Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 438: Assessing the situation and gaining political insights, and being uniquely discerning a

Chapter 438: Assessing the situation and gaining political insights, and being uniquely discerning about business opportunities

On October 1868, 10, the "European Times" suddenly reported a news that shocked the world - one of the most fierce battles for railway equity broke out in the Commonwealth of America.

The subject of the battle was control of the Erie Railroad.

The party that launched the attack was Cornelius Vanderbilt, known as the captain of the American Commonwealth, and the party that was attacked was Daniel Drew, nicknamed "Cattle Trader".

Both of them are capital tycoons in Northern Europe. Once the "European Times" reported it, it caused a huge shock throughout Europe.

Because ordinary people have heard their legends, and the upper class people have many inside stories that ordinary people don't know, and they think of many things.

"The Haarlem Railway was completed in 1852. Because most of its running routes passed through poor rural areas, coupled with poor management, the Haarlem Railway received very low profits. In the railway industry at that time, the Haarlem Railway was recognized as the leading One of the least promising railroads in North America.

Your Majesty, I don't understand why you would let Vanderbilt compete for this railroad? "

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

William IV was sitting alone in the backyard of the royal family. Within a 50-meter radius, only Michael Sean, director of the Dutch International Intelligence Service, was here.

Much of William IV's international intelligence was handled by McShane, so in this contest between North America and the Rothschild family, he was the person most familiar with the Dutch actions.

He was also William IV's assistant in this operation.

William IV looked at the right-hand man in front of him who had been with him for many years. Like Bill Charlie, he was a confidant he had cultivated since the time of the crown prince, and he had great trust.

Regarding his question, William IV patiently said:

“Playing politics requires knowing how to assess the situation, and doing business requires a discerning eye to discover business opportunities that are unknown to outsiders.

First, the Harlem Railroad was one of two railroads that ran directly into Manhattan, the other being the Hudson Railroad.Trains coming east from New York City had to pay the Harlem Railroad Company for the right of way.

To the west of New York, there is no bridge over the Hudson River, so trains coming from the west are cut off by the Hudson River.Therefore, the Harlem Railroad was uniquely located in New York. "

When Mike Sean heard this, he suddenly came to his senses.

"In this way, this railway has become a rare commodity."

William IV was noncommittal and continued:

"Second, the New York State Government has granted the city council the right to operate the Harlem Railway, and under appropriate circumstances, can grant the Harlem Company the right to operate your cross-city Broadway bus line."

Mike Sean's whole body was shaken, and a blazing light appeared in his eyes, "So, almost all the traffic in New York is under the influence of Haller's parent company?"

William IV nodded and said: "Based on the above two considerations, I carefully observed the operating conditions of the Haarlem Company. Furthermore, the chaotic management and high cost of the Haarlem Railway are the reason for its poor profits. root cause."

“Then why did you choose Vanderbilt?”

"There are geniuses in every line, and crossing lines is never a restricted area. With years of experience and confidence as a shipping company, I believe Vanderbilt can operate this railway and make a profit at a much higher efficiency than others."

William IV said with great confidence: "I don't think there is anyone more suitable than him."

Morgan family.

Juniors Morgan's face was extremely solemn.

He is the current talk-person of the Morgan family.

The founder of Morgan Company can also be said to be the founder of the Morgan family consortium.

At 65 years old, he is still in high spirits. "This old guy Vanderbilt actually stepped in and chose this time to enter the game. It's really a coincidence."

There was a sneer on his face. It goes without saying that he never believed that there were so many coincidences in this world.

There must be some people and things that are not coincidental that are deliberately mixed in here.

"Father, obviously, someone is deliberately challenging us. Should we hold on and give them a blow?"

The speaker was Pierpont Morgan, Juniors Morgan's son and heir.

Pierpont was Junior's favorite, and his son's "academic studies" satisfied him very much.

After the child achieved academic success in 1853, he went to study in London, England in July. In November of the same year, he left London for Europe and enrolled in Belleriu School for further study.

In 1856, Pierpont went to Berlin to study German at the University of Göttingen.

He arrived in New Orleans in 1857 and made his first pot of gold through the coffee business at the age of only 20.

What satisfies Juniors the most is that this son, who made him proud, actually founded Morgan Bank in New York at the age of 24. It was the establishment of this bank that cooperated with the family's capital operation of Morgan Bank. , allowing the Morgan family's business to expand rapidly, and in just a few years, it became one of the largest consortiums in the Commonwealth of America.

Juniors Morgan knew he had a successor.

It is precisely because of this that the talker of the Morgan family has always treated his son Pietelt with an equal attitude since 1861. Just like now, as soon as Pietelt's doubts were expressed, Juniors Lost in thought.

"These are extraordinary times. If we invest too much," said Juniors Morgan with concern, "be careful that we will become someone else's vanguard. In the end, while blocking someone else's disaster, we will also be stabbed in the back. "

"But father, if we don't do this, the balance of the Rothschild family may sink to the Rockefeller family. It will also be a loss for us."

"Pietelt, look, this is the dilemma we are facing now. Under the control of these international capitals, we small capitals who are alone are following the lead everywhere. It is too difficult."

"Father, it is said that there are many voices of dissatisfaction with the Rothschild family in Europe. There are even rumors that the royal families and governments of various European countries are very afraid of the Rothschild family. I think this is not a good thing for us. bad news”

"How to say?"

"The Morgan family cannot work for others all their lives, let alone be a subordinate company of others. Naturally, we need to be prepared to stand on our own. I think waiting for the anti-Roche outbreak in Europe will be something worth looking forward to."

Peter Morgan said meaningfully: "At that time, it will be the time when the necklace around our Morgan neck will be cut off."

Juniors Morgan smiled and said: "It's a good idea, but it still seems far away at the moment."

Peter Morgan shook his head: "Father, I think Rockefeller is about the same as us."

"Not really," Juniors said.

“Isn’t it true, just look at Vanderbilt’s acquisition of the Haarlem Railway?”

Juniors Morgan flashed his light: "You mean, Roche will stop it, and we are his tools?"

"Working without putting in effort, I think Rockefeller probably had the same idea."

Although Juniors Morgan didn't believe it, he had to say that his son Pietelt's statement was indeed true.

"Let's wait and see"

(End of this chapter)

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