Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 465 If you want to do it, be the top one

Moreover, it seems that this is a power equipment manufacturing plant that can produce large-scale power generation equipment, but it is the only one in the country. The starting level is probably not low. Although it belongs to their steel rolling mill now, in the future, it may have to become independent. .

And maybe, the level of this power equipment manufacturing plant must be the same as that of a steel rolling mill, or it may even be higher than a steel rolling mill.

"Director Shengli, this power plant can be said to be okay. It basically only supplies power to our main factory, the fourth branch, and the fifth branch. Even if there is a sixth branch that will be established in the future, the highest level is probably at the county level. "

"But this power equipment manufacturing plant started too high. Why can't its starting level be the same as before our steel rolling mill was upgraded?"

"And once this power equipment manufacturing plant is officially put into operation, considering its importance and technical content, an upgrade is inevitable."

"When the time comes, their levels will be the same as our steel rolling mill. How are we going to manage them?"

"Will they develop independently in the future and go out independently?"

Regarding this matter, Lin Shengli had already made plans, so Lin Shengli smiled and said: "Lao Li, don't worry about this. You know, this technology research and development capability is unique to us. Without us, who do you think You can still play around.”

"And at the beginning, the level of this power equipment manufacturing plant will not be set too high. My opinion is that it should be set according to the level of an ordinary branch factory."

"One more thing, although our superiors have approved our plan to build a factory, it will still take a long time to build it and officially put it into production."

"So at least for a period of time, even if this power equipment manufacturing plant is put into production, if you want to make achievements and be upgraded, you won't have to wait for three, five or seven years, so don't even think about it."

"Furthermore, if our steel rolling mill continues to develop at its current momentum, it will definitely be inevitable to upgrade it again in the future."

"If we want long-term and stable development in the future, I plan to reorganize our steel rolling mill and establish an industrial group."

"In the future, including the main steel rolling mill, plus 1 to 6, or more branch plants, they will all be under the name of this industrial group..."

"So, the burden on you two is not light, especially you, Lao Li, as a big housekeeper, you have to manage the steel rolling mill, and also worry about the construction of the power plant, plus the construction of the new power equipment manufacturing plant. I really Worrying will tire out the great butler like you."

After listening to Lin Shengli's plan, Deputy Director Li and Deputy Director Yuan were really shocked.

Originally, the two of them were now considered to be in high positions of authority.

As the deputy director of the Steel Rolling Mill Workers' Qualification Committee, he is already level 11.

If it weren't for the fact that the current period was not suitable for his and Deputy Director Yuan's levels, Lin Shengli would have already found a way to upgrade them to the same level 10 as Lin Shengli.

In fact, as far as the current situation and status and rights are concerned, these two people are already very satisfied.

Later, Lin Shengli promised that if there was a chance in the future, the two of them would definitely be on the same level as Lin Shengli.

Because according to Lin Shengli's idea, when the secretary and factory director system is restored in the future.

Let Deputy Director Li be the factory director and Deputy Director Yuan be the first deputy secretary of the factory. In this case, the level of these two people will be the same as that of his secretary.

As for further advancement, the two deputy directors, Li and Yuan, didn't think about it at all.

But now, with Lin Shengli's future plan, the two of them seem to have greater expectations.

"Don't worry, Director Shengli. I, Old Li, have a strong body. Just feel free to leave these matters to me."

"Yes, Shengli. Lao Li and I will definitely cooperate with you. Just give the order, and Lao Li and I promise to fight wherever you direct."

Lin Shengli smiled and said: "Looking at what you two said, we have been working as a team for such a long time. Is there anything else I am worried about? I just hope you two will pay more attention to your health."

"You have to do this work, and you have to protect your body. Don't wait until our industrial group is formed. If you two great heroes fall down, it will not be beautiful."

"That's not possible. Ever since Shi Yike's incident happened last time, Lao Yuan and I have sorted out the entire factory several times. All those who were idle and idle were cleared out."

"The rest are comrades who are willing and capable of doing things."

"Moreover, Lao Yuan and I have also actively cultivated middle-level management cadres. According to the set of management methods you gave us at the beginning, we have implemented a department responsible person responsibility system, which has also achieved remarkable results."

"So, no matter how many things happen, as long as we grasp the general direction, most of the rest will be left to the specific departments below to execute."

Lin Shengli nodded. It seemed that Deputy Director Li had really fully implemented his thoughts and intentions.

When sorting out the mess left by Shi Yike, Lin Shengli took strong medicine and directly brought out the mature management experience and processes of later generations.

When Lin Shengli came up with this system and process, to be honest, he was still a little unsure. After all, some things seemed too advanced.

Although if these systems are implemented, they will definitely be beneficial to the management of factories and enterprises, but they will also dilute the authority of upper-level managers accordingly.

Lin Shengli was also worried that Deputy Director Li would be opposed.

But who would have thought that Lao Li seemed to be very receptive to new things, and he implemented the new management method Lin Shengli implemented to the letter.

This is why Lin Shengli later handed over the actual management authority of the steel rolling mill to Deputy Director Li.

Afterwards, several people discussed the idea of ​​establishing an industrial group in the future.

Among them, Deputy Director Li gave very sincere opinions.

"Director Shengli, this idea of ​​establishing an industrial group is very good, and it is also very suitable for our future development model of Red Star Industrial Group."

"But you also know what time it is now, so only you, me and Lao Yuan can know about this matter."

"We can now lay the groundwork for future plans, using the ant moving model to implement our plans step by step and subtly."

"But we must not do it with a big fanfare or create extraneous problems."

"Although our steel rolling mill seems to be an independent enterprise now, our people are not independent."

"Once your idea is known to some thoughtful people, although they may not be able to do anything to you in the end, they can find ways to hinder us and other people in our steel rolling mill."

"So, even if we want to develop, we must first preserve ourselves."

"I remember Director Shengli, you said that the cold winter will eventually pass, and one day spring will bloom."

"Director Shengli, you are still so young, so you must be able to afford the wait." "And Lao Yuan and I are only in our early 40s, and we are not even in our s. Even if we have to wait another ten or eight years, we can both afford to wait."

"When the time comes for policy support, Lao Yuan and I promise to be the first to reorganize our industrial group and lead the charge..."

"Yes, Shengli, I think Lao Li is right."

"Although the reorganization into an industrial group is indeed beneficial to the development of our steel rolling mill, the current environment is really not suitable for this." After Deputy Director Li finished speaking, Deputy Director Yuan also echoed.

Seeing these two caring about him so much, Lin Shengli also smiled and said:

"Don't worry, the industrial group thing is just an idea at the moment. Even if it is really going to be implemented, it will have to be done later."

"And just like Lao Li said, we have to wait for policy support before we take action..."

"At that time, we will be a serious state-owned enterprise, but even if we are a state-owned enterprise, we must be the top one!"

"So when the time comes, we need to work together to start a new journey for our Red Star Industrial Group!"

Lin Shengli's ambition also infected the two people present, so the six big hands held each other tightly, and everything was silent.

The construction of power plants and new power equipment manufacturing plants are in full swing.

Lin Shengli also took the time to inspect various downstream factories that produce supporting parts for the Jian Shiji, and checked the progress of the transformation.

After looking around, the overall progress is pretty good. It seems that the standardization transformation of all supporting factories will be completed before the end of this year.

By the end of the year, the prototype of the Jian Shiji will be built using standardized parts provided by various factories.

After Lin Shengli came back from his inspection tour below, Yu Quanzhi came looking for him.

Upon meeting, Yu Quanzhi joked again: "Oh, this missing person finally appeared again!"

In response to Yu Quanzhi's joke, Lin Shengli rolled his eyes and said, "If you have something to say, go back to your project department."

Yu Quanzhi curled his lips and stopped teasing Lin Shengli, but continued: "I'm here to tell you good news."

"I should have told you a long time ago, but you disappeared some time ago, so I had to wait until today."

"What's the good news?" Lin Shengli asked slowly as he took a sip of tea.

"Some time ago, United Laboratories divided into several batches and through special channels, got back the US$5.11 million in profits that were turned over to the state treasury. The management is very satisfied with this."

Lin Shengli nodded: "This is indeed good news. After seeing real money from above, there will be a lot less worries about that side."

"Well, you're right. No, just before I came to see you today, Director Yao just made a call and said that the superiors have assigned us more than a hundred capable comrades who can speak Cantonese and will be sent to us. Come from the project department and let us arrange these people," Yu Quanzhi said.

"I know about this, just follow the arrangements."

"After these people arrived, they were immediately trained according to the lifestyle and behavior of Hong Kong Island and the West. Before sending them out, they must erase their domestic living habits." Lin Shengli said.

"Okay, I will arrange it." Yu Quanzhi replied.

"In addition, from now on, we must prepare appropriate identities for these people. Whether they are those who fled to Hong Kong Island a long time ago, or are natives of Hong Kong Island, or are Chinese from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc., they must be able to withstand investigation." Lin Shengli warned.

"Understood. We have dedicated personnel to do this to ensure it can withstand investigation."

Lin Shengli nodded, and then continued: "Oh, by the way, Director Yao, have you told me? Regarding the security force part of our project, the higher-ups have agreed to find a new training base."

"After all, in addition to being somewhat inaccessible in this area of ​​the power plant, if there are too many people, the concealment and confidentiality will still be poor."

"It's okay to train management and accounting and other auxiliary personnel here. If we train security forces in large quantities, it will inevitably not be discovered by interested parties."

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, Yu Quanzhi responded: "Director Yao told me about this. He said that a new base for training the security forces of our Banner Project has been selected. It will be about 30 kilometers north of our project department. In the mountains kilometers away.”

"It is said that that place was the headquarters of a certain military regiment. I have sent people there to look at the infrastructure transformation."

"That's good." Lin Shengli said.

Speaking of this, Yu Quanzhi looked at Lin Shengli, and then asked: "That Shengli, Director Yao and the others asked me to ask, they said you built this large generating set, which is said to be the most technologically advanced in the world."

"Since then, it has been put into large-scale production. On the basis of ensuring our domestic supply, can it also be sold externally as a product of our banner project?"

"Of course, our project department will not ask for it in vain this time. It is a formal purchase of real money."

"The other thing is that Director Yao and the others want to know whether it will have any impact on our technology if we export it."

"For example, what if someone else gets our product and continues to imitate it?"

Regarding this question, Lin Shengli touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "Well, in the short term, I guess don't think about it."

"It's not like you don't understand the power shortage in our country. Even if our new factory is officially put into operation, the supply will exceed demand."

"However, this can be used as a backup product for future exports to earn foreign exchange."

"As for your worries about being copied, haha, this technology will continue to develop."

"Now we are copying them this time. It seems easy to copy them, but that's us."

"It's not that I look down on them. After the equipment technology is upgraded in the future, even if we don't need patent restrictions, we will let them imitate it. It won't take three to five years. It will be impossible for them to completely imitate it."

"And in three to five years, we don't know which generation we will upgrade to. So, once our products are launched for export, those people will have no choice but to follow behind and eat ashes."

Yu Quanzhi nodded to express his understanding.

"Okay, I know how to reply to Director Yao and the others."

Then, after the two exchanged a few words, Yu Quanzhi went back to resume his duties. (End of chapter)

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