Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 466: "Mischief allies" who cannot give up their strategic value

Chapter 466: "Mischief allies" who cannot give up their strategic value

"The Summit of the Deep Blue Pacific Partnership will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, for two consecutive days starting tomorrow. Under the shadow of France's invasion of the Kingdom of Siam, one of the focus issues is that the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary and the Tsarist Empire will become the organization's first Partner countries participate.

The outside world originally believed that the Kingdom of Italy also wanted to join. This was not difficult with the support of the Netherlands and many countries in the organization. However, Italy did not clearly oppose the invasion of the Kingdom of Siam by France, which made Spain, which had already turned against the French Empire, very dissatisfied. , Hispanic Italians are suspected of supporting France, indicating that they will not support the country's joining. Spain, as the third most powerful country in the Pacific after the Netherlands and the Commonwealth of America, is bound to slow down the relevant procedures. "

Emmanuel II said dissatisfied: "Spain's statement not only reflects Madrid's long-term dissatisfaction with Italy's ineffectiveness in jointly dealing with French influence in the Mediterranean, but also shows that Spain's current strategy is not towards Italy." Very trustworthy. Of course, it is also possible that Spain wants to maintain the organization’s sole status as a member state in the Mediterranean based on the Mediterranean issue.”

Italian Prime Minister Marco Minghetti nodded and said: "Your Majesty is right. After last year's election, Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez's electoral situation in Spain is unstable due to soaring inflation. He is in the Spanish Parliament. 's faction continues to deflect, so now showing off Spain's international standing will give him and Queen Isabel greater prestige at home."

He said: “Currently in the Mediterranean countries, as Spain begins to undergo diplomatic changes, Spain has repeatedly cooperated with the Netherlands in the three major organizations including the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the Deep Blue Pacific Organization, and the Hague Security Council since last year. The closeness has caused great headaches for Britain and France, but this 'former troublemaker ally' has deep strategic value and is difficult to let go of, especially France."

Emmanuel II sighed: "France is naturally uneasy about Spain's rise again, but it is also afraid that containment will trigger a strong backlash from Spain, so it can only rely on Britain for help."

Crown Prince Umberto: "What my father and the Prime Minister meant was that France would kill two birds with one stone by using it to suppress Spain. Britain's suppression would weaken Spain's strength. In the end, Britain could only rely on France to shield it from the wind and rain. Although Britain was happy to see Spain and France at odds with each other, , but are you afraid of bad blood or even war between Spain and France, so you are willing to be the scapegoat, lest France become weak and allow others to take advantage of it?"

Emmanuel II looked at his eldest son with admiration and sneered: "No one is stupid. Prussia's silence makes it seem like there is a hound in Europe waiting for an opportunity to swallow up the German Confederation. Find the target again.

The current Nordic Alliance formed by the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark is to guard against Prussia.The Netherlands established the Deep Blue Pacific Partnership not so much for peace in the Pacific, but rather to establish other organizations to strengthen security ties with other countries. The Hague Security Council also plays such a role. "

He told his son Crown Prince Umberto: "Spain's obstruction of Italy's core partners in the organization may make the organization dissatisfied. After all, don't forget that the southern part of member Mexico is being occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The two countries are because of Mexico's original The execution of Emperor Maximiliano I by current President Benito Juarez has almost always been debated. It is said that Franz Joseph I still refuses to forgive the Mexican government for the murder of his own brother - Establishment.”

He looked up at his father Emmanuel II and Prime Minister Marco Minghetti: "After all, Mexico has always been anti-Western. Who said that Spain was once a colonizer of Latin America? We in Italy can use this as a breakthrough point. Let Mexico put pressure on Spain."

Prime Minister Marco Minghetti nodded and said: "I think His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's method is good. I think the Netherlands is happy to let us do it ourselves. Although the Netherlands is willing to increase its allies under the current situation, rather than seeing internal strife among its allies." "So Speaking of which, it can be done this way." Emmanuel II said: "At present, the attitudes of Britain, France and Prussia are unclear, and all countries have more or less hidden worries. In this case, one more ally is more secure than one more enemy. Feelings, but we should be more responsible and do enough drama."

"Your Majesty is right."

"Yes, Father"

Italy is very dissatisfied with Spain's decision to prevent Italy from joining the "Deep Blue Pacific Partnership". Italian Prime Minister Marco Minghetti claimed to be disappointed with Spain's attitude. He said that Italy would not pose a threat to Spain. On the contrary, Spain should have more presence in the Mediterranean. Delight in a reliable companion.

The Spanish government stated that Spain has no intention to stop Italy, but Spain hopes to conduct consultations with Italy on some issues before making a final decision. Spain has no ill will or offense against Italy.

Ramon, a well-known scholar at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Madrid, who was a Spanish diplomat, said frankly when answering this topic in Madrid that Madrid had no intention of blocking Italy from becoming a core partner of the Deep Blue Pacific Partnership. It only wanted Italy to recognize it. security and political concerns.

He wrote an article in the newspaper explaining the Spanish government's two major considerations: First, Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez's position reflects Spain's complaints about Italy's stance on relations with France. In fact, it is more about Italy and France. The quasi-alliance relationship between Spain and Portugal made Spain feel like it was being attacked from both sides. It was very dissatisfied and had deep grudges.In addition, Spain's opposition parties actually "recruited troops" in Paris and Milan some time ago, trying to beg these two countries to intervene in Spain's domestic affairs, which put the two countries into a dispute.

Secondly, Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez’s decision to engage in high-profile opposition rather than low-key diplomacy has electoral considerations. Spain is preparing to enter the mid-term parliamentary elections. Its support has recently maintained a balance of around 60%, so it is just right for him to pass. Dare to make bold moves, so he wants to use this to prepare for parliamentary elections in the second half of the year. He hopes to play a key role in the politics of the Mediterranean, throughout Europe and globally to enhance his political-qiang image.

But this does not mean that Spain will give up improving relations with Italy, nor does it mean that the Deep Blue Pacific organization completely gives up Italy's participation. Of course, it will not kick Spain out. After all, the organization has not forcibly kicked out Precedent mechanism for member states to be out.

(End of this chapter)

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