Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1116 France finally entered the scene with a purpose

In the geopolitical era when the two giants, Britain and the Netherlands, compete globally, everyone wants to find answers through historical comparisons.

On May 1882, 5, in Amsterdam, the European territory of the Netherlands, more than 1 people held a sit-in at Amsterdam's Watershell Square. The governors of the five European provinces of the Netherlands participated. They took the lead in expressing their support for Mexico's fight against the Austro-Hungarian Empire's invasion of Mexico.

It seems to have begun to be affected. On May 5, at Seger Square in Stockholm, Sweden-Norway, more than 5 people also participated in criminal acts against the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Mexico. It is said that King Oscar II of Sweden had Appeared at the scene, appeasing the anti-war demonstrations while also calling on Vienna to withdraw its troops.

The same rally was held in Copenhagen of the Kingdom of Denmark, but this time it was led by Crown Prince Frederik. Christian IX did not appear. Obviously, Denmark's national power is relatively small and he can only appear as the crown prince.

Just like a fire that is difficult to extinguish after it is ignited, cities such as Madrid in Spain, Athens in Greece, and St. Petersburg in Tsarist Russia have launched anti-Austro-Hungarian invasion actions.

Even Paris, France, which has always claimed to remain neutral in the Anglo-German and Austrian alliance against the Netherlands, Mexico and the United States, joined in the protest against this demonstration.

However, the person who came forward this time was not Napoleon III, but his wife, Empress Eugenie.

This French queen served as regent when Napoleon went to the front line to fight Prussia in 1870, and she was definitely capable.

As the 74-year-old Napoleon III aged, the 56-year-old she had begun to help Napoleon III handle government affairs.

Now that she has come forward, this is obviously a signal that France no longer agrees with the Austro-Hungarian Empire's invasion of Mexico.

Although France's strength has declined a lot in recent years due to the independence of the south with the support of Germany, no one dares to underestimate France's strength.

Haven't you seen Germany's fear of it and Britain's wooing of it in the past few years?

Now that France is doing this, many people in Britain, Germany and Austria are beginning to worry.

After all, no one knows whether this is a signal sent by France, indicating that the French government in Paris is blowing the horn and is willing to support the Dutch side when Britain, Germany and Austria face the Netherlands, the United States, and Mexico.

And if France steps up to take charge, then Britain, Germany, Cuba and Austria-Hungary will have to reconsider something else. 'For example, will Spain's attitude be more firmly on the side of the Netherlands?

Will the Netherlands' other European allies, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, etc., directly join this camp in the confrontation?

Everyone began to make conjectures based on the analysis of various consequences based on France's statement.

At the same time, on May 1882, 5, a piece of news emerged that attracted global attention.

"Dutch warships docked at Corsica, the pearl of the French Mediterranean, and the British Empire, the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire expressed their concern to Paris!"

This news was published in the British "Financial Times", and the full article also showed that at least three Dutch warships were docked at the French naval base in Bordeaux Bay, Corsica.

The British "Financial Times" reported that three Dutch warships docked at the new pier on this French island, possibly to show support for the French Second Empire in Paris and did not agree with the southern France as the sovereign party.

The governments of Britain, Germany, and Austria-Hungary are paying close attention to the situation of Dutch warships docked at the base in Corsica, France, and have expressed serious concerns about the Netherlands' plan to increase its influence in the Mediterranean region.

Britain called on the Second French Empire not to and should not allow Dutch warships to provide support in Corsica, as this would undermine French sovereignty.It violates the constitution established by Paris and affects regional stability.

Corsica faces the western, northern and central Mediterranean Sea, close to Italy, and even to the south is the Italian Kingdom of Sardinia. Its strategic location is very important.

The European powers were envious of the island, especially Britain.

However, the owner is France, and no one dares to steal this French pearl.

But now the Netherlands actually sends a warship to visit the island, and the most abhorrent thing is that France actually supports such a move.Britain, Germany and Austria have doubts about the development of relations between France and the Netherlands.

What I can't believe is that if France falls to the Netherlands, it is very likely that it will form an alliance with Spain, the Netherlands' ally.

So it's definitely a huge geopolitical change for Western Europe.

Why did France suddenly change its stance?
Many people wonder, is Napoleon III old and confused?
French Second Empire, Paris.

The 74-year-old Napoleon III was lying on a soft bed. Sitting beside him was his wife, Empress Eugenie.

"Your Majesty, everyone is talking about me and saying that I am close to the Netherlands. It would be better for Your Majesty to hide in and take some time off."

Even though Empress Eugenie is now 56 years old, she still looks very charming.

As expected, he was a man who was popular in Europe back then. Even at this moment, Napoleon III could not resist the charm of his wife.

"Ahem, you still like this." Napoleon III moved his body slightly upward, sitting at about 80 degrees.

"Queen Victoria is very calculating. Your approach may not work in front of her. This guy Bismarck must have seen through your purpose. As for the one in Vienna, who cares what he thinks?" Napoleon III said sarcastically. .

Queen Eugenie smiled and said:
"It's no longer the time when the Holy Roman Empire was strong. Now Britain is in power and the Netherlands is rising.

Who in the world doesn't know that the Hohenzollern dynasty of the German Empire wants to use their concubines as their heirs to usurp the orthodox status of the Holy Roman Empire of the Habsburg dynasty of Vienna?

Didn't Queen Victoria know?How could you not know?
I would say that the Three Kingdoms Alliance of England, Germany and Austria has been a team with different intentions from the beginning. Now that we are here, the foundation of their alliance has been shaken. "

Queen Eugenie mocked: "Your Majesty, Britain bullies the weak and fears the strong. I have seen through it these years. The Netherlands used to be tough with them in South Africa. After their losses, they began to learn to behave and stopped provoking the Netherlands. This made the Netherlands safe. It has been a period of rapid development for 1863 years steadily from 20 to now, and our French Empire has been stabbed in the back by the British many times because of our flirtation with the British. The British even used the Kingdom of Prussia to weaken us.

Not to mention, if it is not obvious yet, Britain's failure to oppose Bismarck in letting the Kingdom of Prussia defeat us and establish the German Empire, and even support the partition of France between the north and the south, is the biggest evil intention.

Since there is no benefit from being on good terms with Britain, then in turn we should turn against Britain and be on good terms with the Netherlands.

Only when you lose it do you know how to cherish it. South, we must get it back this time."

Napoleon III's old eyes flashed and he said hesitantly: "Are you really going to start a war?"

Eugenie said without hesitation: "In order for our son to inherit a strong France instead of a crippled France, we should fight for it, right?"

After Napoleon III pondered for a while, he finally looked into his wife's eyes. The latter looked straight back. Napoleon III finally nodded and decided: "It's up to you."

Eugenie smiled.

On May 1882, 5, the Second French Empire announced that it supported the Dutch claim and opposed the Austro-Hungarian Empire's invasion of Mexico, saying that it was not a just war, but an evil one.

France's statement shocked countries in Europe and even the world.

Everyone knows that the situation in Europe is really going to change dramatically this time.

(End of this chapter)

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