Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 343: Continue to teach your wife to play politics

Chapter 343: Continue to teach your wife to play politics

Speaker of the House of Representatives Schuyler Colfax openly supported Senate Speaker and Vice President Andrew Johnson. This was like a bolt from the blue to the German and Irish members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of America. The lawmakers were shocked.

This seems to have become a joke to the original idea that the Irish and German alliance would dominate the American Commonwealth.

The situation within the Federal Republic of America is absolutely earth-shaking.

The huge waves stirred up by the Dutch people this time were enough to make many people sweat for President Lincoln and Secretary of State Seward.

Unlike the Secretary of State, who is a professional cabinet official nominated by the President and approved by the Senate, the Vice President is elected and has a certain base of public opinion, as does the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Therefore, President Lincoln and some members of the executive cabinet headed by Seward actually came into confrontation with the two giants of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

In the Royal Palace of the Netherlands, King William IV of the Netherlands holds the little princess Anna Christian William, who is only about 5 months old. Next to him is Alexander, who is holding the 2 and a half year old Prince Albert Christian William. Pull the queen.

Little Princess Anna couldn't speak, but her blue eyes were wandering around, as if she was listening carefully to her parents' conversation.

The 2-and-a-half-year-old Prince Albert also listened quietly to William IV's words, showing his royal upbringing and looking like a little gentleman.

Their parents, on the other hand, are teaching in the role of teacher and student.

“Relationships of trust between people can easily be destroyed, even without outright betrayal. In many cases, people lose trust in their allies before they even defect to the enemy’s side. Trusted. Ask any professional politician and they will tell you that voters are fickle and fickle.

Therefore, smart politicians always take the trouble to make various efforts to show those who support them how loyal and reliable they are.

Haven't you noticed that our economy fluctuates as the political calendar changes?In the first year after the election of the Dutch Prime Minister, the economy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands usually experiences recessions and downturns of varying degrees.

However, before the next election comes, the Kingdom of the Netherlands' economy will definitely be back to full swing.

Any Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands knows clearly that at the end of his term, the country's economy must be growing and prospering, otherwise he will lose the chance of re-election. If he wants to make something that offends voters and makes the economy If he wants to go backwards or even directly reduce some social welfare purposes, he'd better do it at the beginning of his elected term. The sooner the better, because only in this way, when the next election comes, voters will forget that they have done this. And suffered pain. "

"Why?" Alexandra asked hurriedly.

William IV looked at Alexandra who was listening carefully, smiled at Prince Albert, and at the same time shook Princess Anna in his arms, and then explained:

"When you inflict pain on people, do it all at once, because the shorter they have to experience the pain, the less irritated they will be." William IV sighed: “On the other hand, when giving kindness to others, you have to give it bit by bit and step by step, because only through such continuous giving can people feel the greatest feeling. Your benefit"

Alexandra was shocked when she heard this. Is this what her husband said?

She is worthy of being the monarch who pushed the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the status of a major European power. It is not difficult for her to imagine that if William IV's words were heard by the outside world, there would definitely be an uproar, and for those who like to engage in politics in the world, it would be a big shock. Words of wisdom like the Bible.

The words of her husband William IV made Alexandra finally understand the true thoughts of people in the political arena. As William IV's words entered Queen Alexandra's ears, she felt that this time she Really half-footed into the world of politics.

Although she didn't understand why her husband William IV spared no effort in teaching, she wisely chose not to ask.

Because she understood that since he didn't say anything, he must have a reason.

"What you said, William, made me understand why politicians from all over the world not only have to finish the difficult things that will cause protests first after taking office, but are not afraid of the consequences of not getting off to a good start. It turns out that, This is to make people forget it over time.

I think, in this way, they must bring continuous, tangible benefits to voters in the months before the next election.”

"That's right," William IV said: "Smart politicians always seize the opportunity to show their loyalty by reciprocating when the voters who support them are trying to judge whether their services are qualified. Just like last year's case in Junene, Kingdom of Belgium. In the re-election campaign of Dardenne, voters across the country overwhelmingly elected Jules Darnet to be re-elected as Prime Minister. People only saw the strong economic recovery of the Kingdom of Belgium starting in 1865. But they forgot that it was due to poor management in his first term that he was in a continuous recession in the first year. They seemed not to understand that the short-term recovery of Ye Jingjing was just a recovery in the recession. And the culprit was Zhu Er. .Dane Don.”

Alexandra asked: "Then can I think that if a politician performs poorly or has mediocre performance in the period before re-election, then no matter how well he did two years ago and how much benefit he gave to voters, If he is huge, it will not help, and he will be destined to be abandoned by the voters?"

William IV did not answer immediately, because he thought of a person-President Carter!

After he entered the White House in 1977, despite facing serious inflation risks, he proposed tax cuts and a series of other measures to stimulate economic growth in America and thereby reduce unemployment.

It was not until the final year of his first term that he began to introduce austerity measures.He also made policies to improve fiscal spending and also proposed a sharply compressed election year budget plan. This was tantamount to political self-indulgence and stupidity, so he lost the election in 1981.

Thinking of this, William IV sighed: "In one never-ending political game after another, voters often lack memory. This, Alexandra, you must remember"

"Well" Alexandra asked suddenly: "William, election politics are like this, so how should the Netherlands face the world? n You know, the world is discussing this topic now?"

"You finally couldn't help it anymore?" William IV said jokingly, "Don't worry, everything is in my plan."

(End of this chapter)

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