Chapter 1155 Clear the draft!

On November 1882, 11, the Dutch ambassador to Colombia, Louis Lun, directly and publicly warned Domingo in Bogotá that his actions were not consistent with the common will of the Netherlands and Colombia.

The ambassador of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is similar in appearance and role, also warned the Colombian government, expressing his dissatisfaction with Colombia's sudden approach to Colombia.

The ambassador also directly and publicly accused the ruling Dominican government of suppressing other opposition parties in Colombia. "The Netherlands is a pioneer in party politics in the world. We hope that Colombia will implement more relaxed policies like us." political elections, rather than relying on suppressing the other party to gain long-term power.

We in the Netherlands have not only been talking to the ruling party for many years, but I have also been talking to the opposition parties recently.

Most of these opposition parties expressed support for closer ties between the Netherlands and Colombia rather than Britain.

We don’t know what the intentions of the Domingo government are, but we know that this will cause chaos in Colombia’s diplomacy in the future. "

The Dutch ambassador's remarks have heightened predictions of a falling out between Colombia and the Netherlands.

European countries naturally hope that the Netherlands will fall out, so that they can intervene in this country.

Especially to break the iron wall created by the Thirteen-Nation Alliance established by the Netherlands in Latin America.

That's why we suddenly introduced such a bill, not to hinder the United States of America, but to prevent others from coming to the United States and taking away our lowest-level jobs in society.

However, before the news could dissipate, they were stunned by the arrival of new news one after another.

The most important thing is that in Latin America, with Colombia's withdrawal from the G13, land transportation will be cut off because Colombia and Panama are the only transit land routes.

The situation that the Netherlands had even shaped in Latin America because of this would be broken because of Colombia.

Even Portugal, a medium-sized country, has joined in the fun. Lisbon is eager to see its old enemy the Netherlands suffer in Latin America so that it can get a piece of the pie again.

On November 1882, 11, the two parties in the Congress of the United States of America officially announced the Qing Dynasty Draft, which imposed strict restrictions on Qing workers in terms of immigration.

There had been rumors about this issue some time ago, but it was not approved by Congress at that time.

This is also likely to be aborted, but as the policy was passed by the American Congress, the lobbying teams hired by the Qing Dynasty in the United States have failed one after another.

This will be a disaster for the Group of 13 Latin American countries.

This is a huge data. The United States of America's own economy is in crisis, but the extremely hard-working Qing people have occupied many positions, leaving white Americans unemployed.

"The United States of America hires 5 people from the Qing Dynasty every year, and the current total has exceeded 15 people.

People in Britain, Germany, and Austria were eager to try this, and frequently communicated with Columbia, both overt and covert, in an attempt to expand their influence.

Therefore, we made this difficult decision. We did not deliberately target the Qing Dynasty. We have no enmity or enmity with the Qing Dynasty, but we are all our own masters.

Or other countries serve the king, but we serve not only the federal government, but also ordinary people.

Finally, we help those in Colombia who don’t have enough to eat to no longer go hungry, and we help those who are poor to create more jobs. “Although Secretary of State Bryant’s words sound nice, who doesn’t know that it was he who single-handedly pushed for the clearing draft passed by Congress?

On the same day, Léon Gambetta, Prime Minister of the Second French Empire headed by Paris in the north of France, and Léon Gambetta, Prime Minister of Thiers of the Third French Republic headed by Lyon in the south of France, visited the border area with the Lyon regime in the south. He was suddenly assassinated in the Dor department. The suspect fled in the direction not far away, which immediately triggered the biggest political shock since the civil unrest in France.

The Paris-based French Second Empire directly blamed the assassination suspect on the city of Geneva in the Haute-Savoie department controlled by the Lyon-based French Third Republic.

Queen Eugenie, the regent, directly condemned the evil of the Lyon regime in the south and vowed that the murderer would not be brought to justice.

This incident made everyone in northern France indignant.

Many people in the south, especially those who own gardens, landowners, and capitalists, were dissatisfied with President Thiers' actions.

Many people believe that this assassination was ordered by the southern government.

Because of this suspicion, the rich and powerful people in the south were dissatisfied with Thiers' attempt to break this peace.

On November 1882, 11, 24 French troops from the Côte d'Or Corps marched 20 kilometers south and stationed themselves directly in Chalon, a city controlled by the advance. This was originally the capital of the Saône-et-Loire department.

Originally there were only 2000 people stationed there, but now the number has been increased 15 times.

The arrival of these 30,000 people made the French Third Republic regime in the south feel oppressed.

You know, Chalons is just a small province away from Lyon, less than 50 kilometers from front to back.

If the Second French Empire goes south with all its strength, Lyon will face a war crisis.

We can't let Paris continue to go south, eh. There are currently only 20 active-duty soldiers in our republic.

Among them, two legions of 6 people were deployed in the direction of Spain.

Another regiment of 3 people was stationed in Bordeaux in the Gironde Province, an important town in the west, to protect it and prevent France from moving south. It also prevented us from being attacked by the navy at Port Nine Pier. The army was able to help maintain it.

An army of 3 people is also stationed in the central province of Haut-Vienne. In addition, an army of 3 people is also stationed in Marseille, south of Lyon on the Italian side.

Therefore, currently in Lyon, there are only 3 regular troops and 3 reserve troops there to guard the safety of Lyon.

This time, Napoleon III seemed to let his wife take charge of the planning, and Eugenie lived up to expectations. First, she turned grief and anger in the east into strength and marched 3 troops south to Chalon. Not to mention, in the west, the garrison of Charente-Maritime also began to move south. Twenty thousand troops went south, of which 5000 cavalry took the lead. The two sides met in Angoulême, Charente Province, in the relaxation zone, and many died.

For example, the Second Empire suffered more than 200 casualties, and the south was attacked so suddenly that not only the city of Angoulême was lost, but also Barbezieu, an important town in the south of the province, was robbed.

And it only took you a short day for all this to happen.

On November 1882, 11, two days had passed when the news spread and then spread to Europe. '

(End of this chapter)

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