Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 399: Italy is different from the Ottomans?

Chapter 399: Italy is different from the Ottomans?
Although it has always said that it wants to diversify the sources of arms and wants to expand the share of Dutch weapons and Britain, and even Prussia has some, but the best equipment from those countries has not been given to Italy. Of course, the most important thing is that Italy itself wants to Use arms business to ease relations with the French Empire.

For example, Italy has always wanted to buy a steam battleship from the French Empire, a battleship that does not require sails for power. Currently, only Britain, France and the Netherlands have the technology and manufacturing capabilities for this kind of battleship. Even the United States, which has an equally advanced shipbuilding industry, currently has It can only make some small battleships and steam merchant ships.

Prussia wants to buy it, but currently neither Britain, France nor the Netherlands have any plans to sell Prussia.

Some time ago, it was said that Prime Minister Bismarck asked Prussia to explore its own technology and create its own battleship manufacturing system to break the monopoly of Britain, France and the Netherlands.

It relies on the power of steam to move freely. From now on, it no longer needs to look at the wind direction to walk on the sea. In terms of combat effectiveness, the superimposed combat power is not 01:30 points.

If you think about it, this will help ensure the security of a three-faced country like Italy, especially considering the current poor relations with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the strategic security issues of the British Empire and France fighting each other in the Mediterranean.Therefore, I think the relationship between Italy and France is very, very important to Italy.

At the same time, Italy and the French Empire both have common interests in Africa. One is in the east and the other is in the west. They occupy a large area of ​​colonies. I checked and found that the two countries are bounded by Libya and Algeria and develop southward in East Africa and West Africa respectively. It can be said that there is a very tacit understanding in operating their respective scopes.

This is something that some allies rarely have. The logic behind it is this. The French Empire needs to face the pressure from the British Empire in the west. At the same time, it does not have very close relations with the Netherlands and Prussia in the north. France also needs subordinates. Will a large number of troops be sent to the east to guard against Italy?
In that case, how can the security interests of the French Empire be maintained?Therefore, when the French Empire knew that its competitive relationship with Britain could not be changed, and that it had short-term conflicts with the Netherlands and Prussia that were difficult to resolve, easing Italian-French relations in the east became the easiest and most manipulative move for Napoleon III. .

Italy not only wants the advanced arms of the French Empire, but also wants to obtain favorable strategic interests, and the French Empire needs to ease relations, so in the end, this ice-breaking trip between the two countries can be regarded as a natural cooperation.

Moreover, with many European countries cutting off or reducing their demand for the French Empire's economic industrial products, if the blockade can be broken and the huge market of Italy can be accepted, it will be a huge breakthrough in the current deadlock for the French Empire.This is very important for the French Empire. In this regard, the most suitable countries for the French Empire are Italy and Spain. Currently, Spain seems to be more wary of France than Italy.

Thirdly, I think Emmanuel II seems to like William I and Napoleon III very much in terms of personality, because he is also a strong man. Maybe the new heroes sympathize with each other. These factors are actually included.

"European Times": Your Majesty, as you mentioned before, Italy is also a member of the International Hague Tribunal who wants to take the lead or be a very important member. So in this crisis when the French Empire was sanctioned, Italy followed the Dutch sanctions France's performance did make the French Empire somewhat dissatisfied, but Italy's close relationship with the French Empire made Britain dissatisfied. What do you think of Italy's attitude?What impact do you think Italy will have on the relationship between the French Empire and the British Empire?

William IV: Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire made a statement just yesterday. You can read the relevant report in the Austrian "Crown" this morning. His Majesty Franz Joseph I even directly called him shaky in English. , our Dutch dialect can directly understand it as unstable and dangling. Franz Joseph I mockingly named Italy as his opponent, which shows that Franz Joseph I was dissatisfied with Italy.

On the other hand, every time Italy visited Britain and France, it would bring private goods and ask the kings and high-level governments of the two countries to agree that Venice belongs to Italy. This obviously angered Franz Joseph I. At this time, many people ridiculed People feel that it is expected.

"European Times": What do you think the changes in the relationship between Italy, France and the UK mean to the Netherlands?
William IV: I think it’s very good. If Italy can really follow the old policy of having both sides, it means that Italy has made a very smart strategic choice, because in a sense, Italy, Britain, and France are also a big triangle. It was the same as Tsarist Russia, Prussia, and Austria before Central and Eastern Europe.

Or maybe it's the same as Britain, France and Russia, the largest triangle in Europe.Or the European religious triangle: Protestant-Catholic, Orthodox the same.

These iron triangles are very important. The British Empire and the French Empire are both stronger than Italy. It is the relatively weak side of the Mediterranean triangle.So at this time, Italy adopts a policy of catering to both sides. I think this is the optimal strategy from a geopolitical perspective. "European Times": Is the Kingdom of Italy the same as the Ottoman Empire?
William IV: The Ottoman Empire was different. Between a neighboring big country and an extraterritorial big country, it chose to rely on the extraterritorial big country and established an alliance with the British Empire in order to attack the strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire. Finally, the neighboring big country Tsarist Russia The empire was in trouble, and the two countries fought. In the end, all the people in the country were devastated, but the big countries outside the region were safe.

So this is a very unwise geopolitical choice, and a country like Prussia is very smart, right?
Italy had a very good relationship with the Tsarist Russian Empire, and the relationship with the British Empire was so good that they had a royal marriage. They were also at peace with the French Empire. Their hegemonic firepower was directed at the Austrian Empire, and they finally succeeded.

It caters to all sides and can gain economic benefits and political support from all sides. It opens up the way to purchase iron ore in Northern Europe and accelerates its own industrial development. It sells industrial products to the Tsarist Russian Empire and Northern Europe, and at the same time, it has good relations with the French Empire. Don't offend the river and live in peace.

Although they are married to Britain, they stay away from Britain to prevent infiltration by Britain. Normally, the British Empire should be unhappy, but Prussia has a very good relationship with Britain. This is a smart country. I think the kings and prime ministers of European countries Decision-making ability and strategic thinking are very important.

"European Times": In fact, Italy's diplomatic concern with the French Empire is not limited to border issues and economic issues. The Netherlands' attitude towards the Venice issue and the Mediterranean issue will also affect Italian domestic public opinion.

Many Italians believe that the Netherlands seems to be easing its relations with the Austro-Hungarian Empire at this stage, because in the previous Austro-Prussian War, it supported Prussia, which made the Netherlands an active side in easing. Therefore, in order to ease relations with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Netherlands , will take a stand against Italy's claim that the status of Venice belongs to Italy. In fact, it is interfering with Italy's sovereignty. How do you think about this view?

William IV: The consistent principle of Dutch diplomacy is to never interfere in the internal policies of other European countries, right?

Supposedly, the issue of Venice's ownership has nothing to do with the Netherlands. It is a conflict between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The two families should sit down and talk about it to make this issue clear and find a practical solution. In fact, we will not participate. in,
Of course, if the two countries agree, the Netherlands can actually do something positive, that is, the Netherlands can push them to negotiate a settlement, and we can act as an intermediary. We do have the will to ease relations with Austria-Hungary. At the same time, although we have a strategic partnership with Italy, and the two countries have even cooperated in the International Hague Court, we also respect the rights and interests of Italy and any third-party country. They are the parties to the problem, right?
According to the Netherlands, your marriage is your business. I can make some suggestions, but whether you accept my suggestions or not is your business. But when it comes to the Netherlands blaming Italy or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, I think this It is water without a source, a tree without roots, and has no logic.

In the face of Italy's rising influence in southern Europe, the French Empire, which has always regarded southern Europe as its back garden, is actually unwilling to give up. Britain is also unwilling to give up easily.

A few years ago, Italy and Spain joined the International Court of Justice in The Hague at the same time. The two countries seemed to cooperate with the Netherlands in imposing sanctions on the French Empire. In fact, the moral sanctions promoted by the Netherlands were just an excuse. Who knows what they think in their hearts?

Especially the marriage between Italy and Portugal. Louis I married the princess of Emmanuel II, which made the relationship between the two countries even closer. Italy's influence in southern Europe increased sharply, looming as a threat to the status of the sole hegemon of southern Europe, which made Napoleon III I feel that my country's security is under great threat.

Faced with the possible anger of the French Empire, and against the background of intensified strategic competition between Britain and France, Italy, which knew that it could not compete with the French Empire with its own strength alone, began to turn to the British Empire.

Italy knew very well that in the face of France's power and huge colonial development potential, it could not effectively check and balance it unless it cooperated with Britain.

The French Empire has a strength advantage over Italy and other countries in southern Europe. Last year, Emmanuel II proposed a diplomatic strategy of putting neighbors first to further consolidate Italy's position in the second empire of the Mediterranean in southern Europe and create opportunities for it to become a major power in Europe and the world. Good surrounding environment.

(End of this chapter)

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