Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1146 The strong statement of the Dutch National Strategic Security Council

Chapter 1146 The strong statement of the Dutch National Strategic Security Council

On November 1882, 11, William IV of the Netherlands gave a closed-door speech in the Dutch Parliament, and then publicly stated, "The Netherlands will continue to support the Mexican side in the Mexican War to safeguard Mexico's national interests. We cannot allow our allies to be Cutting off sovereignty, the Netherlands will not allow this to happen, and we call on Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to learn to compromise and not launch any more invasion wars to undermine the peace and stability of Latin America."

"The Thirteen Latin American Group we formed in Latin America will not be a loose alliance. Our interests are consistent. We will not easily leave our allies alone when they are invaded."

With the public statement of the always low-key William IV, the Dutch cabinet government once again warned on November 11, local time, that "the ongoing arms deal negotiations between Germany, Britain and Austria-Hungary are strengthening cooperation among the three countries of Germany, Britain and Austria." It is considered extremely serious, "If the weapons sent by Germany and Britain to Austria-Hungary are used in the Mexican battlefield in Latin America, the Netherlands and its American allies will respond seriously, and the Netherlands' allies around the world will also hold a meeting to discuss the recent arms transactions between the three countries. In addition, we are also paying attention to the situation after the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy. For this reason, we are very wary of the damage caused to the world by the formation of these two groups of alliance circles. "

The Dutch government also stated that it is paying attention to the phenomenon of cliques between countries that regard the Netherlands as an enemy or a "common enemy" of their opponents.

On November 11, Cantur, Chairman of the Dutch National Security Council and Atlantic Affairs Coordinator, held a press conference at the Foreign Media Center of the Dutch National Security Council Strategic Conference Building in Melbourne, the capital of the Netherlands, on "Strengthening cooperation between Germany, Britain and Austria, Latin America and the Caribbean". "The security of America has become unstable" said, "Once again we urge Germany, Britain and Italy not to intervene in the war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Mexico, not to transfer arms transactions to the Austro-Hungarian Empire for use in the Mexican War, and not to intervene in the Mexican War." "If Germany, Britain and Italy The choice of the three countries to support the war by providing weapons to Austria-Hungary will have bad consequences not only in the Netherlands and Mexico, but also in the entire Latin America and the international community around the world."

Previously, the world's largest newspaper "European Times" reported in the November 1882, 11 edition published by the Global Newspaper Branch that "Germany, Britain and Italy are likely to negotiate on the issue of the reduction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's arsenal to a historical low. , especially the United Kingdom, which has no historical grievances with Austria-Hungary, will send Foreign Secretary Greville to Vienna to hold foreign minister-level talks."

It is reported that if the two countries hold talks between foreign ministers, it is likely to take advantage of the Balkan Peninsula Security Conference held in Vienna from the 8th to the 10th of this month.

British Foreign Secretary Greville plans to attend the meeting.

In response, the Dutch government issued another warning on the 5th: "Do not provide weapons to Austria-Hungary as a tool to launch more wars. Such arms transactions are very dangerous."

Outside the building of the Netherlands Security Strategy Committee, European and African Strategy Coordinator Samuel and American Strategy Coordinator Felix emphasized at a press conference that day that if Germany and Britain provided weapons to Austria-Hungary and indeed used them in the Mexican War, "The peace and stability of the international community will pay a price for this, and the Netherlands and Mexico's other allies will not sit idly by and let this happen."

When asked, "Do you think the supply of weapons by Germany and Britain to Austria-Hungary had an impact on the direction of the Mexican War?" Cantur, director of the Dutch National Security Council, said, "We have not seen Germany and Britain openly providing weapons to Austria-Hungary. Providing a large amount of ammunition and firearms, the same is true for artillery. We have seen that among the weapons collected by Mexico, weapons produced by Germany and Britain were used on the battlefield in Mexico. They appeared there, so our suspicion is not without reason. Random guesses.

This is something that existed half a year to a month ago. We have used various channels to communicate with these countries privately, so we have to publicly condemn this." Regarding "whether we are trying to directly communicate with Germany and Britain When asked about "contact", Cantur denied that "we and Britain have not had direct diplomatic relations since the dispute caused by the Chilean War in 1876."

Although we have been in communication with the German Empire, we have not reached a compromise on this issue, which is why we made today's public statement. "

Cantur, together with his two subordinates, Samuel, the European and African Strategy Coordinator, and Felix, the Americas Strategy Coordinator, said that the Dutch royal family and the Dutch government disclosed the information that the Netherlands had about the alliance between Britain, Germany and Austria-Hungary. and information trying to promote arms transactions, and said that it would not hesitate to disclose this issue in the future.

In addition, for "the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, the Russian Empire, the United States of America and the five Central American Federation countries, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, the United States of America, the Kingdom of Siam, the Kingdom of Greece and other Dutch allies around the world "Whether the Internet is cooperating to prevent the arms trade between Germany, Britain and Austria", Cantur, director of the National Security Strategy Committee of the Netherlands, replied, "The arms trade between Germany, Britain and Austria has not yet been large-scale and open, so the relationship between the Netherlands and these allies There have not been active negotiations yet, but we have already discussed this issue with the Second French Empire. As you know, France has recently had very bad relations with Britain and Germany. Together with the Second French Empire, we remain vigilant about the cooperation between Germany, Britain and Austria. The issues are consistent.”

Regarding the view that "the German-British-Austrian Alliance strengthened the cooperation system extended by the three-country arms trade, the security of the European region has become unstable, and Latin America has also been affected." Cantur said, "The Netherlands is paying close attention to and paying attention to the German-British-Austrian alliance. Relations between the three countries have expanded and deepened.”

When asked whether the Netherlands regarded "the German-British-Austrian and German-Austrian-Italian alliances as two axes against the Netherlands," the leader of the Dutch National Strategic Security Council replied, "I will not carry out such a thing. describe."

However, Cantur also said that "these countries threaten the international order based on the norms of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. In different forms, they regard the Netherlands as a threat and a common enemy and opponent, and we are well aware of it."

"We certainly take the strengthening of their relationship seriously," he said.

"The Netherlands has communicated with its allies on this matter. In particular, we have recently asked embassies in Latin America to visit the foreign ministries of the local countries. At the same time, we have taken a multi-pronged approach and sent out foreign ministers at or above the level of deputy minister of foreign affairs. We will carry out patrols of global allies, and we will consult with our allies on the issue of the use of weapons from Germany, Britain and Austria on the Mexican battlefield."

(End of this chapter)

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