Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 515 Global Art Exhibition of Genius Painters?

Chapter 515 Global Art Exhibition of Genius Painters?

Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam.

Similarly, how would King William IV of the Netherlands respond when asked by a reporter from the "European Times" about the cooperation between the Netherlands and Prussia?
William IV: “I can’t tell you the details of the cooperation between Prussia and the Netherlands, but if I want to give a general direction, then we can only say that we are conducting oil exploration work in the Dutch UAE region and the Prussian Qatar Peninsula in the Middle East, and the results have been obtained so far. , we are collaborating with Shell Oil, a new oil exploration and production company in the Netherlands, which discovered oil at both locations and is currently working on the possibility of further development.”

Reporter: "That is really a huge discovery. I believe it is not just me, but the whole of Europe will be unable to sleep because of this."

William IV: "Yes, you know, oil has begun to be used vigorously. Many countries such as Britain, France and Austria (referring to Austria-Hungary) are still obsessed with using coal to continue to support their industrialization, but again Some countries, such as our Kingdom of Prussia, the Netherlands, the Commonwealth of America and other newly emerging and resurgent countries, use oil as a new energy source to replace coal in the future to develop their own industries. Therefore, oil exploration has become a major issue in the Netherlands, Prussia, the United States, etc. It is an important industrial resource project in the country. At present, the Netherlands, Prussia and the United States, led by the Netherlands, have comprehensively promoted the improvement of machine stomach medicine, and our electrification has also made great progress."

Reporter: “Is this what the Prime Minister just said about cooperation between Prussia and the Netherlands?”

Bismarck: "Isn't this worthy?"

Reporter: "Of course you can, but in this case, Britain, France, Austria and Hope will become two camps because of energy issues. Will this become a template for the future political landscape?"

William IV: "I don't know, but we do know that currently in terms of resource utilization, coal resources, Britain and France have the most available resources, so the Netherlands, Prussia and the United States need to provide a more unique resource than them, not to replace it. It’s about adding new resources.”

Reporter: "In other words, the Netherlands, Prussia and the United States cannot compete with the United Kingdom in terms of coal resources, so the Netherlands, Prussia, and the United States need to work on other aspects, right?"

William IV: "It can be said that you are really smart. You know, when people face their own shortcomings, they should not feel sorry for themselves, but should look for other aspects to find their own strengths as their own means."

Reporter: "Just like Britain and France watched coal steam engines dominate the first industrial revolution, the Netherlands, Prussia, and the United States seem to want to break this process? Or are they looking for other ways?"

William IV: "So I say you are very smart. Nothing in this world is static, so we will not easily think that it is advisable to go all the way. Coal resources may be exhausted at some point, and the sky in London is full of coal. Too much, foggy, and uncomfortable. So we need to break away from the big cities in the Netherlands such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, or Sydney and Melbourne to become another London, because the acid rain there is said to be not very friendly to the human body, so we need to Make your own plan for this.”

Reporter: “So the Netherlands, Prussia, and the United States under His Majesty’s leadership chose oil?”

William IV: "Oil is cleaner"

Reporter: “But mining is more difficult than coal, isn’t it?”

William IV: "This is undeniable, but oil can also be more conveniently transported because of its small area."

Reporter: "But it is said that it is easier to catch fire and explode?"

William IV: "Everything has advantages and disadvantages, and nothing is perfect." Reporter: "If relations with Prussia improve, what does His Majesty think the Netherlands needs to do now?"

William IV: "I don't think we need to do anything, really, because the Netherlands and Prussia are both very pragmatic countries. We are naturally moving towards the coexistence of cooperation and competition. You know, even if we are partners , and sometimes conflicts arise. Therefore, the sometimes healthy competition between the Netherlands and Prussia is in line with market rules and the political ecological environment. I don’t think that the intensity of each election between the Tories and Whigs in London, England, will be the same. It’s a moment of division within the UK”

Reporter: "The Netherlands and Spain are also holding mid-term elections this year. I would like to ask Your Majesty, what do you think of the huge turmoil surrounding Speaker Huntington's visit to Spain?"

William IV: "It's not necessarily a huge turmoil. The Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, Huntington, is a relatively professional member of the House of Representatives. I have a deep memory. I don't think he is hostile to the United Kingdom, because I met him not long ago. Huntington thought that Although he sometimes expresses dissatisfaction with Britain, he is not ridiculing Britain, but is anxious for the development of Britain, hoping that Britain will change its ways and continue to develop and move forward. From this point of view, I think Huntington is just being serious and responsible for Britain. I was overly concerned and didn’t explain my thoughts clearly to everyone, which caused some misunderstandings.”

Reporter: "Your Majesty, your so-called 'misunderstanding' is probably the reason why the UK is currently worried. However, the Dutch government does not seem to have explained this 'misunderstanding' to the UK. I wonder if the Netherlands has explained this to the UK. ?”

William IV: "I don't think the Dutch cabinet government is needed to do things, because who is responsible for solving the problem, and the person who untied the bell must tie the bell, right?"

Reporter: "But looking at the current situation of Speaker Huntington, it seems that this incident may not happen soon."

William IV: "I think he will have his own timetable. You know, the Netherlands is a country with three branches of power. The executive departments of the cabinet government cannot exert pressure on the parliament. I think the same is true in the UK." Can understand Prime Minister Tolbeck’s difficulties.”

Reporter: "After listening to His Majesty's words, it seems that everything is like this, but I always feel that something is wrong."

William IV: "This is the fact. I think the fact that Britain has released Huntington's landing is the best proof."

Reporter: “What are your Majesty’s development goals for the Netherlands in the next few years?”

William IV: "Of course I hope to cover all aspects and develop the Netherlands with all my strength, but it seems a bit impossible, right? Seriously speaking, what I care about most is the economic development and cultural development of the Far East of the Netherlands, so today we are talking about The development of Dutch researchers will provide many effective measures to help develop the cultural communication of the Netherlands.”

Reporter: "Cultural communication? Can you tell me what specifically?"

William IV: "Of course, for example, the Dutch painter Van Gogh, who has become internationally famous recently, will hold a global exhibition of new paintings in the Netherlands and the Far East. The Dutch government will provide full support."

Reporter: "Is that the genius painter Vincent William Van Gogh who shocked the world with his paintings full of natural compassion and awareness of suffering when he was only 17 years old?"

(End of this chapter)

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