Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 494 The confrontation between the Netherlands and Britain

Chapter 494 The confrontation between the Netherlands and Britain (patriotic topic)
As Spain's "La Vanguardia" and other newspapers in Europe and the United States republished the news, Huntington, the speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, will lead a delegation to celebrate the 2th anniversary of the Netherlands' independence from Spain in mid-February. The two representatives also expressed their hope that the friendship between the two countries will continue. desire to continue and support each other's core interests. Spanish Speaker of the House of Representatives Julian supports the foreign policy of the Netherlands, while Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington expresses support for Spain's position on Gibraltar, which is most concerned about, and is willing to visit the border between Spain and Gibraltar during his visit to Spain. Spread support everywhere.

Meanwhile, the British Empire rebounded.

The next day, British Foreign Minister Russell sternly warned the Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington that if he acted in accordance with such a statement, it would be a "malicious provocation" and an "active and dangerous political signal." He also strongly stated that "all consequences will be borne by the Netherlands and Spain." bear"

In the past, during the French Empire, Napoleon I, an official did not recognize British rule in Gibraltar. He also wanted to make similar moves, but in the end, under strong pressure from the British, Paris announced within a few days that Napoleon I did not support such an approach. Therefore, Many pro-Spanish people in the Paris political arena could only postpone their trip on the grounds of illness. However, they did not expect that more than 50 years would pass before the trip could be made.

Many people suspect that this is such a coincidence and that the reason for being sick is just an excuse for the French political arena to support the Spanish Gibraltar trip that collapsed under British pressure more than 50 years ago.

Although the political circles in Paris at the time said that it was just a postponement rather than a cancellation, and that they would put the visit on the schedule again after they recovered, they did not expect that these people would not set foot on the border of Gibraltar until their death, which made them originally worried about the French Empire. The Spaniards, who are very expectant and fond of people, have turned from expectation to ridicule as time goes by.

It was under such circumstances that the relationship between France and Spain changed from the bottom up to the confrontation it is now.

Unexpectedly, 50 years later, this time it was the Netherlands that initiated another action to support Spain’s position in Gibraltar.

This made the Spaniards very "surprised".

However, this time, following the precedent set during the Napoleon I period, some Spanish and European politicians questioned that this was an operation by the Netherlands to urge British Prime Minister Disraeli and Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck to implement talks and dialogue as soon as possible. Buy and sell short scheme.

Kingdom of Prussia, capital Berlin.

"First, the speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives visited Spain and supported their territorial claim for Gibraltar as a bargaining chip, and then Prime Minister Tolbeck announced that the "10-day agreement" was both an invitation and an ultimatum. It is a pity that Spain only has bargaining chips. Regarding the topic of Huntington’s visit to Spain, the Spanish official remained silent, claiming that there was no definite information and no further comment.”

As Bismarck expressed his views, the faces of William I, Moltke, and Crown Prince Frederick next to him became more solemn than ever before.

William I sighed: "William IV of the Netherlands is playing a good game of chess. He seems to be hesitant with the chess pieces in one hand, but in fact he is just making a false move, which makes people confused and unclear. As the person involved On the other hand, the United Kingdom and Spain seem to be able to silently accept the Netherlands' intervention in the Gibraltar issue." He also said in surprise: "On the other hand, Dutch Speaker Huntington may have misjudged the British determination to protect Gibraltar. The channels between the two cabinets and governments are still open. The British government directly issued a warning to the Dutch government. It seems that the latter should take it seriously at present."

Chief of General Staff Moltke also said: "But the UK does not care whether this is whether the Dutch cabinet government and the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives are playing a double act, pulling each other's back, or something else.

Hugh Smith, President of the University of Cambridge and Dean of the School of Political Science, gave a 'suggestion' to the Financial Times, warning that the British Navy's Mediterranean Fleet may choose to conduct naval exercises at an appropriate distance and at the same time, and at the same time, the British mainland The fleet can accompany Huntington, the Dutch speaker of the House of Representatives, on his visit to Spain in the English Channel to 'accompany' him on a voyage to 'protect' his safety.

The president of Cambridge University also said ironically that once the British fleet participates in the exercise, it will become a routine exercise for the UK near the Spanish coast every year. The British Empire should be grateful to the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives Huntington for creating the expanded influence of the British Empire. The opportunity "opened up the self-restraint of the British Imperial Navy that was previously unwilling to deploy a powerful naval fleet in Gibraltar, and at the same time opened up a new space for the British Navy to exercise sovereignty over Gibraltar."

Moltke smiled and said: "After Tolbeck spoke, Smith continued to shout that the Dutch Prime Minister 'should be able to prevent the reckless behavior of the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives that may create military and political crises in the Netherlands and the UK.' 'If the Kingdom of the Netherlands internally manages If he can't, then the British Empire will control him and punish him. I believe that the British Empire Navy will definitely make his visit a shame for himself and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.'"

Moltke smiled and said: "At this point, Huntington's trip to Spain is still a success. Does he still dare to visit Spain? The entire international community is now questioning it."

Crown Prince Frederick said at this time: "One guess is that when Britain suffered a defeat in South Africa in 1864, Spain and other countries saw the opportunity and prepared for a breakthrough. The then Vice President of the Italian Senate, Bettino, wanted to make a breakthrough in Emmanuel With the support of King Henry II, he broke through to visit there in order to improve relations with Spain. As a result, the warship sailed from Italy and swam halfway to the sea before returning to port. If even the Italian deputy speaker’s attempt to visit was stopped, Huntington Needless to say, the position of Speaker is a higher level in the hierarchy, not to mention that Tolbeck, the Dutch Prime Minister, has expressed reservations about his attitude. Huntington should retreat in spite of the difficulties and find another reason to step down, right?"

Bismarck said: "Since this news has spread again and again, Britain must be well prepared and make various plans for Huntington's visit to Spain. First of all, military threats must exist, and naval deployments around Spain will increase. Secondly, as President Smith said, Britain's attack on the Netherlands The speaker of the House accompanied the movement and even broke the tacit understanding between Spain and the United Kingdom to impose stricter control over Gibraltar. This further stung Spain's fragile heart and increased the risk of conflict between the two countries. .

Furthermore, the UK may also conduct warship exercises in the surrounding area as a deterrent.

If Huntington does not shelve his visit, it will be difficult for the Dutch and British Prime Ministers to talk. At present, it seems that he has changed his approach and is slightly more likely to contact Spain in a lower profile. Tolbeck also wants to talk to British Prime Minister Diss as soon as possible. Reilly talks, the outcome of this round between the Netherlands and the UK, the answer will be known in about 10 days as Tolbeck said."

(Chapter 494 is gone and will be added later)

(End of this chapter)

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