Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 461: The "old storm" is stirring up in European politics

Chapter 461: The "old storm" is stirring up in European politics

Around 1868, the political arena in many European countries was turbulent, and several regime changes or turbulence occurred. This may have a profound impact on the politics, economy, and security of the region, and requires close attention.

In March 3, after many years of hostility between the Prime Minister of Spain and Queen Isabel II of Spain, he was ousted by Isabel II and the current Defense Minister Ramon Narvaez in March 1868. The latter was elected as the new Spanish government with the support of the Queen. Prime Minister, Spain has since changed from being aligned with France to being anti-France.

March began a troubled period for Spain and France in their diplomacy.

Portugal obviously continues to remain neutral and does not help the two sides.

The Iberian Peninsula thus ended the tradition of alliances between the countries of the Catholic League.

Spain seems more willing to maintain friendly relations with the Netherlands, the Nordic alliance in the north, and restrain France from both the north and the south.

Many people speculate that it is because Isabel II was stimulated by the same female king, Queen Victoria, and therefore was unwilling to let Spain, once the most powerful country in Europe, only be a follower of the French Empire from now on, but wanted to use this to carry out The Great Spanish Empire Revival.

The Netherlands took a fancy to this and successfully instigated the relationship between Spain and France, so that France's rear, which seemed to have existed for hundreds of years, would never disappear.

In April of the same year, Prussian Secretary of State Seward was dismissed by Lincoln. The Prussians were unhappy, so the Prussians assassinated President Lincoln of the American Confederacy and succeeded. This caused a global sensation. Dutch-born Vice President Andrew Johnson succeeded to the position of president. At the same time, , the Prussians became the target of political suppression in the American Commonwealth, and the Irish turned to the Dutch.

The Dutch have become the most powerful single race in the Commonwealth of America. As the relationship between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Commonwealth of America was exposed, there was initial dissatisfaction. The Dutch used the powerful capital in their hands to even resist the British and European countries. The invasion of the Rothschilds, a powerful capitalist family, actually made the Dutch famous. In the end, under the guidance of powerful media, the Dutch became a veritable elite ethnic group in the American Commonwealth.

It covers almost all walks of life in the Federal Republic of America, and its influence is unprecedented.

In May, in order to consolidate his power, Andrew Johnson promoted various legislation in the Senate and House of Representatives, which had an advantage, and his power was consolidated.

However, although many people of other ethnic groups in the United States did not recognize it, due to Andrew Johnson's strength, he was eventually suppressed. This is currently the political reality of the Federal Republic of America.

In South America in July, the Brazilian Empire elected a new prime minister. Brazilian Emperor Pedro II enlisted Argentina to fight against Paraguay in the Uruguay War, allowing Brazil to accelerate the development of its military industry and bring valuable combat experience during the war. , also allowed the Brazilian army to modernize.

The war also strengthened the construction of the road network and the development of several industries, and also allowed Brazil to begin to move toward economic modernization in the 19th century.

However, due to the continuous fighting over the years, Brazilian public dissatisfaction boiled, causing Pedro II to lose popular support a few years ago.

As a result, with the public dissatisfaction, the cabinet prime minister supported by Pedro II was eliminated by the voters in the general election when he wanted to be re-elected. However, the military general Fonseca who won a huge victory in the war was recognized. Because Fonseca He had always opposed Pedro II's slavery policy and supported the abolition of slavery. In the end, General Fonseca was elected as the prime minister of the Brazilian Empire by voters.

As a result, there was a confrontation between the cabinet government led by the Prime Minister and the royal family of Pedro II in Brazil.

This made the Kingdom of Portugal, which had always been known as the suzerainty of Brazil, very confused.Since the Brazilian Empire was the most powerful country in South America, many people predicted that South America would enter an era of chaos.

In August, the Fonseca government of the South American country of Brazil declared a national state of emergency, and two days later announced a nationwide curfew. However, conflicts between government supporters and royal supporters continued to rise in the capital Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian Emperor Pedro Prime Minister Fonseca II and the cabinet government seem to be the targets of support from two groups. The two have supporters in the Brazilian Senate and House of Representatives, and they are attacking each other. Pedro II and Fonseca, who have real power, Prime Minister Card used this as an excuse to shirk responsibility.

However, the two seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not let things get out of hand.

In the same month, voters in Argentina, with a population of 700 million, elected the president and vice president. Sure enough, Miter, who had always been strong, was elected.

The Mitre family continues to exist as the first political family in Argentina.

At the same time, in October, President Davis of the former United States, now the southern government of the Confederate States of America, launched his own supporter General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate Army (the highest-ranking military official), to run for election. His opponent was Vice President President Alexander Stephens and finally Robert E. Lee were elected as the new president of the Confederate States of America, becoming the second president of the Confederate States of America, which included the original 10 states of the United States, after Davis became independent.

However, because countries around the world currently recognize the country's international status, the number of countries congratulating it can be counted on one hand.

William IV recalled what happened throughout 1868 in the Royal Palace of the Netherlands, and once again lamented that if the most eye-catching event in 1868 was not the French invasion of Siam in the Far East and Southeast Asia, Booker.

The war between the two countries in the Far East lets everyone know that it is difficult to end the war quickly.

The two countries are constantly looking for allies to support themselves, and European countries have even considered this in the political arena. Although the shapes and backgrounds are different, in terms of the political development process alone, it does not seem to be able to represent the future direction. It is very similar to the old and backward political events that took place in Europe in the 18th century.

First, there are still a small number of powerful families and interest groups that dominate political power. No matter how the situation changes, those few families will ultimately be the leaders of Li Changsheng's regime.

In later generations of Asia, a series of lists of such families or groups can be listed.

Although later generations had their own democratically elected model systems with modern significance, they did not grasp the true meaning of democratically elected people. They shouted slogans but did something else.

Not only now, but even in the future of Europe and Asia in the 21st century, political confrontation and retaliation are very common. Once certain leaders or leadership groups step down, they will immediately face severe political liquidation. Action, the newly elected political groups all want to do their best to suppress their opponents when they have supreme power. It is best to prevent the opponent from having a chance to win.

This approach is undoubtedly the routine of royal court struggles before the 19th century. The enemy adheres to the ancient adage of "cutting the grass without eradicating the roots, but the spring breeze will bring new growth". I am afraid it will only intensify the confrontation and conflict between different groups and make political reconciliation elusive. .

Thinking of this, William IV thought, "The Netherlands can start in this area and conduct more internal intervention in European countries to obtain more favorable environment for the Netherlands."

(End of this chapter)

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