Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 194 How should the Netherlands manage the indigenous people?

Chapter 194 How should the Netherlands manage the indigenous people?

The Dutch Privy Council held its latest meeting. This time, Jan Simscock, the Governor of East India who had returned from the Far East, also attended the meeting.

“A lot of people are confused as to why we include people of color in the national fold.”

William IV told the members of the Privy Council of the Netherlands: "I was reading a book recently. It was given to me by Jane Simscock, the governor of East India from the Far East. It comes from the ancient Qing Empire and our history in the Far East. The translation completed by the Dutch talks about the customs and customs of various places and the vast land and resources. But the passage that interests me the most is that someone in it talks about the classification of people into three, six or nine grades.

Jane Simscock, Governor-General of East India, can you tell us how the Qing Dynasty divided the levels? "

Jane Simscock nodded yes.

"Many things in the Qing Dynasty will divide each level very finely, and they are divided into upper and upper, upper and middle, upper and lower, middle and upper, middle and middle, middle and lower, lower and upper, lower and middle, lower and lower, etc., three or six Ninth grade.”

Except for William IV who was obviously calm, everyone else in the Privy Council was in confusion and surprise, and their scalps were numb.

Jane Simscock explained: "They are divided into nine categories.

The mantra is: first-rate Buddha, second-rate heaven, third-rate emperor and fourth-rate official, fifth-rate pavilion, old and sixth prime minister, seven advancements, eight actions and nine enlightenments. "

Zhongjiu: first-rate scholar, second-rate doctor, third-rate painting, fourth-rate skin (shadow play), fifth-rate playing and singing, sixth-rate divination (divination), seven-rate monk, eight-level chess and nine-rate harp.

The next nine are: the first-rate high platform (operating), the second-rate blowing, the third-rate circus, the fourth-rate push (shaving one’s head), the fifth-rate pool (the bathhouse in the north), the sixth-rate back rub, the seventh-rate Xiu and the eighth-rate (breeding livestock), and the ninth-rate prostitute. "

After Jane Simscock explained the meaning of various words related to the Qing Dynasty, he said: "To put it simply, people are divided into ten grades, and people are divided into high and low. In the northern Qing Empire in the Far East, therefore, there were one official, two officials Officials, three monks, four Taoists, five doctors, six craftsmen, seven craftsmen, eight prostitutes, nine scholars, and ten beggars."

William IV said: "Look, the country where the Qing Dynasty is located is said to have a history of thousands of years. Although it is not necessarily more prosperous than us economically now, there are things worth learning from in the long history.

As far as I know, the initial stages of the early cabinet system of the British Empire actually also referred to the cabinet system of the empire's previous dynasties hundreds of thousands of years ago, that is to say, their prime minister's bachelor system, etc. "

Seeing that they did not believe it, William IV asked Jane Simscock, who was familiar with the history of the Qing Empire for thousands of years, to explain the evolution of the country's government under the rule of emperors. Let’s start talking and come step by step to the current Qing Empire.

Everyone was attracted by the magnificent and constant ups and downs of the country's changes inside, and everyone had sighs on their faces.

Philippe Howe, the Dutch Minister of Industry.

Although he already knew that the country was extraordinary, he had only seen a simple overview before, but he had never wanted to understand it in such detail. His energy, like many people present, had been spent on the development of Europe in the past few hundred years. In my understanding of history, I don’t know much about the Qing Dynasty, so I couldn’t help but exclaim:

"Sure enough, no great country is established simply."

Interior Minister Qiongler also sighed with amazement: "It's hard to imagine that the current rulers of the Qing Dynasty are just a small nation who counterattacked to rule the people of a large country. Your Majesty, it seems that you will not come from the Qing Dynasty." When people rule that country, ideas are derived?”


William IV said: "In the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty defeated the many with fewer Qing people, and achieved military dominance. After that, it was integrated into local customs, and its governance was no different from the previous dynasty.

The Qing people in the Qing Empire could do it, why can't we. "

William IV solemnly said: "Everyone, Britain has 3000 million people and France has more than this number. Therefore, these two countries can use local soldiers to maintain their rule over local colonies. They can provide such manpower and material resources. And domestically The market was large enough to support the rapid industrial development of the ruling colonies and the country.

The Netherlands needs industrial development, and in terms of manpower, it needs to change the traditional concept of planting.

You can take a look at the current gap between the United States and the United States between the north and the south.

The South was inefficient and relied on cultivation. The instability of black slaves in terms of manpower caused social unrest.

In the north, due to industrial development, the scale of economic development is even compared with that in the south. The industrial output value in the north is US$15 billion vs. US$1550 million in the south, and the GDP is also more than ten times different.

Comparing the population of 2234 million to 910 million, one can imagine how big the domestic gap is.

The Netherlands cannot waste too much human resources on the planting industry, but food security is also a national policy of the Netherlands, so"

William IV looked around and said seriously: "In this era when Europe has begun to abolish slavery, instead of passively accepting the enslavement of people to help us grow food, and eventually causing trouble like the United States, it is better to do it across the board and directly In one step, the identity transformation of these indigenous and black people was completed. In fact, they still did the same work, but their patriotic sentiments had undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past, they were forced to fight, but now they are required to participate in military service. It is an obligation and responsibility, no longer a compulsion but a should.

In all aspects of social work, there are always people who have to do the dirty work and clean work, and after these indigenous people and black people join, when they compete for a position in front of us Dutch people, everyone should know what the result will be, so When the competitiveness of upper-level jobs is low, they will be relegated to the bottom of society.Complete the Dutchman's ascent to reach the upper level.

Of course, we can help them appropriately with regard to various aspects of public security and their reasonable demands, so that they can return home willingly.

Of course, the media constantly resolves disputes and even quotes comparisons from other countries, such as how miserable the Tu people were in the colonies of Britain, France and other countries, to highlight their hard-won environment and make them feel satisfied with their inner comparison. This allows them to better accept the environment and atmosphere we create for them.

These changes have freed up a lot of people from the Netherlands' 900 million people to do other things. Think about it, how powerful this will be. "

“The natives are at the bottom and the Dutch are the upper class.”

Samuel Horch, the Dutch Undersecretary of Agriculture, hesitated and couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, I feel that this will cause social rupture and the sense of hierarchy is too clear? I'm afraid that it will lead to ethnic minorities. dispute"

Prime Minister Tolbeck explained for William IV at this time: "Therefore, we created a meritocratic policy."

“What meritocratic policy?”

Jeremy Harmon, the Dutch Undersecretary of Education, also stood up and asked curiously.

The three of them are all secondary ministers of departments because their superiors are currently sent to the Far East to gradually develop the small cabinet government in the Far East. Therefore, the three of them currently attend Privy Council meetings on behalf of their respective departments.

"No matter where it is, in society, the powerful will be in the minority and the powerless will be in the majority. This is the concept of the power pyramid. It is always the minority who are responsible for the distribution of social benefits.

Therefore, policy formulation is never made by the general public, and the power to formulate is always in the hands of a few people.

The small group of people who rule the majority does not mean that they fully represent the interests of the majority, so there will be a gap. Therefore, this does not mean that the minority of others is the upper class. "

Speaking of this, Prime Minister Tolbeck added: "However, after referring to other countries, His Majesty and I feel that in order to stabilize the situation and avoid the situation in the United States, or even a repeat of the Great Revolution in Europe in 1848, non-elites will rise to elite status. There must be process channels.

And it happens continuously, but we can control its fast and slow rhythm, so that the general public and non-elites can only subconsciously feel that instead of resisting, which is thankless and may cost their lives, it is better to work a little harder and become the top class of society. The elite, joining the basic views of this circle, became the ruling group in the Netherlands. "

Hearing this, everyone changed their color.

In fact, there are people here who have come up from the bottom of society, and the civil service officers are better off. Military attachés are made through hard work on the battlefield through military merit. Therefore, what Tolbeck just said, I actually feel the most empathy.

Tolbeck: "This group of elites may have slightly deviated views due to their origins, but in general, they will be consistent in many aspects of the basic norms of the social system and the maintenance of the current country, and they have only a few points of interest. Just a disagreement.

Therefore, as long as the government grasps the general direction and follows up on the changes in the values ​​​​that we need them to change as the country's policies change, it can mitigate or even prevent accidents such as political changes. "

In short, it is to achieve the goal of guiding the development of the majority of people by a small number of elites in society, and influencing them to follow the flight path of the wild geese in front of them.continue to dominate the country's progress. "

William IV said: "Everyone wants a better living environment. We can promote some talented people among the indigenous and black people who are loyal to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and give them channels for development in villages and small towns. Let’s first try to elect members of local governments and local councils. These institutions can effectively help us manage their ethnic groups.

Of course, we ourselves also need to take charge of the general direction. They appear first in a supporting role, and then gradually increase their power, but the process can be gradual.Slowly reserve local talents. Later, you can select from these reserved talents to gradually assume higher-level roles. "

William IV said with bright eyes: "When they gradually occupy an important social position and establish a close relationship with the Dutch economy and politics, they will try to change their original indigenous colors to cater to us. This big dye vat in the Netherlands, they would bring the people down there.

And the people below will also feedback to all the indigenous people, telling them that thousands of armies are saddened by the single-plank bridge, but where the bridge is, we have set the rules. Should we continue to stay there and watch others carefully pass by and become the upper class, or should we follow Squeezing, colliding, and grabbing positions is what they should be worried about.

Those who pass will form their own cultural circle with pretentiousness, because they will all have similar backgrounds and energy, and will not allow others to slander their hard-earned social status. They will cooperate with the Dutch rule and maintain their status, which is the greatest common divisor. "

Finally, William IV: "The best way for us to govern the indigenous elites must be to open up the channels for their advancement. If we get this done, then the indigenous people will really be our help rather than our problem."

While William IV was discussing how to manage the indigenous people, the North and South in North America were engaged in the largest war since the United States began the war.

(End of this chapter)

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