Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 384 America’s New Monetary Policy

Chapter 384 America’s New Monetary Policy

In the autumn of 1859, the famous French banker Solomon Rothschild (the son of James Rothschild, the head of Europe's largest financial group) came to our country from Paris as a tourist. He looked ordinary, but What no one knows is that the heir to Europe's largest consortium is actually the overall coordinator of all plans.

He traveled north and south in the United States, extensively contacted local political and financial dignitaries, and constantly fed back the intelligence he collected to the first heir of Rothschild in London, his cousin Nathaniel Rothschild. eld.

In his talks with local people, Solomon Rothschild publicly stated that he would strongly support the South financially and stated that he would do his best to help the independent South gain recognition from the European powers.

The agent of international bankers in the north was August Belmont, a Jewish banker known as the King of Fifth Avenue in New York. "

William IV knew about the man mentioned by Charles Eliot. August Belmont was the agent of the Rothschild family bank in Frankfurt and an in-law of the family.

"In 1829, Auguste, who was only 15 years old, began his career as a banker. He first worked for the Rothschild Bank in Frankfurt, and soon showed his outstanding financial talent. In 1832, he was promoted to the Bank of Naples. After working in a bank, honing his experience in the international financial industry, and becoming familiar with German, English, French, Italian and Dutch, he was sent to New York across the Atlantic in 1837. He hesitated to spend a lot of money on the federal government bonds of the United States, and soon became He became a leading figure in New York's financial community.

He was valued by Martin Van Buren, the Dutch-American president who had just successfully campaigned for vice president at the time, and was appointed as a financial advisor together with Randy Blaish of the Randy family.

In 1861, the British Empire and the Rothschild Bank in Frankfurt, represented by August, expressed their willingness to financially support Lincoln in the north.

However, Rothschild invested more in the South.

In order to increase military pressure on the Lincoln government in the north, the British Empire sent 1861 additional troops to Canada at the end of 8, ready to respond to the Confederate Army's offensive and threaten the Lincoln government from the northern border.

In 1862, the United Kingdom, France, and Spain landed at the port of Mexico and completed their assembly in the border area of ​​the Southern Confederate States of the United States of America. If necessary, they would enter the south and conduct direct operations with the Northern Confederate States of America.

In 1863, under the orders of Napoleon III, the French Empire's General Jelle added 3 troops and occupied Mexico City.

In the early days of the war, the southern military offensive was victorious, and the allied powers such as Britain and France were surrounded by powerful enemies. The Lincoln government was in great difficulty. Bankers calculated that the Lincoln government's treasury was empty at this time. Without huge financing, the war would will be unsustainable.

Since the end of the war with the British Empire in 1812, the Commonwealth of America's treasury revenue has been in deficit year after year. Even before Lincoln came to power, the budget deficit of the Commonwealth of America was sold to banks in the form of bonds, and then the banks monopolized the Rothschilds of the British Empire. The Federal State of Germany and Barings Bank need to pay high interest rates for this, and the debt accumulated over the years has made it difficult for the American government.

The bankers proposed many financing plans and conditions to President Lincoln. When our great president heard that the interest requirements offered by the bankers were as high as 20% to 30%, he was stunned. President Lincoln pointed at Letting these bankers leave at the door was a ruthless move that completely plunged the federal government into bankruptcy. President Lincoln also knew that the federal government would never be able to repay this astronomical debt.

You can't fight a war without money, and borrowing money from international bankers is undoubtedly putting a noose around your neck. Lincoln thought hard about the solution. At this time, his old friends in New York, the largest financial group in New York, the Randy family Randy Bleich, the leader at the helm, gave Lincoln an idea - why doesn't the Confederate States of America issue its own currency?
"Let Congress pass a bill authorizing the Treasury Department to print currency with full legal force, pay soldiers, and then go out and win the war we are facing."

But President Lincoln asked the American people whether they would accept such a currency. Randy Blish said: "Everyone will have no choice in the matter, as long as you make this new currency fully effective and the government gives them full support." , they will be as universal as real money, since the constitution grants the national emblem to Air France and the power to set the currency'

After President Lincoln listened to this suggestion, he was overjoyed and immediately appointed Randy Blish as his full-time financial adviser to plan the matter. President Charles Elliott said in amazement: "This groundbreaking method breaks the practice of the American federal government having to borrow money from private banks and bear high interest rates. This new currency uses a green pattern to distinguish it from other currencies." , known as Green Coin, the uniqueness of this new currency is that it has no monetary metals such as gold and silver as collateral, and it provides only 20% interest for 5 years.In other words, from 1863 to 1882, the interest rate was only 5%.

During the Civil War, due to the issuance of new currency, the Lincoln government finally overcame the severe situation of taking legal currency in the early stages of the war, and greatly and efficiently mobilized various resources in the northern part of the American Commonwealth to help us win in the end, although the South was still independent. However, we withstood the invasion originally planned by European countries. Victory did belong to us, and we finally won the current solid economic foundation.

At present, because this low-cost currency has become the storage currency of the Bank of the Federal Republic of America in the north, the bank credit and goods of the Federal Republic of America have been greatly expanded, and the military industry, railway construction, agricultural and industrial production and commercial trade have all achieved unprecedented growth. financial support.

Therefore, at that time, Randy Bleish became one of the greatest contributors to the Commonwealth of America and has become the most influential figure among the people of the Commonwealth of America. "

Seeing this, William IV smiled proudly.

“The great discovery of gold in the United States since 1848 has gradually enabled the country’s finance to gradually get rid of the extremely disadvantageous situation of being completely dependent on the control of European bankers.

It is precisely because of the large amount of high-quality currency as the basis of confidence that Lincoln's new currency can be widely accepted by the people, laying a reliable financial foundation for winning the Civil War. What is even more surprising is that the new currency issued by Lincoln did not This caused severe inflation similar to that during the War of Independence. From the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 to the end of the war in 1867 last year, the data in the hands of William IV showed that at this time, the price index of the Northern American Commonwealth only increased moderately during the seven-year war. Just a little more than double.

Considering the scale and devastation of the war, and compared with other wars of similar size around the world, this was a financial miracle.

William IV also noticed that, on the contrary, the South also adopted paper money circulation, but the effect was completely different. The price index of the Confederate States actually tripled from the same period to the end of the war.

Throughout the Civil War, the Lincoln government issued a total of $4.5 million in new currency. This new currency NG mechanism worked so well that the Lincoln government very seriously considered issuing and legalizing this debt-free currency for a long time. This deeply hurts the fundamental interests of the international financial oligarchs.

If all governments did not need to borrow money from banks but issued their own currency, bankers' monopoly on currency issuance would no longer exist. Wouldn't banks be drinking from the northwest?

William IV in particular remembered it. No wonder after hearing the news, the Times of London, representing the bankers of the British Empire, immediately issued a statement warning:
If this obnoxious new fiscal policy from the Confederate States of America, known as the Lincoln Green Dollar, were made permanent, then the government could issue its own currency at no cost, and it would be able to pay off all its debts without paying any debt. If it goes into debt again, it will obtain the necessary currency to develop business, and it will become an unprecedentedly prosperous country in the world. The best talents and all the wealth in the world will flow to North America. This country must be destroyed, otherwise it will destroy the world. of every monarchy.

The British government and the New York International Banking Association, owned by the Rothschild family, angrily expressed their intention to retaliate. On December 1861, 12, they announced that they would stop paying financial currency to the Lincoln government. Some international banks in New York also organized gold deposits. withdrew gold and announced the withdrawal of its commitment to purchase American government bonds with gold,
Banks across the Commonwealth of America responded one after another. They went to Washington to propose a workaround to President Lincoln and his adviser Randy Blish. They suggested that they should continue to adopt the past practice of selling high-interest bonds to European bankers and sell them to European bankers. Millennium gold was deposited in private banks as a reserve for the issuance of credit. Bankers made a fortune, and Millennium levied taxes on the industrial sector and the people to support the war.

However, President Lincoln resolutely rejected the completely unreasonable request of the bankers, and his policy later won the hearts of the people. The people of the Commonwealth of America enthusiastically purchased all the bonds and used them as cash in accordance with the law.

The bankers will try to succeed again and again.They found that the bill for the issuance of new Lincoln coins by Congress did not mention whether gold would be used to pay interest on national debt, so they reached a compromise with members of Congress, which allowed Lincoln new currency national debt to be paid, but the interest portion had to be paid in gold. This was the first step in a perfect plan, which was to link America's domestic gold to the new Lincoln dollar. The European bankers who created the pound system, which had the world's currency reserves at the time, had far more federal gold reserves than America. Currency, the compromise between American bankers and Congress allowed international financiers to use their control over the total volume of American gold imports and exports to indirectly achieve the effect of manipulating the value of American currency.

(End of this chapter)

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