Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 427 European virtues, who is more despicable than the great powers?

Chapter 427 European virtues, who is more despicable than the great powers?
“I disagree with the Foreign Secretary’s statement that the British Empire was the inventor and master of coercive diplomacy.

Under the operation of you and your colleagues, Europe's masterful offshore balancer, the situation in Europe has been moving forward under the direction of the United Kingdom for more than a century.

Over the years, the UK has demonstrated to the world textbook cases of coercive diplomacy through economic blockades, unilateral sanctions and other means.

From 1830 to 1839, under the promotion and coercion of you and Viscount Palmerston, don’t forget that the Kingdom of Belgium was poached from the Netherlands to form a country. Therefore, we have the most say in the British coercive diplomacy. Britain’s methods are impressive”


The rising diplomatic star of the Netherlands did not disappoint. He immediately counterattacked Russell's idea of ​​attacking the Netherlands just now. Good guy, he directly used the famous work of Viscount Palmerston, the British diplomatic strongman, to promote Belgium. The iron-clad fact of breaking away from Dutch rule slapped Russell in the face. It was really sharp. Don't tell me, he was speaking with facts.

Mike Davis ignored Russell's somewhat displeased face and pursued the victory: "In order to intervene in the affairs of Norway, the British Empire separated the Nordic coastal area in northern England. In order to deal with the rule from Stockholm, it actually coerced King Karl XV of Sweden. In the [-]th century, the Norwegians wanted to support the Norwegians in their desire to conduct more overseas transactions with the United Kingdom, which further strengthened the Norwegian government's independence from Swedish rule. In the end, it had to give up due to strong opposition from Stockholm.

I would like to ask the Foreign Secretary, how can we explain these shady acts of coercion by the British Empire? "

How to explain?

The reporter below quickly moved the pen in his hand and quickly described the confrontation between the two people just now, using all the letters accurately. At the same time, the modified tone and the exaggeration that news always used, many people have already thought of a lot. title.

Roy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's "Crown": "When Britain and the Netherlands are facing off in diplomacy, who is better at coercion?"

Merck of the New York Times of the Commonwealth of America: "Who is more despicable in European virtues than the great powers?"

Le Figaro of the French Empire Luxon: "Who is worse? The British or the Dutch?"

Sappho of La Vanguardia in the Kingdom of Spain: “Should Spain join the ranks of ‘coercing others’?”

Other newspapers also followed their usual newspaper thinking and wrote a merciless summary of the wonderful beginning of the two people.

The conversation between the two had a start that was extremely surprising to the newspaper reporters, and they all had more expectations for the next fight between the two.

Russell was also stunned by Mike Davis' counterattack at first, and then became angry.

Do you really think our British Empire is easy to bully?
What a Dutch diplomat, who had just been so rude to him, the chief diplomat of the British Empire, in London, the home of the British Empire.

In this case, it is meaningless to talk about being a gentleman.

British Foreign Secretary Russell then countered: "There are currently six major countries in Europe: Britain, France, Tsarist Russia, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman, and Prussia. They have been saying it for a long time. The current struggle of the Netherlands seems to constitute the most serious long-term problem for this international order that everyone agrees on." challenges that are undermining the international order. As a major country with many interests in the world at sea and on land, the UK will defend the international ethics, international peace structure agreements and diplomatic principles of various countries based on these six major countries to maintain world peace and security. , to protect the rights and interests of countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, here I call on the Kingdom of the Netherlands to make more contributions to peace in Europe and the world, rather than the opposite."

Breaking the European order?Britain defends this order and is therefore willing to quarrel with the Netherlands?
Russell's statement made the reporters as excited as sharks smelling blood and suddenly discovering a new world.

The British Foreign Secretary seems to be saying that the UK is not prepared to accept the Netherlands' position as the seventh power after the six powers?
It even means that he wants Holland to give up his ambition. Will Holland agree?
Who are the reporters present? They are all the trump cards of their respective newspapers. Their political sensitivity is not very high, otherwise they would not be the trump cards of their respective newspapers. So they quickly knew that this was Foreign Minister Russell. A trap dug for Holland.

Despite this, they had to admit that Russell was indeed an old diplomat. Although he was previously suppressed by Viscount Palmerston, no one would deny his status and methods in the British diplomatic community.

Mike Davis retorted: "The truth of the matter is that the international order that the Foreign Secretary talks about is actually an order that serves Britain's own interests and maintains Britain's maritime hegemony.

Now many people in Europe question that the UK is the biggest source of chaos in Europe and even the world order, and is Europe’s troublemaker.”

The Dutch ambassador to the UK also said: "The Netherlands has been and will be the defender of the European order. Foreign Minister Russell should not forget that the Netherlands is the founder of many international alliances and we are also the leader of multilateral organizations.

The Netherlands created the International Labor Union to safeguard the rights and interests of world labor, while helping capital factories and labor establish channels to reduce conflicts.

The Netherlands established the International Women's Alliance to reduce gender discrimination and demand rights for all women in the world.

The Netherlands also created the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which provides the world with the best and fairest tool for governing countries according to law and regulating international disputes according to law.

I would like to ask Lord Russell, compared with the British warship coercive diplomacy, what is wrong with the Netherlands?

The Netherlands has always maintained the international system with these international institutions as the core and the international law of the International Court of Justice in The Hague as the foundation.

These international organizations created by the Netherlands are accepted by all countries and are rushing to join. I don’t understand why the UK thinks that the Netherlands intends to undermine the international order. We are obviously just strengthening the international order.

At present, the Netherlands has been recognized by many countries around the world. The International Hague Tribunal was established by the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, the Commonwealth of America, All countries in the country have already joined. Currently, the Ottoman Empire and others have submitted applications to join, so you may have misunderstood the Netherlands. The Netherlands is really the member that best maintains international order in the world.

On the contrary, the UK currently seems to be pursuing a diplomatic route of independence and outside the big European family. It seems too isolated and out of tune with the world!
I suggest that the British Empire join the International Hague Tribunal, a world-class organization that goes beyond Europe, because Britain’s status as a world power is more representative in it, and Britain can exert its international influence.”

Mike Davis's suggestion surprised everyone. They had never seen an opponent think so much about the enemy. Because of this, would the British believe in his good intentions?

The British Empire's Foreign Secretary Russell didn't believe it. He had already begun to think about the "intentions" of the Dutch diplomatic ambassador in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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