Chapter 1068 Target Mexico

“Building a regional framework that promotes cooperation rather than confrontation

This sentence is the key.

First of all, in the real world where big countries can choose the rules of the game arbitrarily, it is useless for small and medium-sized countries to just clamor to be based on rules and laws.

What can work is to unite and form a force, just like the current Group of Thirteen Latin American countries.

If the three countries had not formed such a structure and formed an international force, the situation today would definitely be different.

Look at the current Mexican War. Without the continuous support of the other twelve countries of the Latin American Thirteen-Nation Group, no one would think that Mexico City could not face the powerful country of Austria-Hungary and persist for more than half a year without losing anything. Less than one-fifth of the cases occurred nationwide, and they all occurred alone.

Second, this regional architecture must be designed to promote cooperation rather than confrontation.

The Thirteen-Nation Group of Latin America is purely an organization that promotes cooperation among its member states, and is fundamentally different in nature from military alliances such as the Anglo-German-Austrian Alliance.Britain, Germany and Austria were established to unite to exert hegemony around the world and to advance hegemony in South America and the Pacific and Indian Ocean. "

William IV slowly expressed his views on the Group of Thirteen Latin American Countries on the Dutch radio. Tens of millions of people in the Netherlands were listening to William IV's views on international politics at the end of January 1882, 1.

William IV naturally supported the development of the allies in the broadcast.

But in the Dutch Privy Council, it was a different story.

The lessons he summarized in the Privy Council for small countries include:

"From a political point of view, Mexico is a mess. Mexican soldiers tenaciously resisted the aggression of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. There are indeed many commendable deeds. However, when investigated, they are even victims of corrupt politics and oligarchy.

They are sent to war against the enemy and fight proxy wars. At the same time, they have to involuntarily eat corrupt politicians and bring bitter consequences to the country and the people.Many Mexicans are probably on the verge of crying now. Many people have lost their families and are in no mood to mourn even if they can survive for a day. We feel sad for them, but more importantly, we need to learn from them. "

"This is why we in the Netherlands need to be particularly vigilant about the possible emergence of the so-called Anglo-German-Austrian Triple Alliance in our Indian and Pacific Oceans. These three countries have not yet shown any intention or action to jointly act against us around the Netherlands. On the surface, the three countries seem to be Maintain security and peace in the Atlantic region and balance in Europe, but in fact everyone knows that they are all serving large-scale games, and they are all designed to confront and contain potential opponents. For example, Britain’s century-old rival, the Tsarist Empire, was besieged There were shipwrecks in Asia and Europe. For example, Napoleon I was finally successfully surrounded and annihilated, leaving Britain alone.

Another example is that now the three countries have begun to make repeated accusations against the Netherlands in international affairs, aiming to prepare more excuses and ammunition for the doomsday showdown with the Netherlands.

The starting point of this organization is very different from the Thirteen Latin American Group we established.Of course, they are the Three Kingdoms Alliance, and we, the Twelve Kingdoms, follow our alliance."

Prime Minister Lyndon and Prime Minister-elect Jules Danetang were both there.

I also fully agree with William IV's views.

“First of all, opposition to aggression, as the basic norm and stance of our public attitude towards foreign relations, needs to be made clear.

Secondly, it is necessary to use the government and the media to penetrate the surface of the two arguments and get to the objective facts directly, so as to arrive at a balanced argument.

To put it simply, we firmly oppose the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s aggression against Mexico, but we also understand that there are many complex factors behind it. However, this is a discussion for future negotiations. Now, like during the war, we must control it well and not become a media discussion. After the war is over, we will come up with it as another argument for easing relations with Austria-Hungary. "William IV said sharply:

"The Netherlands and Austria-Hungary have no fundamental conflict and will definitely reconcile in the future, so everything is ready and can be put to use directly then.

Also, Mexico may not all want to bow to the Netherlands. Don’t forget that in the past, Mexico was the least enthusiastic about joining the Group of [-] led by the Netherlands. Now that we are helping them, we are actually showing it to our allies, and we are also doing a good job within Mexico. Above board infiltration.

Britain and Germany are not irrelevant to the situation and have no responsibility for the current situation.They are the pushers.And we use it to achieve our global deployment goals. "

Lyndon then followed up: "The tragedy that happened in Mexico today is largely the result of the operation of external forces, but as the saying goes, corruption must come first and then insects, Mexico's internal affairs are in disrepair and must bear a lot of responsibility. Since the five countries of the Central American Federation formed an alliance, Mexico's situation has been very delicate. The war between the Confederate States of America and the Commonwealth of America in the north could start at any time, and the United Kingdom is at risk of getting involved at any time. Therefore, Mexico's geographical location is where the United Kingdom, the Confederate States of America, and the Confederate States of America are thinking. The object of attraction.

But time is like pursuing a girl. If one party gets affirmation, the other party will be disappointed. Because love creates hatred, the girl will be resented invisibly.

So in the end, no one in Mexico dared to support it. Instead, it was pressured to join the Thirteen Latin American Group we established.

Just to avoid danger.

The source of Mexico's war is that it offended the United Kingdom and the United States. At the same time, because of its excessive arrogance, Mexico prevented the five Central American federations from joining the Latin American group we established, offended our Netherlands, and even colluded with the Panama Province of Colombia, our Latin American ally. Shoulder-to-shoulder, it seems to support Panama's independence as a country.

Therefore, Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was able to choose a target this time. After careful consideration, he decided to go to Mexico.Unfortunately, they didn't get what they wanted, but got stuck.

Britain and Germany have not explicitly sent troops yet. They are just following our example and sending weapons to support them. "

Prime Minister-designate Jules Danetang followed up: "As a former Spanish colony, Latin America established itself on its own in the 1810s and 20s. The foundation for the founding of the country was already very fragile. What's more, many people in Mexico yearn for life in the northern United States. The number of people who migrate to the United States every year is counted in the tens of thousands. In fact, Mexico is like raising pigs and chickens, serving as a talent pool for the United States to reserve and cultivate.

Latin American countries are full of internal conflicts. As long as serious internal conflicts are created from the beginning, Latin America will fall apart.

Brazil in the east is pro-Portugal and the United Kingdom. Argentina was originally happy with us, but Argentina, which wanted to be a big country, turned against us and preferred to go with the United Kingdom. The purpose was because the Netherlands did not support Argentina's annexation of Chile in the west.The most annoying thing is that we stationed troops in Chile, so Argentina became the vanguard of Latin America's anti-Dutch war.

Uruguay and Paraguay are currently pro-German.

Both the west and the north are pro-Dutch, so in Latin America, not only can the three countries not tolerate and compromise with each other, but they can also use force to fight each other at any time and kill each other. "

"Your Majesty and colleagues, I agree with what Your Majesty said. Mexico can be saved, or even directly send troops to participate, but it must exhaust some anti-Dutch forces before proceeding."

William IV: "Some positions in Mexico are very critical to the Netherlands. By taking them, we will be equivalent to controlling the lifeblood of Latin America. Mexico must be in our hands and there is no room for loss."


(End of this chapter)

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