Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 477 The King of Western Italy Visits

Chapter 477 The King of Western Italy Visits

After leaving the Dutch Royal Palace and arriving at their residence, James and Lionel's faces showed unprecedented solemnity.

"Uncle, William IV is very cunning and difficult to deal with. I'm afraid we will lose more than we gain from this."

What he was saying was that the Luo family would be suppressed or even greatly weakened as a result.

The division of the country by Luo's five sons was not only a great expedition by Jewish careerists, but also announced the division of the Luo family. The Luo family was officially divided into five families in the second generation. , This was also a far-sighted arrangement made by his grandfather Meyer, who had already thought of the consequences today.

James also nodded in agreement.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but miss his third brother, Nathan, who topped the second generation of Luo family.

In 1806, the third brother Nathan arrived in London at the age of 29 and became the largest financier in Britain in just 2 years.

In 1810, after the death of Sir Francisco Baring, he directly acquired the oldest bank in the United Kingdom, the Barings Bank, and thus controlled the monetary power of the entire United Kingdom. Later, this bank was used by the United Kingdom for foreign diplomacy and military affairs. With the convenience of the bank, the third brother Nathan quickly intervened in British military and political affairs.

In 1811, the federal central bank license issued by the United States to the Rothschild Bank (the First Bank of the United States founded by Alexander Hamilton mentioned above) expired. The Democratic-Republican Party opposed Rothschild's infiltration into the United States. President Madison did not want the Rothschild family's mechanical castle to operate the Bank of the United States, and members of the U.S. Congress voted against renewing the Bank's powers.

This move angered the third brother, Nathan, and sent a messenger to threaten the U.S. Congress:

"Either the Rothschild Bank's application to continue to serve as the U.S. central bank is approved, or the United States will find itself involved in a disastrous war."

The U.S. government and Congress under the leadership of President Madison took a firm stance on this and ignored the threat of war from across the Atlantic and thousands of miles away.

Feeling neglected, the third brother Nathan finally burst into war rage:

Teach those shameless Americans a lesson and send them back to the British colonies.

In June 1812, with the financial support of the branch of the British Rothschild family led by the third brother Nathan, the British Empire declared war on the United States, which had just become independent less than 6 years ago. The United States' second independent war broke out between Britain and the United States.

The third brother Nathan’s plan is that if the United States wins the war, the U.S.-occupied industries will have to surrender to the British Rothschild family consortium in the face of military spending and a large amount of debt. Rothschild Bank will continue to act on behalf of the U.S. Central Bank. If the United States loses the war, Nano will cease to exist. The British Roche led by the third brother Nathan will not need a central bank license to conduct business in the United States, which has become a British colony again.

But what brothers James and Nathan didn't expect was that their father Meyer also died that year, and the U.S. war ended up going the way he planned. Although it did not go as he planned, the U.S. Congress did not deliberately suppress it in the follow-up. Roche.

The rising third brother Nathan and his deceased father seem to symbolize the end of the old era and the beginning of the new era.

Looking at his nephew Lionel, he secretly sighed in his heart that it was a pity that his third brother passed away too early, otherwise, there would be no opportunity for the Netherlands to rise.

James looked at Lionel, the most outstanding third-generation Roche, in front of him, and looked at his unconvinced expression without concealing it, and smiled bitterly in his heart. "The combination of our Luo family and the Dutch royal family can be said to be the safest solution at present. Your grandfather told us that we should take a longer view and don't care about the plants and trees in front of us. They have withered. As long as there are roots, It can still take root and sprout again next year.

We five brothers are like separate grassroots, increasing our living space in disguise.

Lionel, what Roche needs to do is to continue to survive, not the immediate victory or defeat.

There are very few royal families in Europe, but the Rothschild family starting from your grandfather can challenge them on this point."

Lionel's brows jumped, and he finally understood what it meant.

"The Dutch royal family may not survive future wars between countries, but Roche can do it. If we bow our heads and surrender to them today, they may not be able to kneel on the floor in front of us and worship us for today's events in the future."

James said calmly: "Of course, one generation can't do it. There will always be someone in our descendants who has the ability to do it at the right time."

"So, what we need now is to preserve our strength, rather than to fight head-on. This is the situation where we can protect ourselves wisely. What's more, the William royal family only has two of our branches, but the other branches of Prussia's big brother and Vienna are in the same position. Without hooking up, especially the former, Prussian Bismarck will not let the Netherlands easily get involved, and that is what we will have left behind in the competition with William IV."

William IV did not know about the conversation between the two uncles and nephews. He was now preparing for the upcoming visits of kings from three major countries.

On January 1869, 1, William IV of the Netherlands received Queen Isabel II of Spain, King Emmanuel II of Italy, and Sultan Abdulaziz I of the Ottoman Empire for a joint visit and held talks.

Dutch Palace: The kings of the Netherlands, Spain, and the Italian Ottoman Empire will discuss putting pressure on the French economy at a meeting on January 1.

The royal family of the Kingdom of the Netherlands stated after the meeting between the kings of the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and Austria that "the discussion will focus on the continued threat posed by the French Empire."

On the 26th local time, Cantur, the Atlantic Affairs Assistant and European Coordinator of the Dutch National Security Council of the Dutch King William IV, said after the meeting of the four kings that day, "This meeting between the four kings is a long-lost meeting between the royal families of the four countries."

Cantur said that “during this king’s meeting, consultations will be held with the Mediterranean partners and allies on the irregular actions taken by the French Empire,” as based on the Security Council in The Hague and the Deep Blue Pacific Partnership +3 some time ago. It is also reflected in the strategic concept, and the relationship between the problems caused by the French invasion of the Kingdom of Siam and the formation of various alliances by the Dutch is also increasing. "

When asked whether Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck would discuss additional sanctions on France with the Commonwealth of America when he visits Washington next month, Cantur explained that "France has already responded to sanctions in terms of ways to continue to obtain benefits. Adapt, so in the past ten months we have been constantly looking for new sanctions targets."

Cantur also said that "it is necessary to continue to find ways to prevent France from obtaining new financial resources. This will be a matter for discussion by Prime Minister Tolbeck and the administration of President Andrew Johnson of the Commonwealth of America."

Cantur also added, “This visit by the kings of the three countries will give William IV the opportunity to meet with Queen Isabel II of Spain, Emmanuel II of Italy, and Abdul Abdullah of the Ottoman Empire in the following quadrilateral and bilateral meetings. Sultan Le Aziz I to discuss how to prevent the French Empire from raising the funds needed to wage war and what we can do at the level of economic pressure."

(End of this chapter)

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