Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 388 Chapter 388 Whoever controls the issuance of currency controls Britain.

Chapter 388 Chapter 388 Whoever controls the issuance of currency controls Britain.

"Mr. Lionel's statement is quite good. The Dutch East India Company has indeed developed too fast and has affected the interests of our British Empire. Especially in the Americas, Britain's previous share has gradually been eroded. It was originally far more than European countries are now almost being overtaken by the Netherlands, which relied on the anti-British policy of the American Commonwealth. The huge size of the Dutch East India Company now seems to make people feel suffocated."

In Buckingham Palace, Prince Edward's words broke the deadlock among several people.

Foreign Minister Russell opened his mouth, looked at Crown Prince Edward, and then at Lionel Rothschild who seemed somewhat satisfied. Finally, he rationally chose to shut his mouth.

Prime Minister Disraeli took the opportunity to say:

“The Crown Prince is right, and I also agree with the threat of the Dutch East India Company.

In the past few years, the total economic size of the Netherlands has reached half that of the UK. However, the UK has a population of 3300 million, while the Netherlands only has 1100 million Dutch and 2000 million low-income people of color. Under such circumstances, the Netherlands seems The per capita income is far from that of the UK.

But another data shows that if the 1100 million white Dutch population is calculated separately, the per capita income of these 1100 million people is now 1.5 times that of the British. This is all due to the Dutch East India Company. There are 50 Dutch East India Company employees. It led to the great development of the Netherlands.

If this continues, the British Empire's unique superpower position will become ordinary.

Therefore, I also believe that the United Kingdom should compete or contain the Netherlands economically to prevent the other party from threatening Britain's economic dominance. "

Disraeli's voice was loud and well-founded. It seemed as if he was reading from a speech in the House of Commons in London, which made people feel that he was trying his best.

But it is true that whether it is Queen Victoria or the richest man in Britain, Lionel Rothschild, they are all his political and economic bosses, and they are very important to him, his party and his family. He is the person who can provide the greatest help, so how can he not work hard?

But what he didn't know was that Lionel Rothschild, who was watching his performance with satisfaction, despised him in his heart. Lionel couldn't help but think of his father who had passed away 32 years ago. A quote from Nathan.

He remembered what his father Nathan proudly said to him after he took control of the issuance of British currency:
"I don't care what kind of English puppet is put on the throne to rule this huge empire on which the sun never sets. Whoever controls the currency supply of the British Empire controls the British Empire. And now, that person is me, and I The British Rothschild family who will pass it on to you in the future, remember, my most promising heir, the currency issuance rights must be in the hands of our own Rothschild family."

Looking at Queen Victoria in front of him, Lionel felt calm in his heart.

Speaking of which, Her Majesty the Queen was able to take the throne in the first place because of his role.

Now, it seems that Her Majesty, who used to have some slight influence, has gone too far.

Who is Queen Victoria? She has been in charge of this country for almost 30 years. During this period, she has experienced countless social elites. She has to admit that the Lionel in front of her does make her feel scrupulous.

But it's not just because of him. It would be fine if it was the Rothschild family in the UK. Even though the other party grows as wildly as a tree root in the British financial world, it still belongs under her eyes and within her jurisdiction. She can give it to him. He, but as long as he hardens his heart, he can still take it away.But what made Queen Victoria very afraid was the entire European Rothschild family behind him.

That is the reason why royal families and governments around the world dare not act casually.

The elder Rothschild's third son, Nathan, was the first to help Earl William of Frankfurt transfer money 20 times by learning about the Battle of Waterloo in advance, becoming the British government's largest bondholder in one fell swoop and obtaining the British public debt issuance. , controlling crucial decisions such as the issuance of British currency and the price of gold.

Naturally, I won’t talk about these anymore.

Except for Nathan, none of the other four Rothschild brothers were economical.

Lionel's fifth uncle, James Rothschild, controlled France's bond prices, forcing Louis XVIII to seek help from him, and eventually took full control of France's finances.

Lionel's uncle Amschel Rothschild developed in Frankfurt, the headquarters of the Rothschild family, and controlled the finance of the German Confederation. It was inextricably related to the rise of the Kingdom of Prussia. William I, Bismarck and He supported the rise of the Junker nobility.

Lionel's fourth uncle, Carl Rothschild, gradually became the financial backbone of the Italian court through the influence of other Rothschild brothers. His profits spread throughout the Italian peninsula. It is said that even the Italian King Emmanuel II was not allowed to do so. Do not give him almost equal status and treatment.

As for his second uncle Solomon Rothschild, after the Napoleonic War ended, Solomon knocked on the door of Vienna. With the Rothschild family, he had become a famous family in Europe, conquering Britain, France, Germany and Italy. After a lot of energy and confidence, Solomon did not directly choose the Habsburg people to discuss business, but found a stepping stone. He was Metternich, the Austrian Empire's foreign minister who was famous in the European political arena in the 19th century.

After defeating Napoleon, the Vienna system led by Metternich maintained the longest period of peace in the 19th century. When Austria was gradually declining and weakly surrounded by powerful enemies, he brought the essence of checks and balances to the extreme. He used Habsburg The remaining orthodox appeal of the royal family in Europe formed the Holy Alliance between neighboring Prussia and Tsarist Russia, which stopped the resurgence of France and contained the restless expansion of the Tsarist Russian Empire. It also formed a coalition to unite the nationalist and liberal waves in Austria. The mechanism ensures that the multi-ethnic separatist forces in Austria will not get out of control.

The Rothschild family, Nathan Rothschild, has five brothers. One of the brothers is in London, England. The influence of Paris, Frankfurt, and Naples, Italy, helped Metternich, and Solomon finally opened the door to Austria's financial economy. Became the financial and economic master of the Austrian Empire.

Therefore, now, the currency issuance power of major European industrial countries such as the British Empire, the French Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy has fallen under the control of the Rothschild family.

In this case, how could Queen Victoria not worry.

It is precisely because she is concerned about the huge power of the Rothschild family that she actually hopes to see the rise of the Netherlands, a country that is not under the control of the Rothschild family, to break the European financial monopoly of the Rothschild family, so that Britain can truly Free from the economic control of the Rothschild family.

Why Queen Victoria was so fond of Viscount Palmerston and Russell was because they had always been her best helpers in seeking to eliminate Rothschild's control.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Russell.

(End of this chapter)

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