Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent.

Chapter 403: A suicide note prepared in advance

After hearing what Lin Shengli said, Dean Tang's expression became serious.

"Comrade Shengli, it has been decided that you will take the lead in the project of the Special Aeronautical Research Laboratory, and you will be the full head of this laboratory."

"In terms of personnel, considering that at this stage, our country is not particularly rich in aviation talents, most of these talents are concentrated in several major aircraft manufacturers led by Shenyang Aircraft Manufacturing Company."

"What this means is that if you want to transfer personnel, those factories with projects, especially Shenyang Fei, which have many projects, are relatively short of manpower. It is best not to transfer from those places. .”

"As for what you said, mainly to transfer scientific research and management personnel from Chengdu to work in the workshop. You need to go and check this yourself. The principle is still the same. You should not transfer comrades who are involved in projects. ”

"However, in order to make up for the shortage of personnel, this allows you to select talents from major relevant scientific research institutes and schools across the country."

"As long as it's someone you like, you can transfer it directly after identity verification."

Seeing that the above decision was made, Lin Shengli nodded.

In fact, it is very good to have the current result. After all, as Dean Tang said, aviation talents in our country are still very scarce at this stage.

Most of these comrades who have both skills and experience are now concentrated at Shenfei to study and improve the J-6, J-7, and develop the J-8.

As for the remaining factories, they don't have too many talents originally, and they also have their own scientific research tasks.

This can't be done by transferring other people's talents in order to establish their special aviation research laboratory. In that case, they will not be able to complete their own projects.

Moreover, after the establishment of this special aviation research laboratory, although it is intended to develop third-generation aircraft, it will more or less compete with other institutions.

At present, it seems that in addition to some scientific research and management personnel who can be transferred from Chengdu Aircraft to work in the workshop, their special aviation research laboratory personnel can only be found from scientific research institutes and schools.

Those scientific research institutes are probably similar to a few aircraft manufacturers, and they may not necessarily be able to recruit a few people.

In that case, the remaining people will have to choose from various universities.

However, it would be pretty good if I could go to various universities to select talents.

Although the college entrance examination was canceled last year due to the strong wind period, except for those who are newly admitted through recommendation, the current college students are still very good.

After all, in this era, those who can get into college are all qualified talents.

After these people go to college, they especially cherish the opportunity to study in college. Under normal circumstances, they have a very good foundation.

Lin Shengli believes that there is no problem in selecting some talents with real talents from so many universities across the country.

"Dean Tang, regarding this personnel matter, I have carried out the selection according to the requirements above, but where is the equipment?"

"Comrade Shengli, as for the equipment, because no one except you understands the situation of third-generation aircraft, so we don't know what specific equipment and facilities are needed.

"However, the higher-ups have made it clear that as long as it is needed for the development of third-generation aircraft, the higher-ups will definitely try their best to solve it."

"What the above means is that you should think about it carefully during this period. It is best to make a list of the equipment you need. In this case, the superiors will know what to buy or what to allocate."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli nodded and said, "Okay, Dean Tang, I will study it carefully. After I get the list of required equipment, I will send it to you for you to forward."

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, Dean Tang also nodded, and then said to Lin Shengli seriously:
"Comrade Shengli, the plan you made this time, to be honest, all the comrades who supported you, including those above, took great risks. I hope you will not let down everyone's expectations and trust in you."

Regarding this point, Lin Shengli also solemnly stated: "Thanks to my superiors and all comrades for their trust. You can rest assured that I will complete the preparations for the special aviation research laboratory as soon as possible and start the research and development of third-generation aircraft as soon as possible."

"Strive to have our own third-generation aircraft soar in the sky of the motherland as soon as possible."

"We will never let down the expectations of our motherland and people!"

Hearing what Lin Shengli said, Dean Tang nodded happily: "Comrade Shengli, all our comrades have always been full of expectations and trust for you, and we also believe that you can complete this task well."

"In the early stage, you should take the time to figure out where you need any equipment and instruments. After quickly reporting them, you can quickly select the manpower."

Dean Tang left with the jar of tea he took from Lin Shengli. Lin Shengli also packed up and returned to the courtyard.

A few days later, the official document was handed over to Lin Shengli.

Now, Lin Shengli had no time to spare.

The most important thing at the moment is to list the research equipment of their special aviation research laboratory and the equipment of the supporting production plant, so that what should be built can be made and what should be bought can be purchased.

Even if it is impossible to buy or build it in the end, at that time, whether Lin Shengli can start to transform it or make one, that will all happen later.

Lin Shengli is not worried about the electronic equipment involved in the third-generation aircraft, or even some fuselage materials.

After all, Lin Shengli's information from the lottery included all of these things.

Once the detailed technical information is available, Lin Shengli can just copy it out and hand it over to the corresponding partner unit.

Lin Shengli believes that in this era, those great masters who can create real objects without reference objects will definitely not have a problem with the detailed information provided by Lin Shengli. It will only take a matter of time at most. .

At present, what Lin Shengli is most worried about is the wind tunnel used for experiments.

Although the design parameters presented by Lin Shengli are data obtained through countless experiments and hard work of later generations.

However, people in this era don't know. Lin Shengli can't come up with a parameter and force the comrades below to just follow this without doing experiments.

Although there will be no problems in this way, it is not in line with scientific laws, and it will not play a good role in cultivating talents in our aviation industry.

After all, there is only one cheat like Lin Shengli, so you can't rely on Lin Shengli to cheat everything.

Therefore, Lin Shengli can only point out the direction for everyone on some key points so that everyone does not take detours. As for normal scientific research work, we still need to let our scientific researchers use their subjective initiative as much as possible and be active. to participate in research work.This wind tunnel used for experiments is a device that uses artificial methods to create and control airflow. It is used to simulate the flow of gas around fighter jets, measure the effect of airflow on entities, and observe various physical phenomena. It is one of the most commonly used and effective tools for conducting aerodynamic experiments.

Although the third-generation aircraft that Lin Shengli is planning to build this time is designed based on the data provided by the system and selecting the best from the best.

Ordinarily, there should be no problem.

However, regarding this design plan, as I said before, although Lin Shengli is very confident, it is up to you to let other comrades see and think about it.

In addition to allowing more scientific researchers to participate in the development of aircraft so that our own aviation talents can grow up as quickly as possible, it is also for the sake of greater stability.

Lin Shengli felt that he still had to go through wind tunnel experiments before he could be completely assured of the aerodynamic shape of the third-generation aircraft he designed.

According to scientific rules, no matter what type of aircraft it is, it needs to be verified by wind tunnel experiments and its aerodynamic performance is verified before it can proceed to the next stage of research and development.

After all, wind tunnel experiments are conducted on the ground, which is much less dangerous.

If the aircraft is allowed to test whether its aerodynamic mechanism is reasonable during actual flight, except for inhumane chickens who will force people to do such dangerous things, it is estimated that any scientific research team with some conscience and humanity will , would not choose to do this.

After all, even if it is a test, the aircraft will not fly at a low altitude. If something unexpected happens at such a high place, it will be a disaster.

But at present, the difficulty lies in how to build this wind tunnel for experimental testing.

The core of the wind tunnel laboratory, as the name suggests, is the wind tunnel.

This wind tunnel can be divided into low-speed wind tunnel, high-speed wind tunnel and hypersonic wind tunnel according to the different air flow speeds in the test section.

You must know that the third-generation aircraft to be built this time needs to cruise at supersonic speeds under normal circumstances. Therefore, aerodynamic inspection of the fighter aircraft at supersonic speeds must be carried out.

Therefore, the wind tunnel laboratory to be built must be turned into a supersonic wind tunnel.

If you look at it literally, it seems that building a wind tunnel is not difficult.

This is not wrong, but this is only for ordinary "wind tunnels".

In this kind of "wind tunnel", the speed of wind blowing out usually does not exceed the speed of sound, or at most is slightly higher than the speed of sound, so it is not difficult to build.

To put it simply, it only requires a high-power fan, and when needed, you can also install some additional jet pipes to increase the wind speed.

However, this kind of conventional ordinary wind tunnel is far from enough for third-generation aircraft, which can easily exceed two or three times the speed of sound. This conventional ordinary wind tunnel cannot satisfy the requirements of third-generation aircraft for wind tunnel experiments. requirements.

Since the fan itself can only provide a normal speed, its compression effect on the air will gradually reach a limit. In other words, the amount of air the fan can blow out is limited. If a higher-standard "wind tunnel experiment" is to be performed, It is difficult to meet the test needs with just one fan or jet pipe.

According to relevant records and experience, the mode of ordinary wind tunnels must be changed from fan blowing to air compression.

Equipped with necessary large air compressors, pressure tanks, high-tolerance spray pipes and other facilities.

The best hypersonic wind tunnels in later generations will also need to convert the environment around the model into a vacuum state.

The purpose is to increase the pressure difference between the stored compressed air and the outside world, thereby further increasing the air flow capacity and achieving higher wind speeds.

But Lin Shengli doesn't dare to think about this vacuum state now. This is simply not something that can be created now.

If this can satisfy the previous requirements, he is already thankful.

Of course, Lin Shengli wants to build this wind tunnel laboratory for the future development of our aviation industry.

You must know that at this time, there are only eight wind tunnels in our country. Under the difficult conditions of insufficient experience, insufficient manpower, insufficient information, and limited financial resources, they were led by a professor from the Harbin Military Industry from 53 to 65. , it was gradually built after 12 years of hard work.

The completion of these wind tunnels has enabled us to have a group of wind tunnels covering the entire speed range from low speed, transonic speed to supersonic speed, taking into account both teaching and scientific research.

However, most of these wind tunnels are ordinary low-speed wind tunnels. Due to technical and environmental limitations, the models of aircraft used in experiments in these wind tunnels cannot achieve a one-to-one ratio.

This causes a lot of experimental data to have great deviations.

However, these seemingly simple and ordinary wind tunnels have made great contributions to our country's aerospace industry.

But these wind tunnels are definitely not suitable for conducting wind tunnel experiments on third-generation aircraft.

Just these few wind tunnels cannot even meet the needs of domestic aerospace wind tunnel experiments, let alone be used for third-generation aircraft.

Let's take Shen Fei as an example. Although Lin Shengli had never seen how Shen Fei conducted aerodynamic experiments on the entire aircraft.

But based on the information that has been declassified by later generations, Lin Shengli can guess almost exactly.

In order to obtain more accurate and complete experimental data of the whole machine, it can be said that we paid for it with the lives of our scientific researchers.

Lin Shengli still remembered the time in his previous life when he saw a documentary about the development of our Mr. Liu Liu. It said that Mr. Liu had installed a smoke-generating device on his prototype in order to conduct aerodynamic experiments.

When Liuye was flying in the high altitude, after the smoke-generating device was activated, the scientific researchers on board the two-seat fighter plane accompanying him observed the smoke at close range to record the aerodynamic data of the fighter plane.

It can really be said that our comrade pilots and scientific researchers really put their heads on their belts and danced on the tip of the knife.

If this was a little careless, it might lead to a fatal accident.

And I'm afraid no one would have thought that in that era, scientific researchers would have a suicide note prepared in advance in their lockers, in addition to some personal items and information!
Now, taking advantage of this opportunity to establish a special laboratory, Lin Shengli wants to build a large-scale, advanced wind tunnel laboratory.

In this way, it will not only make up for the gap in large-scale aerodynamic experiments in our country, but also facilitate our comrades in the future to complete aerodynamic experiments on the entire fighter aircraft on the ground.

There is no need for our pilots and scientific research comrades to risk their lives to conduct this experiment in the sky. (End of chapter)

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