Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent.

Chapter 405 Who knows whether something will happen in advance

In fact, if there is no foreign exchange, this is not impossible.

However, if you want to conduct international trade, just use the simplest gold or some precious metals to barter.

But no one is rich in precious metals such as gold and silver.

What we mine ourselves is not enough to consume in our country’s manufacturing industry, so how can there be any excess for foreign trade transactions?

Therefore, everyone can only risk their lives to earn foreign exchange.

So much so that in the 80s, our country even coined a word - earning foreign exchange!
At that time, both domestic enterprises and foreign trading units were assigned the task of earning foreign exchange.

In short, at that time, no matter what you were doing, as long as you could get foreign exchange, you were the talent the country needed.

Even though it is only six or seven years ago, the demand for foreign exchange is not huge at all.

In such a general environment, it is inevitable that the Jingqi Project, which has already achieved initial results, will enter the top line of sight, and this is what Lin Shengli hopes to see.

In fact, it was not too difficult to develop this banner project in the early stages.

Just relying on the project department established by Lin Shengli, Yu Quanzhi, Fang Liqing and others, these [-] people can make it run smoothly and make a lot of profits.

However, the further this develops, the harder it will be for their flag project to be implemented.

The reason is simple. In the early days, their banner project only made money by selling products. These were very normal business practices.

As long as the relationship between United Laboratories and the mainland is not exposed, it will not cause too much restrictions and suppression from other forces.

With the continuous development of the Jingqi project and the continuous growth of United Laboratories, it will cover more and more fields.

And in this case, it is easy to touch the interests of those Western countries.

If United Laboratories was really just a commercial private company, it would not be able to cope with such a situation.

And by that time, the connections behind United Laboratories will probably have been exposed.

At this time, the power of the country is needed to support.

If you adopt various policy restrictions on me, we will immediately take countermeasures for you.

And if you dare to do something evil, the security company formed by our veterans will tell you what the power of the Iron Fist is.

Once the flag project reaches a later stage, for example, it will be involved in collecting the bodies of bears after they fall.

At this time, national-level intelligence support is needed.

If you want to get a share of this great opportunity of the century, a company, or rather an individual, without the backing of the country, is not even qualified to participate.

And now the development of the flag project is moving forward step by step according to Lin Shengli's vision.

Lin Shengli is very satisfied with this.

However, Lin Shengli is also a little worried now, because once the higher authorities intervene in the flag project, will the agreement reached by United Pharmaceuticals and the Ministry of Commerce become invalid?

You must know that according to their previous discussion with the Ministry of Commerce, 70.00% of the profits from the flag project will be turned over to the state, and the rest will be used for development.

However, now that the military, Ministry of Health and other departments have joined in, the Ministry of Commerce has obviously lost control of the entire project. It is still unknown whether the higher authorities will care about the tacit understanding between them.

Because from the current point of view, there won't be any big changes in the past few years.

But in a few years, according to the normal historical trend, Wotu and Yingjiang will usher in a period of normal diplomatic relations.

Since that time, except for some high-tech weapons, the embargo and blockade imposed by Western countries on us has been weakened a lot, and we have also had the opportunity to contact and even purchase advanced Western technology and equipment.

For example, the famous "Four Three Plan" originally planned to introduce complete sets of equipment worth 3 billion US dollars from Western countries within 5 to 43 years. Later, based on this plan, a number of additional projects were added, with a total planned total of 51.4 billion. Dollar.

In short, while the West no longer blocked us in those years, we have been buying from other countries!
And these technologies and equipment are not just fine after you buy them back, let alone just sit there and watch. Instead, these technologies and equipment must be utilized to serve the development of our country.

So, while we were buying and buying, we also began to invest and build factories on a large scale across the country, and ordered various scientific research institutes to conduct various studies on the purchased Western technology and equipment.

As a result, more and more domestic funds are invested in this area, and the fiscal deficit becomes more serious.

Later, the higher authorities realized the seriousness of this matter, and hoped to respond to the economic crisis that may arise at any time by adjusting national strategies.

Therefore, in the follow-up period, a new plan was introduced to reduce the infrastructure investment within the national budget to 75 billion yuan starting in 396, and then to 76 billion yuan in 360. In 77, it dropped to 240 billion yuan.

The number of large and medium-sized projects under construction will be reduced from 1700 to less than 1000.

To put it bluntly, we need to reduce investment and reduce expenditures to avoid building up debt.

However, the final implementation results were somewhat unacceptable.

Nearly three years after the new plan was implemented, the results have not been reduced, and the funds invested have actually increased significantly.

This makes our fiscal deficit even more serious!In desperation, the higher authorities later issued the "Request for Instructions on Resolutely Compressing and Strictly Controlling the Purchasing Power of Social Groups", proposing to control social purchasing power within 77 billion to 100 billion yuan in 110.

There is no other way. If we cannot stop spending, we will only be able to curb national consumption.

If we don't do this, there won't be that many products for the people to consume in the country, and the result will definitely be serious inflation!

But when that time comes, Lin Shengli is really worried that his superiors will use the money from the banner project to fill the hole.

Although it will be at least five or six years before it starts from that time.

But as the saying goes, if you don’t have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries!

Moreover, is the history of this time and space still the same as in the previous life, with everything moving forward step by step, or is it possible that certain things will just happen in advance?

Lin Shengli's current situation is no longer rare.

Therefore, in order to avoid the sudden advance of those events, which will affect the development of the Jingqi project, and prevent United Laboratories from being drained before it has grown much.

The only way is to invest more and make more money.

Therefore, Lin Shengli asked Yu Quanzhi to tell Fang Liqing that he would start planning in the Middle East now.

As long as the Jingqi project can acquire a few oil fields in the Middle East, even if those events are brought forward, the profits earned from these oil fields alone will be enough to fill our holes.

What's more, in addition to this method, Lin Shengli will continue to throw out new drugs with high value.

In addition, there are those technologies such as future eagle sauce, John Bull, Gallic chicken, and foot pot chicken that the country is working on but has not yet developed.

Lin Shengli was planning to do it in advance and go in reverse direction to make another wave of their money.

In short, gathering wool makes me happy, and I will be even happier when gathering wool from eagle sauce and foot pot chicken!

As for these things, Lin Shengli has already made corresponding plans in his mind. After he finishes the preparations for this special aviation laboratory, he will carefully consider how to implement them in the future.

Then, Lin Shengli went to the drug research and development laboratory. After a meeting, he pointed out a research direction to everyone, and then went to work on other things.

After all, the aviation laboratory's talent selection was about to take place. Lin Shengli briefly thought about what kind of talents his laboratory needed, and how he would conduct the selection.

Soon, the day came when it was time to select someone.

Dean Tang also took time out to accompany Lin Shengli for this talent selection.

After arriving at the square of the designated venue, Lin Shengli and Dean Tang got out of the car and walked towards the back of the venue under the escort of security personnel.

Along the way, I saw many students who looked like students, all rushing towards the venue.

From time to time, conversations in twos and threes reached the ears of Lin Shengli and Dean Tang.

"Do you know what's going on today?"

"I just saw that one of my childhood friends is here. I asked him and he said that he was also notified by the school to come to the Cultural Palace today."

"Isn't that normal?"

"I have heard that many students in our school have received this notice."

"Even those seniors who are already interning outside and have been assigned to a work unit. They just need to go through the formalities after the internship period to officially start the first half of the year. Some of them were notified to come here today."

"I've heard what you said, but my childhood friend is not from our school, but from the [-]th City Aviation Academy."

At this time, a classmate walking behind saw the two people in front talking about this and joined them.

"I've also discovered what you're talking about. I just met several people from Forty-Nine City University."

"Good guy, what is going on today? With so many people from the school together, are they planning to make some big move?"

"Ah! No, don't do anything messy like our school's student union. If that's the case, I'd better turn around and go back."

"Yeah, yeah, if that's the case, let's not get involved. I just want to study hard and be assigned to a good unit..."

"What are you thinking about? Didn't you see that there are soldiers with loaded weapons maintaining order around this venue and at the entrance and exit?"

"Besides, it's the school that informed us this time."

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore. I have to take a few steps quickly. With so many people coming today, I'm afraid I'll be late and there won't even be a place to sit."

When the other two people heard it, it seemed like that was what happened.

As a result, the three of them quickened their pace and walked towards the auditorium of the Palace of Culture. (End of chapter)

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