Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 20: The 5th Dutch-British naval war?

Chapter 20: The Fifth Dutch-British Maritime War?

The drafter of this British statement was Foreign Secretary John Russell.

"We do not believe that the current Dutch occupation of New Caledonia is legal because the British began to live and work there as early as 50 years ago.

When the Dutch occupied the island, the British had 200 people living there, and now they were captured.

We are very sad, so we strongly call on the Kingdom of the Netherlands to release the British nationals who suffered these unjust disasters. At the same time, we demand that the Netherlands compensate the 200 British nationals for 100 pounds in damages each, and publish it in the most influential "European Times" in Europe. An apology was published in the newspaper to express the mistakes made by the Netherlands.

Only in this way can we gain forgiveness from the angry British. "

As the pro-Whig Times published the statement of Foreign Secretary John Russell, all European countries knew that the Netherlands had actually expanded its territory in the Pacific, and look at the list of nearly two Dutch countries. monthly results.

Beginning on December 1861, 12, the Dutch Navy and Army of the East Indies dispatched 10 men from Makassar, the headquarters of the East India Navy, and occupied the island of East New Guinea in just one month.



A small fleet of nearly 3500 people was formed and headed eastward to occupy New Britain, the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides including New Caledonia, and the Fiji Islands.

Echoing the north and south forces that previously occupied the Marshall Islands, they marched against each other into the Gilbert Islands and Tuvalu Islands!
The combined area of ​​these territories exceeds 87 square kilometers.

In less than 2 months, when Belgium attracted the attention of many countries in Europe, the Netherlands secretly acquired 87 square kilometers without saying a word!
And judging from the British Empire's statement, it seems that the British Empire is only concerned about the safety of the 200 British people on the island called New Caledonia.

As long as they pay money and apologize, and give up this British island, then the rest will fall into the hands of the Netherlands without any objection from the British?
Thinking about it, I feel it is incredible. When did the British Empire become so easy to talk to?
You must know that the mainland European area of ​​the Netherlands is less than 5 square kilometers, and the Dutch East Indies is only about 190 million. In just two months, it has acquired about half of the territory of the Dutch East Indies. ?
"As expected of a man who served as Prime Minister of the British Empire for 1846 years starting in 6. This seemingly concession has laid a lot of pits. If you are not careful, you will be trapped in it, and you will be detached. Skin.

John Russell is worthy of being called by many later generations as one of the two Whig generals of this era, along with Palmerston. The two took turns coming to power to compete with the Tories for the power to control the British Empire for 40 years.

It can be said that the later generations of the fighting nation-state leader Jingzong and his good colleague Dmitry Jeff seem to be replicas of these two people. "

But, do you think I'm easy to bully?

William IV couldn't help but sneer at Russell's vivid language in the newspaper.

Use British national anger to suppress me?
But will I care?

On January 1862, 1, when the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press conference, it clearly refuted the "well-intentioned advice" of the British Empire's Foreign Secretary John Russell, saying:
"We are only stationed on the island at the invitation of the indigenous chiefs of New Caledonia, and can help the indigenous people on the island live a good and happy life. We do not have a colony. They themselves are willing to join the Netherlands. We are naturally very welcome in the family, and not just in New Caledonia.

What I can tell you is that in other places that have been added to the new map of the Netherlands, the Dutch government will treat them equally and treat them as local territories.

At the same time, the theme of our press conference today is that the Netherlands officially announced that it will abolish the unfair colonial system. We will treat new members as nationals. Here, we welcome any talented person to come. Come and live in the Netherlands, we will provide necessary help to help all kinds of talents who want to immigrate to the Netherlands. Thank you! "

The Netherlands' toughness was unexpected and attracted the attention of other countries.

Even the upper echelons of the British government held back, and for the first time, they did not shout out about launching warships to bomb Amsterdam. It was really weird.

It is said that it seems to be an order from Queen Victoria, and Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston also signed an executive order.

However, it is obvious that many people in the military are dissatisfied with this decision, especially the local nobles of the British Isles.

They all in the Netherlands had taken some medicine, and they were all working against the British and felt dissatisfied.

France, Paris!

Napoleon III and Olivier were also discussing this, but compared to others, the two of them were much more relaxed.

"I like to see the British people being angry. It's a beautiful sight!

But Olivier, does Prussia dare to stand up to the plan that the Netherlands has agreed with us? "

Napoleon III asked doubtfully.

When he thought of that plan, he couldn't help but feel admired, especially when the plan was getting closer to the goal step by step, he couldn't help but feel that all the trouble he had spent these days was worth it in an instant.

These days, he is very tired from being in front of others and behind the scenes. Especially when facing questions from reporters or Congress, he has to look angry. Even so, he still faces the members of Congress with extremely bitter remarks. The problem annoyed him so much that he felt really frustrated.

Fortunately, everything is about to be revealed. Compared with the benefits gained, the fatigue during this period is worth it!
Napoleon couldn't help but feel excited when he thought of the agreement reached by several parties. At the same time, he was also looking forward to seeing what the British people's expressions would be after seeing the result, especially Queen Victoria and the old guy Palmerston. So disappointed!
The same was true for Olivier, but he calmed down quickly.

"This is being operated by the Netherlands, and only they can persuade Prussia to agree to this operation."

Olivier sighed: "Prussia is very wary of us, so it would be a good choice for the Netherlands to come forward."

"Yes, the Dutch are indeed very talented in this area, otherwise they wouldn't be called sea coachmen."

After checking their watches, they both confirmed that it was stable.

Prussia, Berlin!

"That little guy William IV is really good at playing. One after another he made him stunned. Now I envy his youth. As expected, he is older and more energetic than the young people."

William I said appreciatively.In front of him was always Prime Minister Bismarck, whom he admired most.

But this time, Chief of General Staff Moltke was attending a meeting of the German Confederation Parliament.

The place is Vienna.

The thought of this annoying meeting and location made the two of them frown.

In 1850, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire began to fight openly and secretly for the leadership of the German Confederation.

Austria has always dominated the German Confederation, but it collapsed after the revolutionary storm in European countries in 1848. At that time, Frederick William IV (the former King of Prussia, the eldest brother of William I, died without children, his younger brother William I succeeded to the throne) did not dare to be controlled by others anymore, so in 1850 he launched the Erfurt League, which no longer recognized the leadership of Austria and was led by the Kingdom of Prussia, in order to unify the German Confederation.

In particular, the elector of Hesse argued with his subjects, and the Austrian Prime Minister Schwarzenberg further isolated Prussia, so Austria and its allies, the Kingdom of Bavaria, the third largest country in the German Confederation, entered Hesse.

On November 1850, 11, the Prussian army almost went to war with Austria's ally, the Kingdom of Bavaria.

Moreover, in October, Nicholas I of the Russian Empire reached an agreement with Austria in Warsaw, indirectly encouraging Austria to deal with Prussia.

By this time, King Frederick William IV of Prussia knew that he was weak and isolated, so he could only compromise with Austria to avoid causing a war and weakening his own strength.

It was precisely for this reason that Prussia and Austria signed the Treaty of Olmitz, which was a shame for Prussia. Because with her signing, Prussia officially surrendered to Austria.

And according to the treaty, Prussia gave up its leadership of the German states, gave up its plan to unify Germany, and supported the re-establishment of the German Confederation led by Austria.

Prussia surrendered to Austria and cooperated with the German Confederation Parliament to intervene in the issues of Hesse and Holstein. At the same time, Prussia agreed to dissolve the Erfurt League that had been built so hard and lose its wings.

However, although Prussia suffered this humiliation, it was able to maintain its strength and seek stronger reforms for Prussia. At the same time, the customs union established earlier was still there, which greatly promoted Prussia's economic development.

With the succession reform of William I, especially the addition of von Rohn, Moltke, Bismarck, etc., and this time Prussia recently persuaded the Kingdom of Hanover, which was ranked fourth in the German Confederation, to form an alliance with Prussia.

Therefore, at this time, Prussia could finally no longer fear Austria, but in order to continue hiding, it did not fall out with Austria immediately.

They are waiting for the opportunity to come and proceed as planned.

"In short, this time, we can use the Netherlands to explore cooperation opportunities with France and ease relations for the next few years."

"Your Majesty is right." Bismarck looked at the teacup and said arrogantly: "Let us, our neighbor in the south, strengthen ourselves first. After we complete our plan, it will be our turn to go shopping in Paris."

"Hahaha, that's right. It's not just Paris. I heard that the collections at the Palace of Versailles and the Louvre are pretty good. I don't mind letting you guys pick a few first."

When Bismarck heard this, a heart-beating smile appeared on his face and he said: "Then thank you in advance, Your Majesty."

 Chapter 2 is here.

(End of this chapter)

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