Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 513: The Swedish Prime Minister stands up for the Netherlands?

Chapter 513: The Swedish Prime Minister stands up for the Netherlands?
In the waters of northern Spain, when the Dutch fleet was about to visit and the British and French fleets were "watching", foreign visitors were welcomed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The visit of the Swedish Prime Minister of Justice, Count Louis Sr., stated that he would follow the guidance of His Majesty King Carl XV of Sweden and assist companies and specific actions in responding to regional emergencies.

Old Count Louis pointed out that in the Kingdom of Sweden, the mainstream public opinion in Sweden supports increasing Swedish defense to deal with the security threats of its allies and its own security interests. Once Sweden's allies, the Netherlands and Denmark, are in need, Sweden will definitely follow suit and coordinate with its allies.

At noon on February 1869, 2, Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck told the visiting team led by the Swedish Prime Minister of Justice that he hoped that the Netherlands and Sweden would deepen their cooperation and maintain peace and stability not only in Northern Europe, but also in the entire Europe and the entire Atlantic region.

Old Count Louis expressed his intention to continue the friendly relations between the Netherlands and Sweden and wrote down consensus and specific actions to deal with regional emergencies.

Old Earl Louis said that Swedish society has a high degree of awareness that the alliance between the Netherlands and Sweden is at a dead end. Swedish public support has increased Sweden's defense budget to increase military spending to deal with Sweden's insufficient naval power.

At the same time, Sweden will follow the Netherlands in cooperating on world maritime security and safeguarding maritime security interests.

Old Count Louis also met with Dutch Minister of Justice Ross. As the founder and president of the International Hague Tribunal, Ross’s contact was very eye-catching.

When Prime Minister Tolbeck met with Old Count Louis, he said that the Netherlands was grateful for Sweden's support. He said that Old Count Louis played a key role in the friendly relations and profound friendship between the Netherlands and Sweden. The Count repeatedly emphasized that the Netherlands and Sweden The connection between one family and another has made the relationship between Sweden and the Netherlands stronger, and has important interests for European security.

Swedish Justice Prime Minister Count Louis Sr. pointed out that the Netherlands is geographically located in the heart of Europe's powerful countries, surrounded by superpowers such as Britain, France and Prussia.The Netherlands is located at a key point between them and is related to regional strategic security. Therefore, cooperation between the Netherlands and Sweden and cooperation between the Netherlands and other countries are the most important balancing strategy for the Netherlands.Conducive to maintaining peace in the European region.

When he spoke, he said that he was inspired by His Majesty King Karl XV to promote regional peace, stability and security. When the Netherlands and Sweden are threatened, they will negotiate countermeasures in advance. The two countries will have to cooperate in accordance with the signed covenants and laws and the military. Confront threats.

The old Count Louis then paid a visit to William IV on behalf of Karl XV.

He sent a letter personally written by Karl XV. When William IV received the visiting delegation, he said, "Sweden and the Netherlands should have the spirit of a community of life and should cooperate in all aspects, including security issues and economic development issues. More social exchanges, he emphasized that the Netherlands also faces threats from the sea and should strengthen cooperation to avoid being defeated one by one."

William IV looked at the old Earl Louis and said: "The Netherlands will not deliberately challenge powerful countries, because the Netherlands is only protecting itself, especially challenging countries such as Britain, France, and Prussia."

Sweden's visit to the Netherlands made people realize that something was wrong, especially at this time. Old Count Louis openly expressed his attitude of Sweden standing with the Netherlands, openly and covertly, which made people feel that this time Sweden seemed to really come to support the Netherlands. .

However, some people are puzzled, but some people understand very well that this is because the UK has made its own mistakes.

A few years ago, Britain supported forces in the Norwegian region of the United Kingdom of Sweden with the intention of overthrowing the rule of Norway by King Carl XV of Sweden. This caused a huge turmoil in Sweden. Sweden even almost started a fight with Britain. At that time, the Netherlands was on the side On the Swedish side, it was clear that it provided strong support both in petition and military. This made the Swedes very grateful to the Netherlands. This is why Karl XV formed an alliance with the Netherlands, and their domestic opinions were unprecedentedly unified. The reason is that no one even in Norway dares to oppose it, because opposing it almost means being politically incorrect. "Britain will be soft on the Netherlands," William IV said confidently.

Old Count Louis looked at the young face of the extremely confident William IV, and his heart sank.

The more William IV behaves like this, the more he feels that Sweden's future relationship with the Netherlands will decline.

He didn't like this feeling very much, because it meant that Sweden would need to act from the position of the Netherlands in the future. Old Count Louis didn't think it would be of much benefit to Sweden. Of course, Karl XV actually seemed to be pro-Dutch, but in fact there was own plans.

William IV saw the subtle changes in old Count Louis and understood them clearly.Sweden, as a big Nordic country, naturally has its own arrogance, and old Count Louis has served as the judicial prime minister of Sweden for two terms. If history is good, this old guy will succeed in running for two more times in the future, and he will be in power until 1880, and he will also be the judicial prime minister in 1876. The first Swedish Prime Minister after the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs were merged into one, so he has great influence.

"It's not a good thing if someone is not friendly to the Netherlands, right, Prime Minister?"

Old Count Louis moved his old eyes slightly and said with a smile: "That's good, Sweden doesn't want to be remembered, so our Majesty Karl XV has always respected the cooperation between the Netherlands and Sweden to create a prosperous relationship between the two countries."

William IV seemed very happy and said: "I also believe that cooperation is the most fundamental relationship between countries, so I urged an alliance with Sweden at the beginning. Unexpectedly, His Majesty Carl XV agreed very much."

Old Count Louis: "If the Netherlands can help Sweden develop a strong navy, then the Netherlands will benefit a lot, and Sweden can work with the Netherlands to deal with Britain on the sea."

William IV: "But Sweden is really good at talent in the shipbuilding industry, so I am also willing to help Sweden develop, but the premise is that Sweden needs shipbuilding experts and talents. Sweden currently has shortcomings in this aspect."

Old Count Louis: "What if Sweden hired Dutch experts to conduct training in Stockholm?"

William IV: "Yes, yes, but currently the Dutch shipbuilding headquarters are in the Far East, which is more secretive. Technically, Ian is the most advanced over there. Of course, the labor force there is also the highest. At present, I am afraid of the Swedish economy. I can’t afford that kind of financial resources.”

Old Count Louis asked without giving up: "What if Sweden holds the issuance of national bonds?"

William IV smiled slightly: "That's okay, but it must be issued with the help of the Netherlands. You know, the relationship between the UK and the Netherlands is not good, and the pound is no longer reliable, right?"

Finally got what I wanted.
(End of this chapter)

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