, as the top leaders in my country's scientific community, the President of the Academy of Sciences, and Dean Qian are somewhat familiar with these things.

"With such a victory, I am definitely willing to fully support you in establishing this photovoltaic project team."

"However, I'm afraid this matter requires a nod from the higher-ups. After all, this scientific research funding needs to be allocated from the higher-ups."

"We can't study this project and let your steel rolling mill pay for it out of your own pocket."

"In this case, you go back and write a formal report, I will submit it, and we will see what the opinions are on it first."

Lin Shengli had already anticipated the current situation, so Lin Shengli handed over the project plan he had prepared long ago to Dean Qian.

After dean Qian took it and looked through it roughly, he knew that Lin Shengli had really worked hard on this matter!
Especially the most eye-catching sentence written in the first sentence of this project plan, "Lucid waters and lush mountains are mountains of gold and silver!" This sentence deeply shocked Dean Qian.

After all, in this era where the environment makes way for development, this sentence can be described as a unique and far-sighted statement!
After handing over the plan to Dean Keqian, Lin Shengli returned to the steel rolling mill and continued to work on the satellite project. (End of chapter)

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