Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 130 Journey to the Far East

Chapter 130 Journey to the Far East
1862 9 Month 10 Day.

The Ministry of Education of the Netherlands declares today as Teachers' Day in the Kingdom of the Netherlands every year as a tribute to all teachers who have devoted themselves to education.

On Teachers' Day, schools in the Netherlands require all teachers and students to have a day off.

As soon as this novel Teacher's Day came out, it caused a sensation all over the world, including European countries.

"This is a very creative way of publicity. I admit that I was conquered by the approach of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. We in Sweden have also decided to make this day a holiday for all teachers in Sweden. Because of their hard work in educating the future of the country, it is the flower of the country. Worthy of this honor”

Swedish Justice Prime Minister Louis de Geer Sr. made the above statement after the Swedish Parliament just passed the proposal to recognize Teachers' Day.

Not only Sweden, but also Denmark’s Chairman of the Council of Governments, Carl Christian Hall, announced September 9 as Teachers’ Day in the country.

Many people have doubts about the Three Kingdoms.

After all, it would be understandable if Sweden followed the Netherlands, but Denmark also followed suit, which seems confusing.

Unfortunately, this doubt was quickly dispelled.

On September 1862, 9, the Dutch royal family and the Danish royal family announced that the two countries would conduct a marriage, and the object was that William IV would marry Princess Alexandra, the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Christian of Denmark. The engagement would be held in Conducted on January 12, 1863.

The wedding took place six months later, on July 1863, 7.

The news caused an uproar.

You know, as early as when the royal blind date meeting was held in Amsterdam, it was reported that the British Crown Prince Edward fell in love with the Danish princess at first sight. From then to now, this news has not stopped. Many people are envious of Alexander. La Fei climbed up a branch and turned into a phoenix. It was really good luck that Prince Edward took notice of her.

So Alexandra became the envy of European aristocratic women.

Of course, many people are also envious of Crown Prince Edward's good fortune, because in London, there have long been rumors of his improper life, but now he has set his sights on the most beautiful princess in Denmark, and he is about to succeed. Some people envied her future, while others felt sorry that she would fall into the hands of a dishonest person. However, they did not expect that someone would come out to seize love in the middle, causing all the efforts made by Prince Edward to be in vain.

As the news of Princess Alexandra's engagement to William IV spread throughout the world, many people became more envious of Princess Alexandra.

It actually aroused the jealousy of the British Crown Prince and the Dutch King. How much charm is required?

The craze of Alexandra suddenly started in Europe. Her clothes and makeup became the trend of royal women from all over the world.

Especially in the European market, there are many types of clothes of the same style that are often out of stock.

Countries have made their own judgments on the impact of this marriage.

"What is the Netherlands going to do? It is clear that Prussia will launch an attack on the Kingdom of Denmark in Schleswig and Holstein, but William IV is now marrying Denmark first. Does the Netherlands want to marry Denmark in the future? Can’t you help Denmark deal with us?”

"Your Majesty, some things may seem normal, but in fact they reveal something strange. William IV likes to play mysterious tricks the most in order to maintain his power.

This is their consistent style in the Netherlands, and even Nicholas Pierson, the ambassador to Prussia, follows this foreign policy.

We only need to develop ourselves to be domineering and kingly. At that time, no matter how many diplomatic skills the Netherlands has, it will be in vain. "

"That means"

"We remain calm, neither opposing nor supporting, because some countries will be more anxious than us." "Okay, let's do what the Prime Minister said."

The speakers were Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, and Bismarck, the country's prime minister.

"But Your Majesty, we have to prevent Denmark from forming a truly conscious alliance with Sweden and the Netherlands. After all, Sweden and Denmark have already reconciled, but they are still in conflict with each other because they are the leaders of the Kalmar Alliance.

But if the Netherlands enters, it will have a chemical effect on this alliance, which may bring it back to life, and the three countries will form a stable pattern. By then, we, the west and the north will all have increased pressure.

Maybe they have seen through this, so the Netherlands will promote the alliance with Sweden. If they come to win over Denmark, obviously the Netherlands should have this purpose."

"Prime Minister, has the Netherlands forgotten that the three countries of Poland, Poland and France are also allies? Do they want to eat both sides?"

“It’s hard to say that both sides take it all, at least the French Empire doesn’t care, because speaking of it, we formed an alliance in the first place just to use each other to fight against the British and to make trouble together.

It’s just to take advantage of the situation. If the Netherlands and the UK quarrel and make peace, they will gain a lot of benefits, but we will not get many benefits. Therefore, the role of this alliance has actually been reduced a lot."

"Didn't the joint action on the African side win us many colonies?"

"Then if we do this with Spain, the effect will be the same."

William I was stunned when he heard this. Bismarck's statement made him immediately puzzled. He was the one who advocated the alliance at first, but now...
Seeing this, Bismarck explained: "Your Majesty, the environment has changed, and we also need changes to keep pace with the times. Now that the Netherlands has got out of the diplomatic dilemma of being at odds with Britain.

There is even a slogan to develop the Far East, and even the deputy capital has come out. This proves that the country has begun to focus on the Far East. A person's energy is limited, and a country's financial resources are also limited.

Therefore, these actions of the Netherlands all prove that he will reduce resource investment in Europe. For us in Prussia, it is not clear whether it is good or bad at present. However, the role of the Three Kingdoms Alliance has actually been reduced invisibly. "

As the protagonist of this incident, he had already left Amsterdam and started to board the Dutch fleet heading to the Far East.

"Peter, the size of the navy must be accelerated. Only if the navy is built fast enough can we protect our assets."

William IV said expectantly: "Australia and the original Dutch East Indies have a vast territory, and the most coastal areas in the world. If there is not a strong navy to protect it, then no matter how fast and good the economy develops, In the end, it’s just a wedding dress for others.”

William IV was sitting on the Rotterdam, one of the two first-class sailing battleships of the Dutch Home Fleet.

Accompanying it were more than 10 battleships of other classes.

This fleet is already half the maritime strength of the Dutch mainland fleet.

This time, in addition to Navy Minister Jan Peter, Army Minister Petr de Jong also came.

In addition to them, there are also Director of the Dutch International Intelligence Agency Mackay Schoen, Minister of Industry Wem Kot and Minister of Education Lud Bales, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vinas, Chief of Army Staff Jop Ill, etc. , the others stayed in mainland Holland.

Jan Peter was delighted when he heard this. This shows that His Majesty still attaches great importance to the navy, so next year's finance minister should be able to relax the financial constraints.

So he was too busy to choose and said: "Your Majesty, I think the navy should be vigorously developed. Today's Netherlands is undergoing development and construction everywhere. Every item here is crucial to the Netherlands and cannot be missed, so , I think what Your Majesty said is quite right."

The Army Chief of Staff next to him, Jopp Ilden, was a little envious of the Navy. Your Majesty is trying to relieve the Navy from its financial constraints. When will it be the Army's turn?

(End of this chapter)

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