Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 104 The partition of Africa begins in the Congo

Chapter 104 The partition of Africa begins in the Congo

"It's over, it's over, we're all done"

Shepstone also had a look of helplessness on his face, and thought to himself: If I had known I would have returned to London earlier to meet those mocking glances, I would have been able to sit back and watch the jokes now, but I was reluctant to stay at the beginning. I wanted to take a closer look at Joe Boon's weaknesses, but I never thought that now he was humiliated for the second time. It seemed that he couldn't go back to London. The next stop was Wellington, which was a good place.

He thought of his good friend George Gray, who was the former Governor-General of South Africa. It was his recommendation in the House of Lords that enabled him to defeat Job.

Now that he is the Governor of New Zealand, he can go to Wellington.

At the same time, as the British army of 10 troops approached, everyone obviously felt the pressure.

Just as people from all over the world who are paying attention to the situation here have moved their stools and are ready to watch a show, watching the British and the Zulu Kingdom opening up for the agents, a reporter broke a piece of news that shocked all countries. Even the United Kingdom was shocked, and even the Palmerston cabinet held a special meeting for this purpose.

West Africa, Angola.

It is the most economically valuable and wealthy colony in the Kingdom of Portugal. Since 1475, in order to explore the sea route to India, the Portuguese Diogocon led a fleet of 7 ships, carrying hundreds of soldiers and a very small number of missionaries. , sailed along the west coast of Africa, and finally came to Luanda in Angola, discovered the coast of Angola and erected monuments at the mouth of the Congo River and St. Augustine to prove that this was a Portuguese colony.

In order to spread the news back, he couldn't wait to return to Portugal with a group of black slaves.

Eight years later, Diogo returned to Angola. The slaves he took away with him returned to Angola with him. At that time, Diogo came into contact with the Kingdom of Congo and won the friendship of the King of Congo. Therefore, the Kingdom of Congo The king also sent an envoy, who was permanently stationed in Lisbon.

In 1491, another Portuguese fleet came to Angola and penetrated into the capital of the Kingdom of Congo, more than 100 kilometers west of the Congo River. After that, the Kingdom of Congo allowed Portugal to establish an embassy and launched trade relations between the two countries. These indigenous people A profound friendship developed with Portugal.

In 1575, the Portuguese, who had figured out the details, began to occupy the south of Congo and established the city of Luanda. At the same time, they also conquered the indigenous tribes in time, causing white people to slowly immigrate to Angola.

In the next 50 years, the Portuguese began to expand their territory. In 1617, the Portuguese established the city of Benguela in Angola. Their power was very consolidated. From then on, the Portuguese's position in Angola was further confirmed, and people from various European countries also confirmed it. Portuguese occupation.

However, the rising Nordic maritime power, the Netherlands, also began to slowly move south to occupy some ports from 1640 to 1648. However, later, with the opportunity of successive maritime wars between the Netherlands and Britain, Portugal took the opportunity to regain it. .

The current governor of Angola is Salazar Kang, a descendant of Diogo Kang.

June 1862, 6.The entrance to the Congo River and the port of Banana outside the small town of Cabinda. .

"Boss, why did we come to Soyo this time? Is there any decision above?"

Mark Carter is now a Portuguese soldier in Angola, stationed in Soyo in the far north. Next to him is their captain Edward Abor, who is also the top military commander of Mbanza Congo City. In fact, he is It’s just a team of 500 people.

"It's okay to know, don't talk nonsense"

Ai Boer still has great trust in his cronies.

Of course, he is also more tolerant, which is why all his subordinates here respect him very much.

They are all willing to put their lives in his hands. After all, coming here means conflict with the indigenous people here at any time, and the maritime fleets of European countries will also stop here from time to time. If they encounter small countries, it is okay, but they are afraid of encountering them. As for France and Austria, as well as the Russian Empire, these people were used to being bullied by their tyranny, and every time they were saved by Abor's cleverness, without any disputes.You know, if someone gets killed after a dispute, will the Portuguese government help take revenge?

Just think about it and just go to bed, don't think too much.

"It is said that the domestic situation is relatively stable, but the Dutch have been stealing the show in Europe recently."

Mark Carter said jealously: "The Dutch caravans that have come here recently are more arrogant than the others. It is said that their King William IV had people line up to pick wives for him one by one. That was the case in all European countries. The princess is now being picked like cabbage by him. It’s so enviable.

And it is said that the islands captured by the Dutch in the Pacific are just like the ones they picked up. One boat can take care of dozens of islands. It is so cool.

First, if Portugal also lets go, it will definitely not be worse than them, or even do better.

When I think about how mean those people are, I feel so angry that I have nowhere to vent my anger.

If I were to see a Dutchman now, I would definitely pull him over and cut him into pieces to vent the hatred in my heart.


"Tou, why are you shushing?"

Mark Carter was about to ask him what the reason was, but a large ship appeared on the sea. To be precise, it was a military transport ship coming to the Banana Port two kilometers away, and then they saw a series of people on it. A lot of soldiers walked down, yes, a lot, densely packed, more soldiers than all the Portuguese soldiers in Mbanza Congo City combined, at least 1000 people,"

"No, there are at least 3000 people," Edward Able said solemnly.

"Ah, that's surprising, that's the Dutch flag."

Mark Carter was shocked and suddenly wanted to slap his own mouth. He had just finished scolding the Dutch, and now they appeared, and as soon as they arrived, there were more than a thousand people. This was the size of the army that directly crushed Carbin.

That was the regular Dutch army.

As the highest officer here, Edward Abor is well-informed. He has seen many soldiers from various countries, including countless armies traveling from north to south.

"Boss, what are they doing? They landed at the outlet of the Congo River in Banana. It is a small temporary port. And if they want to repair it, the Port of Luanda is a good port, and it is well-equipped. For them Said it was a better place, why would they land there?"

Edward Abel was also confused. It was definitely not the first time for the Dutch to come here. Judging from the actions of those people, they were obviously familiar with the terrain here and logged in. People here also knew that it was not far from the big port of Luanda. , but chose to log in there.

This revealed that he had a bad feeling. What was the problem?

TodayChapter 5

(End of this chapter)

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