Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 200 The Crimean Dispute Resurfaces

Chapter 200 The Crimean Dispute Resurfaces
On March 1865, 3, a piece of news published in the European Times, Europe's largest newspaper, suddenly filled Europe with an eerie silence.

The protagonist that appeared in front of Europeans this time was no longer the division caused by the United States in North America. The internal war between the United States led by President Lincoln of the Northern Federal State and President Davis of the Southern Confederate State respectively.

It was not that the German Confederation had just defeated Denmark. Because the spoils were unevenly divided, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire almost came to blows.

It turned out that on this day, the Crimean Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire in the east had another dispute. The two countries began to have intermittent minor disputes along the Black Sea coast.

According to statistics from "European Times", in the five years from 1860 to 1865, there have been more than 5 disputes between the two countries over Crimea, one almost every month, and the total number of casualties in both countries was double. More than 100 people.

The emergence of this news made those who experienced the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856 tremble in their hearts.

Although it has only been 10 years, people still cannot forget how heavy the casualties were during that war, which caused so many families to be separated from their wives and children, how many families lost their mainstay men, and how many families became single-parent families.

For this reason, anti-Crimean War demonstrations took place on the streets of every European country that participated in the war.

In particular, those affected single-parent families are calling on the government to prevent it from happening again.

There were even scenes of silence on the streets of London for the more than 20 British soldiers who died there.

Paris took the lead in asking Napoleon III to reconcile the conflicts between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire because of the 30 soldiers the French Empire lost in this war. Some extreme people even asked Napoleon III to apologize for the deaths of those 30 people. .

This meal caused the Napoleon III incident in Paris and even across the country.

This raised eyebrows in Europe.

The recent war between Alexander II and the German Confederation in Schleswig made him discover that Britain seemed to be unable to check and balance other countries on the European continent.

Otherwise, Prussia and Austria would not have dared to occupy Schleswig when British warships were in the Baltic Sea.

He mocked: "It's all the fault of William IV. If he hadn't repeatedly induced countries to bypass Britain's influence in Africa and obtain a large number of colonies on the African issue, the countries that had tasted the sweetness would have been unable to control themselves, and even Britain's intervention made other countries think that Britain wanted to monopolize it. This little guy William IV was hiding deep enough."

Alexander II naturally had a complicated mentality towards the Crimean War that ended in 1856, because it was because of this war that Nicholas I died and the Russian Empire even plummeted.

And because of this, he inherited the throne of the Russian Empire.

Faced with a tsarist empire that was waiting to be reborn, he worked hard to govern. In just ten years, he finally brought the tsarist empire out of the quagmire of war. He even kept up with advanced countries such as Britain and France in terms of education. This led to the emergence of a large number of advanced scholars in education in the country, which can be called the most important decade of laying the foundation for Tsarist Russia in the history of literature and science.

There are many people in Europe who are worried about war, but they are just ordinary people and those with vested interests.

But for ambitious people, this is an opportunity.

Alexander II was such a person.

Ten years of hard work is just to avenge the past.

Britain's status declined, France became ambitious, Prussia rose rapidly within the German Confederation, and with the vague support of the Russian Empire, and formed a confrontation with Austria. Alexander II will never forget the endless chatter of his father Nicholas I before his death. Joseph I of Austria, Tsarist Russia's most trusted ally for a long time, actually deployed troops on the border between Austria and Tsarist Russia, causing Tsarist Russia to send heavy troops to the border between the two countries, which reduced the number of troops in the Crimean War in the south of Nicholas I, and ultimately failed. Dead look.

Nowadays, the more severely Austria is suppressed by Prussia, the more comfortable Alexander II feels.Alexander II also followed the example of Western Europe and established his own Privy Council meeting. It was also common to convene several giants to hold meetings at the same time.

No, in front of him, he summoned several people, including Count Gorchakov, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich, and Count Milyutin.

Gorchagov was promoted to the new Prime Minister of the Russian Empire at the beginning of this year because he gained the trust of Alexander II. He also continued to serve as the Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire.

Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich was the second son of Nicholas I and the younger brother of Alexander II.

He served as Minister of the Navy and Governor-General of the Kingdom of Poland from 1864, and from early 1865, he served as Speaker of the Council of State (actually the Privy Council) of the Russian Empire.

As for Milyutin, he was a famous general in the Tsarist Russian Empire. He is now the Minister of Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

It can be said that these three people are Alexander II's most important right-hand men, with Gorchagov in charge of the cabinet government.

The latter two were in charge of the navy and army respectively for Alexander II.

Military Minister Milyutin's eyes shone sharply, and he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, as the Ottoman Empire relies on the "Paris Peace Treaty" to become more and more prepared for the management of Bessarabia on the northwest coast of the Black Sea, so It is difficult for us to infiltrate there, and I feel that we cannot let them continue like this.

They are also counter-infiltrating and even conducting centralized management of our Slavs. This pig farming is no different. Perhaps, this is an excuse for us to interfere with them."

Hearing the words "Paris Peace", everyone present looked good.

This peace treaty is a symbol of shame for all Tsarist Russians.

Because it made Tsarist Russia the laughing stock of Europe.

Since this peace treaty, Tsarist Russia recognized the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire. The capital of the Tsarist Russian Empire occupied part of the Crimean Peninsula. However, the Ottoman Empire has always been dissatisfied with this result.
Moreover, in order to retain the Crimean Peninsula territory in its hands, the Tsarist Empire also needed to give up the northern Bessarabia at the mouth of the Danube River to the small country of Moldavia.

The south was ceded to the Ottoman Empire.

Karpas in the Caucasus was also required to return the Ottoman Empire and give up its right to protect the Orthodox Church in the Ottoman Empire, which was equivalent to Tsarist Russia losing the right to intervene in Ottoman affairs.

The suzerainty of Serbia, Wallachia and Moldavia, which Tsarist Russia has always been unwilling to accept, also requires Tsarist Russia to recognize that it belongs to the Ottoman Empire.

The Triple Alliance defense rights of Serbia, Wallachia and Moldavia were also recognized.

The Danube River was opened, and Tsarist Russia was not allowed to interfere with ship navigation.

, if it is the territory there that makes them uncomfortable, the most disgusting thing for everyone is that the peace treaty also prohibits the Russian Empire from having fleets and naval bases in the Black Sea, and does not allow the Russian Empire to fortify on the Aran Islands in the Baltic Sea.

Oh my God, after the failure of the Crimean War, these other European powers actually reached out to the Baltic Sea. This is obviously an excuse.

After a long time, Alexander II gritted his teeth and said: "Send troops to Bessarabia."

(End of this chapter)

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