Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1091: America’s camp diplomacy harms others but does not benefit itself

Chapter 1091: America’s camp diplomacy harms others but does not benefit itself

After US Secretary of State Bryant arrived in the Far East of the Netherlands and New Zealand, he announced his visit to the Netherlands, which immediately shocked the international community.

President Garfield of the United States, who had just come to power, launched camp diplomacy, causing the British government to openly criticize others and harm others. The already extremely poor relations between the United Kingdom and the United States suddenly deteriorated sharply.

On March 1882, 3, Bryant visited the Netherlands, and his one-week visit began when he landed in Wellington, New Zealand.

He held talks with the new Dutch Foreign Minister Mari Philip.

The two sides issued a joint statement, the Wellington Declaration, agreeing to upgrade the Netherlands' extended deterrence policy to provide military coordination with the United States.

The two sides agreed to strengthen the deployment of the Netherlands' strategic assets in Latin America and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, expand trilateral cooperation between the Netherlands and the Latin American ally circle and the Commonwealth of the United States, and seek cooperation between the Netherlands and the United States in the fields of global cutting-edge industrial technology and military technology.

Analysts in other parts of the world, especially Britain and Germany, believe that US Secretary of State Bryant's visit to the Netherlands shows that the Commonwealth of America has deviated from its previous balanced diplomatic line.

Even most professionals in the German Empire believe that Garfield's Republican government has completely overturned the three major foreign policies of pro-Germany, peace with Britain, and anti-Dutch foreign policies during the four-year administration of former Democratic President Douglas.

The new Republican Garfield government has begun to fully support the Netherlands. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is embracing the Netherlands.

The U.S. State Department, under Bryant's leadership, will actively cater to the Netherlands' American strategy.

These German and British experts and scholars expressed concerns directly "for" the sake of the United States.

German Prime Minister Bismarck even shouted to Washington in Berlin: "This will make the Americas the forefront of the Netherlands' global strategy, further exacerbating tensions in the Mexican War in Latin America, and at the same time harming the United States' own security and economic interests."

British Foreign Secretary Greville also said in the House of Commons when asked by members about foreign policy: "The closer the cooperation between the United States and the Netherlands, the harder it will be for the United States to speak of independent diplomacy."

However, the more neutral French Emperor Napoleon III spoke eloquently to the French parliamentarians in Paris:

“Upgrading the Netherlands to provide extended deterrence against the United States was a campaign slogan of the new Garfield administration.

It is also one of the main topics that sent Secretary of State Bryant in charge of foreign affairs to visit the Netherlands and New Zealand Province this time.

The Netherlands and the United States agreed through the Wellington Declaration, and President Garfield tried to get the Netherlands to provide support for the military and technological development of the United States, that is, to allow the United States to compete with the German Empire to provide a technological protection umbrella for the third largest industrial country, second only to the Netherlands and the United Kingdom."

"The Wellington Declaration also agreed to expand the Dutch-American crisis consultations in the Americas and establish the mechanism of the Inter-American Consultative Group. This Dutch-American joint declaration added a new Dutch-American military training simulation exercise.

It has also increased the deployment of strategic assets such as military ports around the Americas, including the deployment of advanced submarines and other advanced weapons built by the Netherlands throughout the Americas. "

"France is currently a neutral country in the Anglo-German Obi and Dutch-Russian camps. Yes, although we have a good relationship with the United Kingdom, we have also eliminated disputes with the Netherlands. We have normal diplomatic relations with the Netherlands.

The United Kingdom no longer has diplomatic relations with the Netherlands, and Germany is now almost falling out with the Netherlands.Therefore, I think we can be an impartial middle country to mediate and resolve them. "

Napoleon III spoke high-spiritedly about his diplomatic ideas in the Paris Parliament.

But is this really the case?
This time, U.S. Secretary of State Bryant visited the Netherlands with 122 representatives from American companies and organizations to form an economic representative team. Obviously, the U.S. Secretary of State wants to seek cooperation with the Netherlands in supply chain and industrial high-tech core technologies on behalf of the Garfield government. and cooperate with cutting-edge industries.

According to this joint statement, the Netherlands and the United States decided to strengthen research and development cooperation in the fields of steelmaking, power generation, communications and basic materials, and establish a dialogue mechanism on new generation core technologies and emerging technologies.

However, regarding the restrictions on the transfer of high-tech technology from the Netherlands to the United States, which American companies are most concerned about, the two sides have not made substantial progress.

Stephen Douglas, the former president of the United States who had just stepped down, published an article in the pro-Democratic Washington Post. He believed that Bryant's visit to the Netherlands as soon as he took office as Secretary of State showed that the Netherlands has a dominant position in the relationship between the Netherlands and the United States. , and uses its strong power to manipulate the foreign affairs issues of the American Republican Party to ensure that it can exert overwhelming influence in the United States.

The United States made too many unilateral concessions to the Netherlands. Although the Netherlands gave the United States a so-called commitment to extend deterrence, it stated that it would not watch the United States being invaded by other countries.

However, it is unknown how much say the United States has with the Netherlands in high-tech technology mechanisms such as supply chains, industrial high-tech core technologies, and cutting-edge industries.

Grover Cleveland, a rising political star of the Democratic Party, the former mayor of Faroe in the United States and now the governor of New York State, was also the Democratic candidate for the next presidential election in 1885.

He said sarcastically at a public event in New York State, "The Garfield government has satisfied everything the Netherlands wants, and is reducing the United States to a country without any control, participation, or autonomy."

Thomas Bayard, leader of the Democratic Senate minority who served as a senior senator for 1869 years from 1882 to 13 and has publicly supported Cleveland's candidacy for the next president, even warned:

"Secretary of State Bryant's visit to the Netherlands and New Zealand Province is a major watershed in U.S. foreign policy. At present, it seems that the Galfield administration has clearly abandoned its relatively balanced diplomatic line, followed suit with the Netherlands, proactively tied itself to the Netherlands, and is bent on pursuing camp diplomacy.

This will break the regional and even global strategic balance, intensify tensions in the Americas, Europe and even the world. The Americas, which are already tense due to the Mexican War, will face the Dutch instigation to take a direct war between Mexico and Austria-Hungary. risk.

Another pro-Democratic newspaper, the American Independent, directly published an editorial.

“After taking office on January 1 this year, with the help of the Netherlands, the Garfield administration did not hesitate to make substantial concessions on historical issues and sought to improve relations with Spain, intending to accelerate four-party cooperation among the Netherlands, Tsarist Russia, Spain, and the United States.

Galfid also quickly visited Kiel, the capital of Ecuador, where the Netherlands has the greatest influence in Latin America, despite the lack of public support. You should know that there is the headquarters of the Thirteen Latin American Group, the headquarters of the largest ally organization dominated by the Dutch.

That’s why Garfield was so eager to move closer to the Netherlands and closer relations with Spain, and it clearly violated the Monroe Doctrine established by former President Monroe to prevent and prevent European powers from expanding their sphere of influence in Latin America. Garfield ordered in 1825 The U.S. Latin American policy, which no president has ever violated or even reinforced step by step, has gone bankrupt.

The Netherlands is expanding its sphere of influence in Latin America, and our Republican President Garfield is helping. Is this humiliation and betrayal?
Garfield also catered to the Netherlands and repeatedly made remarks that provoked Germany, Britain and even Austria-Hungary. Obviously, he should not be the president of the United States, but the prime minister of the Netherlands."

(End of this chapter)

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