Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 314: There is no cap on our arms sales

Chapter 314: There is no cap on our arms sales

On September 1867, 9, Ross, the Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Siam and the Netherlands and President of the International Court of Justice at The Hague, held a high-profile joint press conference in Bangkok. When Rama IV faced reporters from newspapers around the world, he acted as a victim. With a serious face, he proposed the idea of ​​meeting with Napoleon III to seek an end to the war.

But he warned that if the civilians of the Kingdom of Siam besieged in eastern Cambodia are killed by the French Empire, and if the French Empire carries out any large-scale embezzlement in the occupied areas, the Kingdom of Siam will withdraw from the possibility of negotiations with the French Empire. .

Rama IV reiterated at a press conference in Bangkok that day that he was willing to meet directly with the great Napoleon III. He even proposed that Napoleon III visit Bangkok to meet with him. Rama IV even said with great sadness that under the condition of ensuring safety, He was willing to go to Paris for talks, but Ross there said he was willing to provide a venue, such as Amsterdam, or Jakarta in the Far East, Sydney or Melbourne in Australia, or even Darwin.

King Rama IV pondered for a moment, and naturally agreed with the Dutch minister's proposal to meet with the head of the International Tribunal in The Hague, an international organization.

He shouted to newspaper reporters from various countries that the people of the Kingdom of Siam had shown on the battlefield that they were not afraid of the invading French Empire's troops.

Ross told reporters that he would push His Majesty the Kingdom of Siam to use any opportunity to negotiate with the French Empire until the end of the war. "There are diplomatic and military methods, so any healthy and sane person will choose the diplomatic method, because he knows that even if it is difficult, it is possible to avoid the destruction of life."

Ross said emotionally at the press conference that he believed that the French Empire might participate in the war as a whole when Napoleon III lost his mind, but he did not want to believe that it would actually happen.

He warned with a hint of threat that if that were the case, the Kingdom of Siam would get more help, the Kingdom of Siam would get more weapons, which would be absolutely crucial. "Once countries provide enough advanced weapons to the Kingdom of Siam, believe me, the Kingdom of Siam will regain more temporarily occupied territory than it is capable of."

After hearing this, Rama IV immediately expressed his gratitude to Ross and the Netherlands behind him in front of everyone. The two of them also confirmed that the members of the International Court of Justice in The Hague and various countries including the Netherlands will meet within a week. Within the period, further financial assistance support will be provided to the Kingdom of Siam.

After Ross, the British Governor-General of India, Sir John Laird Mile Lawrence, also visited Bangkok. On behalf of the United Kingdom, he expressed support for the Kingdom of Siam’s current efforts to fight against the invasion. He said that the United Kingdom would cooperate with The Hague International Together, we are willing to provide security protection for the Kingdom of Siam and resolutely oppose the French Empire's invasion of the Kingdom of Siam in Southeast Asia.

In addition, the governor also said that Britain would send a team of officers to Bangkok to impart combat training to the Kingdom of Siam.

For this, King Rama IV naturally expressed his gratitude.

However, some people are happy and some are unhappy.

Edmond Drouin de Lui, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Empire, spoke at a public event in Paris and said that in the military operation of the Kingdom of Siam, the great French Imperial Army has entered the second phase, and has taken control of Cambodia in the first phase. The entire eastern part has been completed. The second phase goal is to fully control the entire central and southern parts of the Cambodian region of the Kingdom of Siam. The eastern part of the central and southern parts has also been captured.He even spelled out its strategic significance.The Foreign Minister of the French Empire said frankly that the French Empire’s goal is to fully control central and southern Cambodia and the Kingdom of Siam.
Regarding the eastern area and the central and southern areas under its control, Edmond Drouin de Lui said that Paris knew the content of the meeting between Rama IV and Ross, and he was concerned about Rama IV's request not to kill civilians. He agreed very much with the move. He said: "The French army established a corridor to the east of the Kingdom of Siam, allowing these people to leave the east and central areas and live where they want to live. The French Empire was even willing to send troops to protect him when he arrived for the war. Borderlands.”

He also said that if the southern part of the coast is completely occupied, the French Empire will station the French Empire's Far East Navy fleet to effectively protect the army at sea. Obviously this is intended to remind countries such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands not to attempt to attack the sea from the sea. A move to support the Kingdom of Siam.

If the French Empire achieved this goal, the Kingdom of Siam would lose all of its coastline in Cambodia.This is very crucial to the situation there.

This is also the highest-level official statement of the French Empire to date. It is also one of the most specific explanations. It also shows that the French Empire will not slow down its offensive in the east and south of the Kingdom of Siam in the short term. It also shows that the French Empire is not subject to the Dutch Minister of Justice and the Minister of Justice. The president of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Ross, was affected by the visit and even made his own goals public.

I have to say that a big country is a big country, and doing things is just one word - hanging.

In response to this, King Rama IV expressed his dissatisfaction in Bangkok, which exposed the imperialism of the French Empire.
When Ross, who had left Bangkok in the Kingdom of Siam, was asked about his views on this in Jakarta in the Dutch East Indies, he said: The French Empire's invasion of the Kingdom of Siam was just the beginning, and it also intended to invade other countries.

Even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands summoned the French Empire's ambassador to the Netherlands that day and expressed "deep concern" about the remarks made by the French Empire's Foreign Minister Edmond Drouin de Lu. For this reason, the Netherlands asked all countries to support the Kingdom of Siam The French ambassador was also summoned to express dissatisfaction.Other countries are gradually joining the Dutch team.

The British Foreign Office said that the UK firmly supports the Dutch approach and supports the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Siam.

The coming weeks could be decisive and the French Empire may significantly increase its offensive against companies in the central Kingdom of Siam, a senior official from one of the member states of the International Court of Justice in The Hague said.

He said that the French Empire’s diplomat’s statement has eliminated the possibility of anyone guessing the French Empire’s armistice. Everyone has to admit that the French Empire’s ambitions are far beyond the current results. Their ambitions are even greater. Therefore, Countries are preparing to impose more sanctions on the French Empire to support the Kingdom of Siam.

At the same time, he also said that if possible, the Netherlands is willing to sell the most advanced active weapons to the Kingdom of Siam at some time in the future.

When asked whether the steam battleships most wanted by the Kingdom of Siam were included, the Dutch diplomat did not give a clear answer. He only said that the Netherlands would judge the nature of the arms sale based on the development of the situation, and said that everything was possible. .

(End of this chapter)

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