Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1106: 4th in the world, 1313 million square kilometers of territory

Chapter 1106: Fourth in the world, 1313 million square kilometers of territory
“As I promised for the first time in the Dutch Parliament 20 years ago, the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Corpus Christi, the Jury System and Dutch Common Law are now The Declaration of Independence of the Netherlands and even the Netherlands’ ally the United States and the Constitution of Mexico.”

"For our three countries, it is sometimes difficult to realize the ideals solemnly enshrined in the documents of these two countries. This is a process of continuous progress.

The road is never always smooth, but through the hard work of slaves, immigrants, women and minorities, victims and persecutors of former colonies, we have accomplished many things now, and we are better than most. Understand that the desire for freedom and dignity does not belong to Britain or France, but to the whole world, including our two countries, because it strikes the hearts of everyone in the world."

William IV's words were met with applause.

As the Netherlands has become richer and richer in recent years, freedom has also been proposed in the parliament.

It even includes the slaves, immigrants, women and ethnic minorities mentioned by William IV just now, and the victims and persecutors of former colonies.

“These are people who are closely related to the current development of the Netherlands.

Without these people, the Netherlands would never be as strong as it is. Without these people, the Netherlands would not have a current population of more than 6000 million, but a maximum of more than 2000 million.

We develop the economy on beachfronts such as Melbourne and Sydney, Amsterdam, Alaska and Jakarta, and we also develop national defense, in order to prosper our country and to protect and defend our homeland.

We fight side by side with the spirit of showing up to establish an order to maintain peace from outside the powerful countries in the world. The Netherlands may be the leader, and the United States and Mexico should be the main participants.

We can help Mexico develop its economy from the ruins of the current Austro-Hungarian invasion.

Based on our establishment, with the establishment of the trilateral security consultation mechanism, we have united into an alliance across the Atlantic and the Pacific. Half a century later, people will look back and applaud our alliance today.

Together with our allies, we have fought, and together we have created peace in Latin America and around the world.

When the peace is destroyed, we need to expand our alliance team, including global partners including other Latin American countries, establish a global radiating alliance network, build bridges to maintain peace, and also provide support for Dutch allies around the world who are under attack. At that time, the Netherlands did justice to them. "

This is William IV's exposition of the purpose of dialogue between diplomatic allies, and it is also William IV's call to members of Congress to use this purpose to carry out various deliberations on diplomatic proposals.

Obviously, while William IV was summarizing them, he was also giving a preview of the next step in the Netherlands' diplomatic work.

"When war breaks out in Latin America, we must work hard to maintain peace there, because we have our interests there, and we will not allow others to destroy our interests or harm our rights."

“The current Kingdom of the Netherlands was established in 1814. At that time, our territory was the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Belgium was forced to leave us in 183. But in 1870, we took back half of Belgium’s territory. In addition, the Netherlands’ territories outside Europe Six times that before 1860, that is, our overseas territory outside Europe exceeds 6 million square kilometers."

"Currently, among the territories controlled by various countries in the world, we are now ranked fourth in the world, second only to the Russian Empire, Britain and our neighbor in the far northeast, the Qing Dynasty, and ahead of France."

"Today, after several years of war experience in the 1860s, we are moving forward. The United States also experienced an economic recession in that era due to the Civil War. However, it began to recover and develop rapidly in the 1870s. The Netherlands experienced the same as France. Despite various disputes with the United Kingdom, the Netherlands has continued to move forward. The Netherlands is now a leader in global industrial technology, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, which lag behind us in electrical industry technology."

William IV's pause was met with cheers.Everyone is obviously happy about the development of the Netherlands.

"The United States is now the fourth largest economy in the world, behind the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The United States has even surpassed the United Kingdom in the electrical industry, behind the Netherlands and Germany.

With the strong cooperation between our two countries, we are definitely a monopoly in the era of global electrical industry.Therefore, the United States is our target.

The United States is also very important to Latin America politically, so it is also our partner. "

“Although Mexico is not as good as the United States economically, politically and militarily, Mexico’s geographical location is strategically important to all countries.

The Netherlands needs a buffer country in Latin America, and that country cannot be the United States, because although the United States is an ally, it has many ethnic groups, and Germans still have some misunderstandings about the Netherlands.

Mexico, however, does not have this worry.

The cooperation between our two countries can be more thorough. "

Indeed, as William IV said, Mexico is relatively weak and easy to control, unlike the United States, which has a large population and high demands.

The most important thing is that Mexico can also be the best target country to contain and supervise the United States.

After all, many people present know the history of the development of the United States.

In the 1850s, the current states of California and Louisiana in the United States were Mexican territories.It was just that at that time, it was coerced and coerced by the United States, and it was ceded and sold to become the United States.

It can be said that there is hatred between these two countries.

What Your Majesty did was to naturally put a tiger and a wild dog in a cage and let them bite them while throwing a bone from time to time to make them obedient.

“The Netherlands, the United States, and Mexico are now facing the same huge challenges. All kinds of serious challenges are before us, among which the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s invasion of Mexico is the most serious.

Therefore, the three countries must unite to drive away Austria-Hungary. After this speech in parliament, I will send a telegram to Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, William I of Germany, and Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary. I want to question these three people. Why let such a tragedy happen in Mexico? Why can't we coexist peacefully? Why can't we not harm the interests of the Netherlands? "

"Members of Congress and administrative officials here, you must know and understand that you are the guardians of the security and economic prosperity of the Netherlands. You should make the choice you think is right, because you are elected members of the public and you represent the people who support you. .

If you fail to protect their interests, you will be eliminated in the next parliamentary election and prime minister election. "

(End of this chapter)

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