Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 463 Both the Netherlands and Britain shirk the blame

Chapter 463 Both the Netherlands and Britain shirk the blame

“Disraeli falsely claimed that the Netherlands was trying to undermine the rules-based European and international order.”


"The relationship with the Netherlands is one of the most complex and important of the British Empire's relationships with any country. This relationship is clearly competitive in some aspects, and the competition we need is fair. The Netherlands is currently trying to undermine Europe and other countries. Strength-based international order based on rules, Prime Minister Disraeli said that the British Empire does not seek conflict, but strives to ensure a rules-based international order within the European continent."

This reporter took this topic as an example and asked Nicholas Pearson to comment on this?
Nicholas Pearson pointed out, "Prime Minister Disraeli's relevant remarks ignore the facts, confuse right and wrong, and are filled with the intention that the British Empire, as the world's most powerful country, is based on its strength and wants everyone to use their shortcomings against Britain's strengths. Letting countries speak with their strength in front of the UK is a disguised form of strength rule that requires countries to bow their heads when facing the UK. It is currently difficult for the Netherlands to match the UK. I think it is difficult for any country in the world to confront the UK alone, so the UK The Prime Minister’s statement is full of condescension and condescension, and the Netherlands firmly opposes this.”

It was the first time for Nicolas Pearson to host a global press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs alone in Amsterdam. As a star in the Dutch diplomatic community, his reputation made reporters from various countries in the Netherlands come to attend, just to understand the former Dutch diplomat. Ambassador to Prussia and a leading figure in the future diplomacy of the Netherlands.

Now it seems that he is well-founded and extremely sharp. Who is more popular than him among reporters from all over the world? Journalists rely on broadcasting news to gain attention. This is a bonus.

Therefore, Nicholas Pearson received a round of warm applause after he finished speaking, and even reporters from newspapers such as the British Financial Times, The Times, and the London Journal joined the ranks.

This is the "pee-sex" of journalists

Nicholas Pearson remained motionless in the face of the onslaught of applause. After calming down, he emphasized, “First of all, the Netherlands has always been a builder of peace in Europe and the world. It is currently a contributor to the economic development of the world, including America, the Far East, The defender of security order in Africa and Europe.”

“The Netherlands has not participated in any wars in Europe for more than half a century, nor has it invaded any country in Europe, nor will it support high-proxy wars on the European continent, nor will it use Britain’s famous offshore A balancing act to control the balance of power in continental Europe in favor of Britain.

As for the current concerns about the military groups and other organizations established by the Netherlands, the Netherlands is actually working with some international peace-loving countries to establish and provide a crisis management platform. It has no intention to compete or confront anyone, but to live in harmony with all countries. Win-win cooperation will build a world where all countries can feel safer. "

"On the contrary, the French Empire is still invading the Kingdom of Siam, and it seems that it will not give up until it achieves its goal. This makes people worry that the casualties of the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam are increasing, and the world economy is stalling as a result."

"At the same time, the Confederate States of America, the current ally of the British Empire ruled by Prime Minister Disraeli, seems to have reached the edge of civil war. The American Civil War from 1861 to 1867 is still vivid in our minds. Have you noticed that Britain's allies have been Cities have the most internal wars. Why, I think this is worth thinking about." As soon as Nicholas Pearson finished speaking, the buzz began below the regular press conference. Apparently, Nicholas Pearson threw out This "deep thought" has made many people feel the same. Not to mention, many of Britain's allies will have internal confusions and even civil wars from time to time. The main reason is caused by Britain's intervention in internal factions.

Nicholas Pearson meant something, and even several British newspapers had to agree that the Dutch third deputy minister had a really good mouth.

Nicholas Pearson saw that the effect was good, and he further commented, "Britain is wooing the French Empire and Prussia, exaggerating its vigilance against the Netherlands, and intends to once again provoke the European powers to fight for their own benefit. This kind of rhetoric and means does not seem very clever now, and it is more It won’t win people’s hearts and it won’t succeed.”

Led by the Dutch media, the situation got out of control for a time. Obviously, many countries had suffered losses from the British, so they were fiercely anti-British.

British newspaper reporters had to lament that the third deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Netherlands had really focused the hearts of these people, and the anti-British sentiments were suddenly exposed.

After a while, Nicholas Pearson continued to criticize, "Prime Minister Disraeli's speech claimed that the UK would not deliberately cause conflicts. This is very hypocritical and inconsistent with the facts. The UK has historically been the instigator of conflicts around the world. The previous paragraph The time was during the North American Civil War, in the Balkan Peninsula between the Ottoman Empire and Tsarist Russia. Don’t ask me, I only know what the British diplomatic community boasted after the victory in the Crimean War in 1857.

There are many more. The history of Britain is a history of continuous conflicts and wars and its rise. From the four naval battles with the Netherlands to the victory of the naval battle with Spain, Britain has established its position as a maritime hegemony. It will become more so after this century. Based on the sea, it conquered cities and cities on all continents in the world, broke through regions, launched wars wantonly, and killed innocent civilians. To this day, Britain is still the same Britain.

Facts have proved that it is not the Netherlands that poses a threat to the British Empire, but the UK is trying to discredit the Netherlands by portraying the Netherlands as a rule-breaker, and then uses the usual offshore balancing methods to suppress the Netherlands. The UK's methods against the Netherlands are actually the most common in the world. It can be seen everywhere, including the recently divided United States, the nearly divided Sweden-Norway United Kingdom, and Belgium in the Netherlands-Luxembourg-Belgium United Kingdom that the United Kingdom successfully created.

Of course, the British currently occupy Spain's Gibraltar, and there are countless others.Therefore, it is not the Netherlands but the UK that increasingly poses a threat to peace and security in Europe and the world.

As for the so-called rules-based international order, it is actually just family laws and regulations based on strength formulated by a few countries, mainly the United Kingdom, to serve the British hegemony and private interests.

The UK requires small and medium-sized countries to abide by these rules, but does not recognize that the UK should abide by them. If it is in the interests of the UK, it will be used, and if it is not, it will be discarded. Therefore, Prime Minister Disraeli's criticism of the Netherlands can actually be directly applied to the UK. , the above is my point of view, thank you! "

(End of this chapter)

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