Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 490: The French Empire Became Bearish

Chapter 490: The French Empire Became Bearish

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
"According to the intelligence we have,"

Bill Charlie, director of the Royal Dutch Intelligence Agency, said, "The Kingdom of Prussia seems to have decided to use force against the French Empire. The war between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam will affect Berlin's consideration of when and how to invade the French Empire, rather than whether to invade the French Empire." .”

William IV implemented a dual-track intelligence system. Bill Charlie controlled the Royal Dutch Intelligence Service, while Mike Sean controlled the Dutch International Intelligence Service.

The intelligence of the two people is not connected, so please report it to William IV. After analysis, he can completely correct the omissions.

Of course, this matter is that the National Advisor of the Netherlands is an assistant who helps him analyze intelligence. It is the existence of these four assistants that makes Bill, Charlie and McShane need to split the intelligence of their respective regional sections to these four people. In the end, the Netherlands Cantur, Director of the National Security Council and Coordinator for Atlantic Affairs, summarized it to William IV.

Bill Charlie said, "Berlin has probably learned from the war between the Kingdom of Siam and the French Empire. Although the power of the French Empire far exceeds that of the Kingdom of Siam, the French Empire will not win an overwhelming battlefield and achieve a quick and decisive victory. This left the French Empire mired in the quagmire of the Far East and its homeland empty."

Bill Charlie's words were unanimously recognized by more than 20 people present. It is obvious that France is currently in poor condition and it is difficult to believe that it will win soon.

McKay Sean, director of the Dutch International Intelligence Agency, took over and pointed out, "The decision of Napoleon III of the French Empire to invade the Kingdom of Siam was a strategic failure. This situation made the French people very uneasy, while the Prussian people were full of contempt for the French Empire. "

He said, "From the experiences faced by the French Empire, Prussian William I and Bismarck may have also understood that they must "dominated international public opinion" and 'do everything possible to support the economy in response to the possibility of sanctions from various countries.'"

The Dutch intelligence giant who leads international intelligence collection downplayed speculation that Prussian Prime Minister William Ishwater and Prime Minister Bismarck might invade the French Empire by force in the first half of this year, but he believed that in the next year, "the further time goes by, The higher the risk of the Kingdom of Prussia invading the French Empire," he said: "I will not underestimate Prime Minister Bismarck and William I's determination to use the French Empire as a stepping stone to gain imperial status and control France to achieve European hegemony."

"As for the Siamese and French wars," said Samuel, one of the European and African coordinators of William IV's security advisers, "Although Berlin currently verbally supports the French Empire's position, it is dissatisfied with the Netherlands taking the lead in organizing sanctions against the French Empire by the International Hague Tribunal. , but they do not object directly. The British Empire, like us, does not believe that Berlin is providing military support to Paris."

He also said, "Prussia has increased its purchases of agricultural products from Paris, but appears to be cautious to avoid incurring the wrath of member states of the Dutch-led international Hague tribunal and becoming a new target of sanctions."

As the three people spoke in turn, the entire Dutch Privy Council understood from the words of the three of them that the surrounding areas of the Netherlands would enter a stormy season.

Prime Minister Tolbeck stood up at this time and said: "I understand this guy Bismarck. Once he makes up his mind, he will definitely do it. Therefore, the Netherlands must make a plan to deal with it."

He looked at William IV, who nodded. After receiving the approval, Tolbeck said in an astonishing voice: "Since it can't be stopped, then it is forced to accept and make changes. The Netherlands needs to develop, so it will follow the general trend and become a The Netherlands must seize the direction. With the consent of His Majesty, and after careful consideration, we decided to take this opportunity to see if we can get back the territory we once lost."

Lost territory?
Many people were at a loss at first. The territory lost by the Netherlands?
Suddenly, everyone looked at Tolbeck in shock, and William IV, who was as calm as ever.

Wherever the 29-year-old William IV looked, everyone lowered their heads.

Even Tolbeck's eyes squinted slightly, and the king's majesty was immediately revealed.

“Belgium is too far away from our Kingdom of the Netherlands. It has been 1839 years since 30, when my great-grandfather, His Majesty William I, was forced to sign the agreement. If we count from 1831, when Britain, France and Prussia recognized Belgium’s national status, It has been 38 years now. In two generations, we have almost forgotten that this is the glorious mission of our Kingdom of the Netherlands." Speaking of this, William IV saw many heads lowered in shame.

"If the Netherlands wants to establish its status as a great power, it is imperative to conquer Belgium," William IV said firmly and beyond doubt.

Justice Secretary Ross couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, if we want to take Belgium, what method will we use?"

William IV did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at Mark Rudd, the chief of general staff of the military.

"My Lord, Chief of General Staff, what method do you want to use?"

Mark Ludde said forcefully: "The swords and guns of the Netherlands are the best method, and of course, there are also our invincible warships."

Mark Rudd's words made many people excited, and the blood in their bodies was running with the straightforwardness and generosity of his military. Even the Minister of Justice Ross, who was always known for his calmness, turned red.

William IV nodded, "The military is ready, but what about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

Hesbert von, the foreign minister, followed up and said: "The information sent back by Nicholas Pearson said that Bismarck has agreed to our request, provided that the Netherlands must support Prussia's actions against France, and Nicholas Pearson is also following As we expected, we sent it to the Belgian port for the Prussian navy to use when it attacks France."

William IV and Tolbeck smiled after hearing this.

Some people saw this in their hearts and wondered why William IV still smiled after being made this request.

What they didn't know was that this was just one part of the plan of William IV and others.

Kingdom of Prussia, Berlin.

Nicholas Pierson, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, and Martinas, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Netherlands, sat opposite each other. Sitting next to them was Weeseman, the Dutch Ambassador to Prussia.

Nicholas Pearson said: "After completing this mission, we will take some time to calm down."

Martinas nodded and sighed: "In the past, when we were living a homeless life in South Africa, it was really painful to see our compatriots living so hard. Now after returning home, I feel very sad when I see how happy they are. It is satisfaction, this is all brought to us by His Majesty."

Weeseman was watching the two people's "chatting" from the side, and he immediately sighed at the right time, which was very in tune.

(End of this chapter)

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