Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1074: The Rise of the Three Electric Kingdoms, the Queen’s Worry

Chapter 1074 The Rise of the Electric Three Kingdoms, the Queen’s Worry
On February 1882, 2, Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield of the United Kingdom, current leader of the Tory Party, three-time Chancellor of the Exchequer, and two-time British Prime Minister, died at his residence in London at the age of 16.

Queen Victoria sent a message of condolence to his family.

Political rival Gladstone also expressed his admiration for the death of Disraeli, a friend and foe at No. 10 Downing Street.

As the leader of the British Conservative Party, he can be said to be one of the most powerful figures in the UK.

Since he was officially elected as the leader of the Conservative Party in 1848 until his death, he has served for nearly 34 years and has played a key role in the internal and external development of the United Kingdom in the past 30 years.

At the same time, he also played a major role in transforming the Tories into the Conservative Party.

During the period when he was forming the cabinet, he was an active advocate and defender of British colonial imperialism. During his two terms as prime minister, he vigorously promoted the policy of foreign aggression and colonial expansion.His name is closely linked to the British colonial countries in many places colonized by the British.

However, this is the evaluation of the weak invaders. In the UK, he is still very popular.

Disraeli's life was highly praised by the British bourgeoisie, and he was considered one of the most outstanding figures who rose to the top in Britain.

On February 1882, 2, Gladstone, Disraeli's biggest political enemy during his lifetime, publicly praised the Earl of Beaconsfield in the Prime Minister's Office at No. 18 Downing Street: "The official career of the Earl of Beaconsfield is in many ways the most praiseworthy in history. of"

Creston’s words are somewhat easy to understand, and this compliment is not difficult to understand either.

As a representative of the bourgeoisie, Disraeli did his best to consolidate the British bourgeois system. The history of his political achievements and success can be said to be a microcosm of the development history of British capitalism in the mid-to-late 19th century.

In the early days of his political career, he adhered to the old Tory position of safeguarding the interests of the British landed aristocracy and senior clergy in the 18th century.

Later, he broke up with Peel, the former leader of the Children's Tory, because of his opposition to the repeal of the Corn Laws and the opening up of free trade.

But then he was a bourgeois political practitioner who was far-sighted.

When he himself became the leader of the Conservative Party and set out to reorganize the Tory Party, which was fragmented and had its political base shrinking, he gradually realized that to revitalize the new Conservative Party, the most fundamental thing was to transform it, innovate it, and make it consistent with the needs of the new era.

In the later period of his political activities, especially during his tenure as prime minister, he carried out some reforms internally and carried out well-known expansion externally.These activities of his were highly praised by the bourgeoisie, won honor for the Conservative Party, and made great contributions to the establishment of the British colonial empire.

As a result, he was consecrated by Queen Victoria and entered the British House of Lords with the title of the first Earl of Beaconsfield, moving from an ordinary person to one of the upper-class British nobles.

It really echoes the saying that those who came before planted trees for those who will enjoy the shade, this was Disraeli's life.

When someone leaves, someone comes up.

This is the reality of politics.

Robert Gascoigne Cecil, the third Marquess of Salisbury, was promoted to the throne of the neoconservative Tory Prime Minister.Become Creston's new rival.

Buckingham Palace, England.

Queen Victoria is hosting a banquet for several core members of the British ruling Whigs and opposition Tories.They are Whig Prime Minister Creston, Finance Minister Xiaozhi Childers, and Foreign Secretary Greville.

Former Tory Foreign Secretary Robert Gascoigne Cecil ([-]rd Marquess of Salisbury), former Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Michael Beech, and former Foreign Secretary Edward Henry Stanley.

In addition to people from both parties, there are also Queen Victoria and Crown Prince Edward.

"I would like to thank Earl Disraeli for his contribution to our country, and I hope everyone here will remember him for his loyalty to the Crown and the United Kingdom."

Queen Victoria's opening remarks immediately made everyone present stand up, place their right hands in front of their left breasts and bend down to express their loyalty to the Queen.

After the ceremony, he sat back down.

“Now the global economy has developed into a fast lane, and the electrical age spearheaded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the German Empire, and the Commonwealth of America is already rapidly trying to replace the steam age on which our United Kingdom relies for its rise.

Oil consumption is rising rapidly and is almost catching up with coal consumption.Petroleum is lighter and smaller than coal, so it is more popular. However, because the current mining and refining technology is only mastered by a few countries, it is not really exploited on a large scale like coal mines.

Also, in the electrical age, coal power plants made from coal mines and direct current invented by Dutch inventor Edison have been successfully used in hydropower stations. The Netherlands is currently building hydropower stations on a large scale.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands ranks first in the world in the electric light penetration rate, reaching 80% in Australia, 70% in Europe, and even 20% in port cities in Africa due to coal power stations.

With electricity as its backbone, the Netherlands is at the forefront of all countries in developing the electrical industry and the electrical economy in an all-round way.

The Netherlands' economy is currently booming. Last year's global foreign trade accounted for 41%. You must know that before the 1850s, this data belonged to the United Kingdom.The partisanship between your two parties has made it difficult for the UK to implement various policies, and at the same time, the promotion has been blocked by you. This kind of British government operation is blocked by you and me. Success in opposition is victory. This is holding back the UK. It’s a hindrance to the development of the country. Don’t you feel a little bit ashamed? "

The majesty of Queen Victoria, who has been in charge of Britain for 35 years, was immediately revealed. Prime Minister Creston was present and couldn't help but lower their usually arrogant heads.

"Britain is currently experiencing a sharp decline in foreign trade, and factories are entering a wave of closures. Small workshops are fine, but large factories are unsustainable.

This is an economic crisis. Now the UK has experienced deflation, falling prices, tight money, rising interest rates, bank runs and a large number of bankruptcies.

On the other hand, in countries such as the Netherlands, dozens or hundreds of new factories are under construction every day, and new jobs are created for citizens every day. At the same time, a large number of immigrants from Europe and America are recruited to work in the Netherlands.

Bismarck has reminded you that you should beware that after the population of the Netherlands skyrockets, its population will be equal to that of Britain and Germany, and its war potential and comprehensive potential will exceed Germany and Britain. Now the German Empire has successfully annexed its European neighbors and has 5000 million people, while the British mainland has only 3800 million people. There are [-] million people. Although there are tens of millions of British descendants in colonies such as Canada and the Indian subcontinent, the combined population cannot compare with Germany, or even with the French Empire and the population after the reunification of the United States.


Germany was even predicted in 1895 to surpass the United Kingdom in total GDP and become the world's second largest economy.The United States also surpassed us in 1900 to become third and we further became fourth.

All this is due to the fact that our foreign trade has been seized by these three countries, our job opportunities have been lost, and our industrial output has become smaller.”

Queen Victoria took a sip of tea from her tea cup, and then asked expressionlessly: "Everyone, I have finished expressing my concerns. Now it is your turn to speak and solve the problems for me and the United Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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