Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1150 The Great Latin American Crisis Created by Britain and Germany

Chapter 1150 The Great Latin American Crisis Created by Britain and Germany

On November 1882, 11, the government of the United States of America announced a number of measures. Among them, the news about supporting 9 rifles in Mexico made headlines in major newspapers in the United States of America.

This news immediately stunned the intelligence officers from various countries who were hiding in the United States to collect intelligence, and then began to frantically deliver the news to their respective countries.

This statement by the United States of America is quite an announcement that it is on the side of the Netherlands and facing the three countries of Germany, Britain and Austria.

This is not the same as the past style of the United States of America choosing neutrality.

Is this the time to get closer to the Netherlands?

During the last Stephen Douglas cabinet administration, the United States was once anti-Dutch and pro-German and British. However, the Garfield cabinet government that came to power last year did a complete reversal. It not only restored a quasi-ally relationship with the Netherlands, but also followed in the footsteps of the Netherlands. Trying to challenge Britain, Germany and Austria?

This United States of America has become a stranger to everyone.

"President Garfield of the United States

Vice President Chester Allen Arthur.

Secretary of State James Bryan.

Secretary of the Treasury William Wyndham.

Secretary of War Robert Todd Lincoln,

Attorney General Wayne McVeigh.

Postmaster General Thomas Lemuel James.

Secretary of the Navy William Hunter.

Secretary of the Interior Samuel Kirkwood. "

A list of cabinet government members of the United States of America appeared on the dining table of the royal family present in the presence of Queen Victoria. The Queen took a serious look at the information about each person in it and put it aside. Next to it, there were several newspapers placed messily. , has obviously been seen.

In the magnificent Buckingham Palace restaurant, Prince Edward, the British Crown Prince, and Princess Alice, who is married to London, accompanied the Queen and just finished their meal.

Edward VII stared at the newspaper "Financial Times" beside the dining table. It contained the black and bold data about the 5000 rifles that the United States supported Mexico.

"The damn United States of America actually stood up at this time. It really knows how to choose the time. It chooses to fall in at this time, and it is not afraid of getting up to its waist."

Prince Edward's usual emotional outburst has become commonplace in the eyes of Queen Victoria and her second daughter, Princess Alice.

This is the real him, not the serious and solemn Prince of Wales on the streets of London.

"Mother, brother Edward is right. Is it really for the Netherlands that the United States of America intervenes at this time? Even if Garfield is pro-Dutch, he will not easily stand up and join the Netherlands in provoking us, Britain, Germany and Austria. After all, the United States of America is not of the same mind. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party have always been at odds with each other, and the intensity is even much more serious than that of the Whigs and Tories in the UK.

I don’t believe that Garfield can convince the Democratic Party to support the Netherlands. After all, the last government was led by the Democratic Party’s Stephen Douglas. He started the first anti-Dutch move in the century since the founding of the United States.

His pro-German and anti-Dutch approach made the Republican Party very dissatisfied. Now that the Republican Party has come to power and is overly pro-Dutch, I think the Democratic Party will not give up. Since even we understand this truth, Garfield and others should also understand it. I am curious how he persuaded their members of Congress from both parties to support him. Government foreign policy. "

Princess Alice speaks slowly and leisurely. She was born in 1843 and is now almost 40 years old. She has become more stable and mature when she chased William IV. Queen Victoria looked at her eldest son Edward and couldn't help but sigh in her heart why Alice and Edward were switched.

There is a gap between fantasy and reality after all.

"Mother, what Alice said is right. I also think that Garfield's policy cannot last long. It may not be long before this policy will face challenges from the Democratic Party."

Prince Edward spoke more and more energetically: "The Netherlands' allies in small countries in Latin America are now in danger. The Netherlands has not given them enough security guarantees. After all, no country in the world is facing the three major powers of Britain, Germany and Austria. And be able to stay calm.

The Netherlands cannot protect itself, let alone other countries. I think we should continue to exert pressure on the other side, so that these countries can loosen their grip on the Netherlands and at the same time minimize the Netherlands' global security credibility.

Mother, it is time for the Netherlands to face the moment of betrayal by its allies, and we, Britain, Germany and Austria are the pushers. "

Edward couldn't help but feel excited when he thought that the Netherlands would face betrayal and separation.

The eldest son Edward's excitement fell into Queen Victoria's eyes, and she couldn't help but sigh.

In 1863, the eldest son Edward proposed to the Danish Crown Prince Christian IX, who was not yet the king of Denmark, to marry his eldest daughter Princess Alexandra, but was rejected. The reason turned out to be that William IV, who had just become the king of the Netherlands for a year, and Alexandra was a childhood sweetheart, and the two were in love. Christian IX expressed his support for his daughter's decision and agreed to the marriage of William IV and Princess Alexandra.

This left the eldest son Edward still holding his breath twenty years later.

Edward had been fighting with William IV for 20 years, and he was at a disadvantage every time. Buddha fought for a stick of incense, and everyone fought for a breath.

As the Crown Prince of the British Empire and the future King of the United Kingdom, a world power, if she lives in the shadow of William IV for a long time, it will be very detrimental to the future rule of Britain. This is why she has repeatedly targeted King William of the Netherlands against Edward over the years. The fourth generation made various "unreasonable" actions, but they did not stop them unless they went out of their way.

But the eldest son seemed to be naturally suppressed by William IV, and he always ended in failure.

In the past 20 years, the Netherlands, a second-rate power, has come a long way under the leadership of William IV. It has not only surpassed the second-rate power and entered the first-rate, but has even developed to the point where it is now on par with the United Kingdom. Although the background is a bit worse, William IV's global alliance network, coupled with The Netherlands' endless new industrial and technological innovations have made the UK exhausted. Even the emerging power Germany is chasing after it but still cannot keep up with the pace of the Netherlands.

Unknowingly, the era of steam revolution in England has entered the electric age. This is a slogan promoted everywhere in the Netherlands.

If the steam age is the symbol of Britain's rise, then the electric age has become the brand of the Netherlands' rise.

The German Empire and the United States of America became the other two main supporting actors in the Electric Age.

Britain has now entered the most critical period for the Netherlands to catch up with itself. The British are hesitant. Edward's approach is actually not all the British thoughts.

So this is the fundamental reason why Queen Victoria did not stop it.

Can the Netherlands continue to rise despite the Great Latin American Crisis created by Queen Victoria and German Prime Minister Bismarck specifically to prevent the rise of the Netherlands?

Queen Victoria didn't know, and I believe Bismarck and others didn't know either!

(End of this chapter)

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