Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 179 The Vienna Cabinet is located in Berlin?

Chapter 179 The Vienna Cabinet is located in Berlin?

1864 7 Month 25 Day.

In this operation, the German Confederation had more than 8 troops. Except for 2 troops left behind for supplies in Holstein, the other 6 troops were all pressed towards the borders of Holstein and Schleswig.

There was a dangerous face-to-face confrontation with the Danish army on the opposite side.

Danish Prime Minister Monrad said it was unacceptable that the German Confederation was preparing to attack Schleswig after occupying Holstein, and Denmark would not allow such a thing to happen.The prime minister also declared that the German Confederation's action was a trampling on the sovereignty of international countries and an act of intimidation to other countries, and said that Denmark would not accept such unwarranted intimidation.

"European Times" reported that Prime Minister Monrad issued this statement to the media of various countries in the form of a press conference on the morning of August 8 to respond to the matter.

He said: "This is an act of intimidation, an act of unwarranted and unfounded intimidation. The great Kingdom of Denmark will never accept such intimidation."

Danish Foreign Minister Meike also said that the occurrence of this incident showed the hegemony of the German Confederation and its ambition for other countries' territories. He hoped that international countries could stop the German Confederation's aggression against other countries and return peace to the European continent. .

Danish Defense Minister Das told the outside world that the German Confederation has now completely occupied the Principality of Holstein, which itself is beyond the scope of the German Confederation's power. Now it no longer pretends, and chooses to directly appeal to Denmark. Schleswig came to prepare for an attack, which was a radical act.

He said that Denmark has more than 3 troops stationed in Schleswig. As Denmark faces the greatest danger in its history, people across Denmark have risen up bravely and everyone is actively signing up to participate in the action of defending their homeland. A large number of troops will be added to the Schleswig front, and we will defend Denmark to the death.

As the most important members of the Danish cabinet have come forward to express their opinions, it is obvious that the confrontation in Schleswig has evolved into a dangerous situation.

At the same time, the British squadron in the Baltic Sea also began to wander, approaching the Prussian ports of Nickelbing and Copenhagen. The British did not dock for supplies, which put pressure on the German Confederation.

Austria, inside the Royal Palace of Vienna.

Franz Joseph I met with Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, Prime Minister of the Austrian Empire, and Reisberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the State Office.

"Your Majesty, now that we have joined this joint operation, Prussia has become more at ease."

Grand Justice Rainer Ferdinand said: "However, it seems that Berlin's intentions are becoming more and more difficult to figure out. That guy Bismarck doesn't know what is being sold in the gourd, but he is so kind as to propose a joint action to us. This This was something that was impossible in the past, a bit weird.”

Bismarck's proposal of cooperation between Prussia and Austria was a very Austrian idea. Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, Foreign Minister Reisberg and Prime Minister Archduke Rainer Ferdinand could not ignore the excitement of the German people on the one hand, and on the other hand Nor did he want Prussia to seize leadership of Germany.

For Austria, the biggest worry is that if the Schleswig-Holstein issue is resolved by Prussia, Prussia will become the new leader of the German Confederation. This is unacceptable to Austria, and Austria must do everything possible to prevent it.

Now Bismarck's proposal is exactly what Austria wants, so there is a reason why they hit it off immediately.

Austria's Foreign Minister Rechberg said at this time: "Prussia has just sent a telegram stating that it does not intend to support Augustenburg because they only demand the status of the two principalities based on national self-determination." Rainer Feidi Grand Duke Nan sneered: "They are harboring evil intentions."

"How to say" Franz Joseph I asked.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten the current domestic situation in Austria?"

The expressions of Joseph I and Reichberg changed.

Because the Austrian Empire is a multi-ethnic country, all ethnic groups are now fighting for greater rights, especially the Hungarians, the second largest ethnic group, and now they have almost reached the point where the Austrians are equal.

If this kind of national self-determination is allowed, and even Austria supports it, then it is conceivable that the major ethnic groups in Austria will use this as an excuse to ask Austria to give them more rights. This will be dissatisfied with Joseph I who is now As well as the Austrian government, it would be a catastrophic event.

Therefore, out of principle and position considerations, His Majesty firmly opposes this kind of national self-determination.

On July 1864, 7, at the Vienna Parliament session.Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I was discussing the status of Schleswig-Holstein and immediately rejected the Prussian proposal for national self-determination.

The Prussian King and Prime Minister Bismarck did not attend the meeting despite firm opposition.

However, just when all countries thought that the two countries would fall out and Denmark's actions would be affected, Prussia proposed on August 8 that Prussia and Austria jointly intervene in the status of the two principalities. As a result, Joseph I of Austria and others wanted to do so.

A meeting between the two countries was held in Frankfurt on July 1864, 7, and a secret agreement was reached.

When Foreign Minister Reichberg discovered that Bismarck Orb had deviated from criticism of Duke Augustenberg, he was relieved, because they obviously felt that Prussia was no longer playing tricks.Even later, the Austrian diplomatic leader never acted so docilely in line with the Prussian statesman's policy.

Even many people in Prussia were confused. Since the Baden incident, it was impossible for the two countries to cooperate again. At least in the eyes of the Prussians, it would never be possible for the Hohenzollern family and the Habsburg family to cooperate. At that time, it had only been more than a year, but now Bismarck suggested that Prussia and Austria jointly safeguard the German Confederation. People feel humiliated by this decision. And the Prussian old conservatives who have so far agreed that Bismarck is against their holy alliance are deeply moved by Bismarck's change. Rejoicing in the reconciliation between Pu and Austria.

William IV, together with his members of the Privy Council, watched all this unfold.

"Few people in Prussia realize that Bismarck, the Prussian Prime Minister, has fully grasped the diplomatic initiative. Many people may guess that the Vienna statement was mainly driven by Austria. In fact, what they don't know is that this is just Berlin. It’s just the will of Austria, and Austria fell into the trap designed by Berlin without knowing it.”

Foreign Minister Hesbert von lamented.

William IV smiled slightly and said, "People might think that the cabinet in Vienna is located in Wilhelmstraße in Berlin."

(End of this chapter)

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