Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1062 Kingdom of Siam: The Andaman Islands have never been British territory!

Chapter 1062 Kingdom of Siam: The Andaman Islands have never been British territory!

The arrival of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Siam in the Andaman Sea for joint exercises on January 1882, 1 made headlines in newspapers around the world the next day.

This directly led to many countries around the world turning their attention to the Three Kingdoms.

Many countries even look at the Kingdom of Siam with suspicion, and they dare to put themselves in the struggle between Britain and the Netherlands. Could it be that after more than ten years of help from the Netherlands, this country has entered the status of a middle-level country, and its heart has begun to wander, and it dares to compete with the British. The world's largest power launched a provocation.

Even many newspapers in the United States, Germany and South American countries were reporting on the "heroic deeds" of the Kingdom of Siam on a large scale at this time.

Obviously, the actions of the Kingdom of Siam have caused many anti-British writers to rush to report. The purpose is to make others feel happy when they cannot do it or dare not do it.

Therefore, I strongly affirm the approach of the Kingdom of Siam.

Well, the Kingdom of Siam suddenly became more famous around the world, and even its international status rose sharply.

So much so that King Chulalongkorn of Siam was extremely surprised and at the same time a little frightened.

To be honest, he just wanted to show loyalty to the Netherlands in exchange for some substantial returns from the Netherlands, such as investment and industrial technology to help the Kingdom of Siam develop and progress.

Another example is that those second-hand sail warships were sold to the Kingdom of Siam at a slight price reduction.

But he didn't expect that he would eventually become the darling of international newspapers and make the headlines of international newspapers. This was different from what he originally expected.

Britain, I think you should set your sights on your own country.

Will Britain give up?

A diplomatic car carrying the flag of the Kingdom of Siam leaves the British Foreign Office on Monday (January 1882, 1).

The British Foreign Office issued a diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Siam, requesting the Kingdom of Siam to explain that the Kingdom of Siam and the Netherlands assembled warships for drills near the Andaman Islands off the coast of Myanmar and almost collided with a small warship monitored by the British nearby.

The British Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defense held a joint press conference on Monday, demanding that the Kingdom of Siam cease "coercive, illegal and unacceptable military exercises on the east and west coasts of the Andaman Sea" along nearby land coasts.

British Foreign Secretary Granville said on the afternoon of January 1 that the British Foreign Office led by him summoned the head of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Siam in London, which has diplomatic relations, on the same day and sent him a note, which included condemning Siam’s actions that undermined the British Control and infringement undermine the security of British routes and affect British trade and transportation.

The senior British Foreign Secretary announced that he was currently waiting for a reply from the Kingdom of Siam.

From the beginning to the end, the United Kingdom did not mention the country of the Netherlands. Obviously, the United Kingdom did not know why, but it selectively forgot the country of the Netherlands.

However, before the British Foreign Office could wait for the answer, something happened again.

On January 1882, 1, on Little Andaman Island in the southern part of the Andaman Islands currently controlled by Britain, British patrol ships were escorting two supply ships to deliver food, water, fuel and other materials to the personnel stationed there.

The British Governor's Office in India subsequently received information that the joint fleets of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Siam, which were conducting joint military exercises there, actually dispatched warships to block British supply ships and fired threats at sea, resulting in British supply ships being unable to enter Little Andaman Island to unload. supplies, and conduct routine troop rotations and supply operations.The British Governor-General of India said this was a wanton disregard for the safety of British supply ships and personnel on Little Andaman Island by the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Siam. It also violated the practices of the International Court of Justice in The Hague to safeguard the maritime security of member states, and was also detrimental to Britain's global interests. A huge provocation, the British Governor-General of India requested London to respond quickly to prevent Britain's interests and dignity from being violated.

1882 1 Month 18 Day.

Less than a week later, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Siam to the United Kingdom was summoned again. This time it was a diplomatic note of serious protest. The last time it was an ordinary note, and now it is the kind of storm that is about to come.

Nissan, the Asian ambassador, felt extremely helpless. It was obviously the Netherlands that took the lead, so he should go to the Netherlands. Just because Britain and the Netherlands had severed diplomatic relations, the Kingdom of Siam became the spokesperson who was scolded, protested and looked down upon.

Nissan felt so aggrieved at this moment.

But he had already been notified by Bangkok, and he knew how to answer.

Therefore, the response received by the British Foreign Office from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Siam, Nisan, was that he did not know the specific situation and needed to understand before making a reply.

All shirks are delayed in response.

January 1882, 1, 20 days after the incident
The Coast Guard of the Kingdom of Siam said, “It is understandable that the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Siam threaten British supply ships by shelling the sea.

Because Little Andaman Island used to belong to the Kingdom of Siam. Historically, the Kingdom of Siam ruled there, but the British subsequently occupied it. The Kingdom of Siam has never recognized the Andaman Islands as Myanmar territory, let alone It is a legally occupied territory of the colonial British. After all, many countries only believe that the British occupy Myanmar temporarily, not permanently.We hope that Britain can return the entire Andaman Islands to the Kingdom of Siam as a symbol of friendship between the two countries. "

When the British learned about this statement, they immediately became angry.

The Kingdom of Siam was obviously provoking Britain, and directly used Burma to undermine British majesty.

Britain is untouchable. Is the Kingdom of Siam seeking death?

As a result, many people in Britain proposed to the British cabinet government to teach the Kingdom of Siam a lesson to restore Britain's dignity.

However, people in many countries have noticed that people in the UK have not mentioned dealing with the Netherlands. Obviously, the UK is still unwilling to touch the Netherlands.

However, the fact that Britain is unwilling does not mean that the Netherlands does not extend its face and wants Britain to take a look.

On January 1882, 1, Dutch Defense Minister Fox inspected Sabang Port, the westernmost port on Sumatra Island. There, he visited the Dutch navy stationed there, and also met with the Dutch and the Kingdom of Siam who returned to Banali. All officers and men on board the combined fleet.

To the north of Sabang is the Nicobar Islands. The Nicobar Islands guard the outlet of the Strait of Malacca, and the northern outlet is the Andaman Islands.

Because the Nicobar Islands were snatched from the British by the Netherlands in 1876, a small fleet is stationed on them. It can be said that the western outlet of the Malacca Strait is guarded, and the eastern outlet is jointly monitored by the Netherlands and Britain.

Therefore, Fox's choice of Sabang is obviously to encourage the Dutch and Siamese combined fleets, which are currently condemned by the British, and to announce to the outside world that the Netherlands will not be affected by the British attitude and stop patrolling the North Indian Ocean.

The Netherlands is going to have a head-to-head confrontation with Britain in the Far East this time. Can Britain withstand it?
(End of this chapter)

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