Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 459 What was the dream of the Jews in the 19th century?

Chapter 459 What was the dream of the Jews in the 19th century?
The Director General of the International Labor Federation, referred to as the International Labor Federation, is Dutchman Henri Daly, warning that if this year's food shortage continues to worsen due to the war, it will be burned into labor-intensive jobs such as industry in the future.

He said that if the war continues, there will be a shortage of food next year. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy enough food. Poor countries will be the first to suffer from severe famine and disease.

International labor employment may deteriorate severely next year, and the world may therefore enter the post-1848 era, with another large-scale workers' strike. The director-general therefore called for an armistice between France and the Kingdom of Siam, and asked other countries to join hands to prevent them. Continue the war.

"Because, if everyone is in the same boat at this time, if a hole is made, everyone will sink to the bottom of the sea."

He reminded: "The European Revolution of 1848 led to the political collapse of the polydomino effect in many European countries. It started from the rise in consumer prices, the reduction in workers' income, the rise in inflation in disguised form of suppressing the value of low-income people, and ultimately triggered the democratic - —the beginning of change”

The speech of Henri Daly, Director General of the International Labor Federation, was published in full in the world's most influential Luxembourg "European Times". Once published, it was endorsed by the working class and low-income classes around the world. , the poor and those at the bottom of society are trying to pressure governments to take responsibility for their low incomes.

As the governments of various countries were forced to do so, the embassies in Paris finally began to rush to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister's Office to deliver appointment appointments. Obviously, they were all under pressure from their own governments, asking them to transfer the pressure to Paris. on the body.

At this time, even London, which had just gotten closer to France, was no exception.

Obviously, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. Although no one in Europe will use this Internet term in this era, the principle is the same, and even in this era in Europe, it is used more unscrupulously.

1868 year 12 month 28 day,
10 workers took to the streets in London to demand that the British government stop the rise in food prices in the UK. Prime Minister Disraeli hurriedly agreed to the request.

The next day, British Foreign Secretary Russell once again visited Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to discuss establishing negotiations to ensure that European food is not affected.

But in the end, the Netherlands seemed to be very scrupulous and did not get much response.

Russell then visited Paris to discuss the conditions for an armistice. Because France was worried that its interests in the Kingdom of Siam would be damaged there, Paris was unwilling to compromise easily.

However, Paris is also trying to use the UK as a breakthrough in exchange for the release of sanctions imposed by the International Court of Justice in The Hague and other countries. However, with the representativeness of the UK being questioned, the probability of an agreement between the two parties is extremely slim, so the food shortage crisis in the UK remains unresolved.

The sanctions imposed on France by the International Court of Justice in The Hague and warnings to foreign capitals to alienate French local investments have accelerated the formation of geopolitical opposition camps.

The United Kingdom and Prussia seemed to be biased towards France, which made all countries dissatisfied. France accused the Hague Tribunal International Organization represented by the Netherlands of provocative actions.

Britain seemed to support this statement, and Prussia acquiesced.Similar confrontations will inevitably paralyze the tacit and peaceful operation that has always existed in Europe, making it difficult to solve more regional problems.

The protracted Far East War will therefore have a profound impact on the world. In the short term, the imbalance between global industrial and food supply and demand has worsened the supply and demand balance and fueled inflation, slowing down the economic development of Britain, France, Prussia and many other countries.

In the medium term, as the war intensifies and hits the French Empire in the heart of Europe, causing fragmentation and isolation in Europe, low-income countries will experience humanitarian crises such as famine.

The resulting social and political unrest will also turn into regional conflicts and spawn a new wave of refugees.

In the long run, the war will not only reverse the industrialization process pattern of Europe's already established industrial leader Britain, supplemented by the rise of Prussia and America, but now it has changed.It seems that the Netherlands has become a variable, Prussia seems to be downgraded, and France is even behind the countries in the industrialization process such as Britain, the Netherlands, the United States and Prussia.

This has also intensified the competition for competitiveness among several countries in their future industrialization development, rewriting the existing geopolitical and economic landscape. The post-industrial revolution seems to be beginning to evolve, and the original peace dividends are still not visible. Whether it is about to be exhausted at this point, in short, the world is about to enter a troubled time.

Paris, Rothschild.

"Sir James, I think as a great capitalist and financier, you should understand that those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world, and those who win public opinion win the world. At present, the Netherlands has controlled many major media in the world. If the Kingdom of the Netherlands wants If so, tomorrow all countries will see that the head of the Dutch Embassy in France, Jefferson Breen, met with the only surviving second generation of the Rothschild family last night. The two of them had a secret meeting and cooperation for more than 3 hours in the private villa of Lord James. I think, Tomorrow, people all over the world will be surprised. I don’t know about other places, but Paris will definitely be shocked by the whole city. Your Majesty, Emperor Napoleon III, may be a little dissatisfied because of this. What do you think?"

Jefferson Breen, the Dutch ambassador to the French Empire. Born in 1808, he should be the oldest of the Dutch foreign ministers. He has been stationed in France for more than 20 years, starting from the former King of the Netherlands (current King of Greece) William The third generation was already here when he first succeeded to the throne, and he was considered the elder of the second dynasty.

Many Dutch diplomats are his students, the most famous of whom is the current Dutch Foreign Minister Hesbert von, who was previously the Dutch counselor and minister stationed in France.

It can be said that he has grown up single-handedly.

Because of this, Jefferson Brin had a very wide network of contacts.Of course, he is also known as the old diplomatic fox in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which means that he is a thief.

James Rothschild looked at the old guy with a smile on his face with some fear, but his eyes were full of passion.

This old guy has been in charge of the Dutch Embassy in France for decades. He can be called an evergreen tree in the Dutch diplomatic community. He is untouchable and naturally has his brilliance.

Naturally, this visit will not be idle.

He was a little curious, but as soon as he met the other party, he was verbally attacked as the prelude to a series of attacks.

The world's top figures in the Dutch newspaper industry now understand the power of Dutch public opinion, especially in the United States, which has been cited as a classic.

"I agree with what Mr. Ambassador said, but it seems that the Netherlands is currently not harmonious with the Rothschild family. It seems a little inappropriate for you to visit so hastily."

James continued to ask sharply: "What's more, our Majesty Napoleon III is also very anti-Dutch at the moment. As your Excellency just said, if people see our meeting being exposed, it seems to be detrimental to the safety of the Dutch Embassy. , but you need to be more careful.”

Jefferson Brin chuckled, looked at James Rothschild, and told a shocking inside story: "Don't you know, Sir James, that our Majesty has agreed to your nephew in the UK, and the Netherlands is willing to help the Jews? "

What!James Rothschild stood up subconsciously, and then realized the current situation. However, he stared at Jefferson Brin indifferently and asked word by word: "Seriously?"

(End of this chapter)

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