Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1139. Venezuela interferes in Colombia’s internal affairs?

Chapter 1139. Venezuela interferes in Colombia’s internal affairs?

"Economic penetration into Latin American countries requires strong support for our several large consortiums, while also supporting the rise of small capital, so that the Dutch economic influence will not rely solely on those few consortiums."

“The combined population of Latin America currently exceeds 3500 million, including 1000 million in Brazil, 400 million in Argentina, 800 million in Mexico, and the remaining 1300 million are distributed in the remaining countries.

Although the population is not large, it is not a small market for the Netherlands.

Moreover, it is vast and sparsely populated, which is also very important for the operation of Dutch capital there. "

William IV said: “Next, we need to quickly formulate plans to allow the Netherlands to establish more local companies of various types. I hope that more than half of the products that can be seen in daily life in these countries come from the Netherlands. of.

Also, I hope that more than half of the local employment is connected to the Netherlands, so that we can better bind the relationship with the Netherlands. As long as the interests of ordinary people and the middle and lower classes of society are linked to me, plus the above If people become ours, then this country will basically be inseparable from our control.

Even if it were a president like Columbus, even if he could find a reason to overthrow him, there wouldn't be many people who would object. "

There were examples of this in previous lives.

The relationship between South Korea and the United States is not only due to military protection, but also in terms of science and technology. The relationship is so close that you and I can't be distinguished.

South Korea would even rather fire its own president directly than dare to criticize the United States of America, because their largest company, the Four Star Group, has many people speculating that many of the undisclosed shares behind it actually belong to the United States.

The Four Star Group is a group that produces many products in the entire country of South Korea. Even the president and other high-level executives have to go to this group for internships, and then the executives become high-ranking officials to control the country.

In fact, in disguise, the United States is using this so-called multinational company to remotely control the training of middle- and lower-level officials in South Korea. Being pro-American has naturally become a label for everyone.

This is actually almost the same as an overseas province controlled by the United States.

It's just that we don't make it public.

What the Netherlands is going to do now is actually slightly different from this, because it is for Dutch companies to settle in these Latin American countries, become the largest companies in their countries, and then control the country's economy.

Coupled with the political pro-Dutch policy, the private sector has strengthened its links with ordinary people, such as long-term fixed purchases of their agricultural products, etc., so that they can benefit. This is very practical for influencing local elections every time.

I didn’t meet the CEO of a company in the Far East, but I chose the leader of a certain region by myself. Although he lost in the end, he still got nearly 10% of the votes, right?

The Netherlands has implemented a flying geese effect in Latin American countries. A large number of companies have landed, which will have greater influence.

"After the Mexican War, the weapons arsenals of Latin American countries are now being renovated. Almost all the weapons imported are Dutch weapons. Every arms transaction we make is clearly recorded, and it can be used to make some impact when the time comes."

Americas Coordinator Felix Dow.

After hearing this, William IV lamented that people in this world are still too simple, just like the countries in Latin America now.

Campbell laughed and said: "Last year, they all listened to the advice of the Netherlands. At the Thirteen-Nation Conference of the Latin American Alliance, they all unanimously agreed to use their weapons to support the war between Mexico and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Then the Netherlands replenishes the weapons of various countries. Of course, the 50% discount price of the weapons sold by the Netherlands to them is the key factor for these countries to be so generous in supporting Mexico.

They would never have imagined that this is how we control the confidential information of their weapons arsenal. "

Van Peyron nodded and said: "Emptying the arms supply of these countries is equivalent to controlling the security lifeline of these countries. The Netherlands will occupy a very critical position when they make any diplomatic decisions in the future, no matter who it is. When they come to power, they will consider the consequences of offending the Netherlands.

Colombian President Domingo must have felt that our presence is too strong, so he did not dare to act rashly." William IV said: "I just noticed that he often served as the consul of the British ally in Brussels, Belgium, and also served as the consul in Liverpool, England. Consul, which added up to a long time, and most importantly, it was his last stop as a European diplomat before returning to Colombia to begin his climb up the ladder.

After serving as president for one year in 1880, he began to distance himself from the Netherlands last year. This person must have a good relationship with the United Kingdom, and he is even a secret ally of the United Kingdom in cultivating Colombia. This is a man whom I would like to see out of office in 1883. "

William IV looked towards Sean Michael, Bill Charlie, and Carter, and the three men nodded immediately after hearing this.

Needless to say some things, everyone present also knew what this meant. The Colombian president was about to reach his end.

As just discussed, Colombia has also been infiltrated by the Netherlands. Although it is not as deep as other countries such as Ecuador, it is absolutely certain that it will be removed from power.

This small team meeting is very efficient.

In just half a month, demonstrations against Domingo broke out in Colombia.

Conservatives began to accuse Domingo of colluding with the British.

It was even true that Domingo was accused of having a child with a local British woman when he was serving as the consul in Liverpool, which violated the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The president even has several luxurious properties in London, England, which were gifts from the British government to him.

The news is brewing in Colombia.

"Who on earth is spreading rumors like this?"

In Bogota, the capital of Colombia, President Domingo was very angry at this moment. He angrily smashed his favorite teacup on the floor and broke it into countless pieces.

Still unable to understand his hatred, he broke the pen on the table.

"Have you checked it out? The Conservative Party is launching an attack at this time. What is the reason?"

Duoming tried his best to calm down. He knew that impulsiveness was definitely not the solution to the problem.

Obviously, this incident was directed at him, and someone was targeting him.

And it seems that he is willing to put himself to death.

Domingo has been in Colombian politics for almost 50 years. He has seen all kinds of ups and downs over the years, but this time it happened so suddenly and violently that he couldn't react at once.

This was definitely planned.

Otherwise, I, the president, will not be caught off guard.

Next to him is his close ally and Interior Minister José Martinez.

"One thing that has been determined is that Venezuela has connections with conservatives, and other matters are still under investigation."

Is Venezuela interfering in Colombia’s internal affairs? Domingo looked at Jose in disbelief?

The latter nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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