Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 519 Moving the capital to Melbourne?

Chapter 519 Moving the capital to Melbourne?
"European Times" reporter Haig talks with King William IV of the Netherlands.

Reporter Haig: "Facing the French Empire's war in the Far East, the Netherlands led members of the International Hague Tribunal to impose sanctions on the French Empire. How does the Netherlands currently view the French Empire?"

William IV: “When Napoleon III once met with me, he emphasized that the French Empire would not leave Mexico in North America, and would not allow countries such as Britain, the Netherlands, or even Brazil to take advantage of the opportunity.

However, when Mexican President Benito Juarez visited the Netherlands to meet me some time ago, he complained to me that the French Empire moved from southern Mexico to the Far East, but gave up the territory it left behind to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Except for the symbolic Miquelon Islands in eastern Canada, there are no French colonies in North America.”


William IV: "The foreign policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is to establish communication bridges and deal with other countries. The French Empire was previously an important trading partner, energy partner, and investment and investee market of the Netherlands. The Netherlands and the French Empire are not mutually exclusive."

Reporter: "What now?"

William IV: "At present, trade between the Netherlands and the French Empire has almost stopped, and investment has almost stagnated."

Reporter: "Napoleon III's visit to Milan some time ago was the first foreign trip since the French Empire launched the War of the Kingdom of Siam. What does your Majesty think his purpose was?"

William IV: "This is also France's first visit to Southern Europe since the war began. The purpose is of course to break the diplomatic and economic blockade organized by the International Court of Justice in The Hague."

Reporter: “Why did France choose the Kingdom of Italy?”

William IV: "The Ottoman Empire, Italy, and Spain are the three most powerful countries in the Mediterranean besides France. France currently has a discordant relationship with Spain, and with the Ottoman Empire because of the latter's involvement with the Russian Empire. France does not want to offend Britain. , so keep distance from the Ottoman Empire. So Italy is left.”

Reporter: "Will King Emmanuel II of Italy achieve the purpose of Napoleon III's visit?"

William IV: "The public theme of the two is to discuss the situation in the Mediterranean, but in reality they each get what they need, and they just join forces to keep warm. To be more direct, they use each other to increase their presence."


William IV: "The French Empire encountered sanctions from the International Court of Justice in The Hague, so its international influence became weaker. Italy could only be isolated in the northern part of the Central Mediterranean, and Emmanuel II also had to face the Holy See in Rome. The infiltrated influence of the Vatican affects its own status and government control.

Therefore, both countries are very passive and encounter economic difficulties. Therefore, the two countries actually cooperate to a certain extent strategically.The idea of ​​strengthening bilateral communication was also agreed upon, and it is clear that Italy is trying to eliminate France’s negative thoughts about Italy’s participation in sanctions against the French Empire within the International Court of Justice in The Hague.”

Reporter: "Will France understand?"

William IV: "Naturally Napoleon III would not, but the international situation would make him choose to suppress it and pretend to understand."

Reporter: "Does this mean France and Italy can continue to cooperate?"

William IV: "Emmanuel II was the first king of a member country of the International Court of Justice in the Hague to meet with Napoleon III after the war. Although Italy followed other countries in the International Court of Justice in the Hague and imposed sanctions on France, it was limited to military matters. There are no economic sanctions, and there are no restrictions on personnel exchanges between the two countries.”

Reporter: "Is Italy letting off steam on sanctions?"

William IV: "In fact, the organization does not impose sanctions on member states to what extent, so the sanctions are based on their respective needs. For example, Portugal only imposes fish products on fishermen from the French Empire. Sanctions, haha, the purpose is actually to prevent French fish products from competing with local products in this name."

Reporter: “What about the Netherlands?”

William IV: "The Netherlands has also put a damper on some products. Among them, Dutch coal mining companies have actually imported French coal from France. However, we have suppressed industrial products."

Reporter: “So everyone turns a blind eye to what Italy is doing?”

William IV: "Basically, this is what he said. While Italy did not follow the Netherlands in imposing large-scale sanctions, Italy actually played a 'spoiler' role when the Netherlands had a colonial war with Portugal in Africa. In return, Napoleon III should have given Italy a 'big gift' when negotiating arms negotiations with Emmanuel II and allowing Italy to import French warships."

Reporter: "Will the relationship between France and Italy be so 'good' that it affects other countries to follow suit?"

William IV: "Of course some people will be interested. I guess that because Napoleon III valued this, he wanted to use Italy as the coordinator to coordinate the relationship between France and other countries when easing the relationship between the International Hague Tribunal in the next period of time. relations, in a disguised way, to enhance the international image of Emmanuel II and Italy.”

Reporter: "Will Italy take over?"

William IV: "This is not a question of whether to accept or not, but that Napoleon III went out of his way and when the two met in Milan, Napoleon III actually arrived three minutes early to 'wait' for Emmanuel II, which gave Emmanuel II a lot of face." "

Reporter: "The purpose of Napoleon III was to break the sanctions imposed by the Netherlands?"

William IV: "Napoleon III used Italy to contain the International Court of Justice in The Hague, headed by the Netherlands, and it was also a gesture to other major powers."

Reporter: “What can Italy gain by doing this?”

William IV: "Italy is attacking the French Empire and asking for prices from the Netherlands and other countries."

Reporter: "That's it?" William IV: "Italy's current situation in Africa is not very good, especially in the Ethiopian colonial war a few years ago, it actually lost to the local indigenous king, leaving Emmanuel II was disgraced to the European royal family, so perhaps Emmanuel II used the threat of Italian colonial territories in Africa as an excuse to ask the French Empire to make concessions to Italy in the French colonial Algeria region west of the Italian colony of Libya.”

Reporter: "Napoleon III is willing?"

William IV: "Who knows, maybe you are willing to do it?"

Reporter: "Well, some time ago, the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire held a trilateral summit in Constantinople, the Ottoman Empire. What do you think of this?"

William IV: "The theme of the summit between Tsarist Russia, Ottoman and Austria-Hungary seems to be to work together to resolve disputes and then drive Britain and France away from the Middle East and the Balkans. However, this time Austria-Hungary is a supporting role, while the Ottoman Empire and Tsarist Russia are main character."

Reporter: “Does this mean that the three countries will form an alliance to fight against foreign countries such as Britain and France?”

William IV: "That's not true, at least that's what I think. The weakening influence of Britain and France, and the improvement of strategic autonomy and voice of regional powers does not mean that the situation in the Balkans and the Middle East is safer. Because these three countries are They are not fuel-efficient lamps. Everyone has their own ambitions, and no one wants to obey the other?"

Reporter: "Then how does Your Majesty think the Netherlands should deal with itself?"

William IV: The impact of the global food and security crisis on regional stability in various places cannot be underestimated. Although countries have many security forces to protect their interests from invasion by other countries, there are still opportunities for detonation of several hot spots. Very high.

The North and the South in North America currently seem to be calm, but in fact the situation is very strange. According to our intelligence, the Confederate States seems to have entered a period of turmoil because Robert E. Lee has become the new president. The North may make some moves. Will this trigger the United Kingdom and others? Intervention is still unknown.

Moreover, with Britain’s intervention, it is very difficult to figure out whether the dissatisfaction of the North will be vented, and a reincarnation will bring Britain and the United States to fight again.”

Reporter: "What other hot spots does His Majesty think?"

William IV: "On the Balkan Peninsula, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Greece currently have troops stationed there. The Tsarist Russian Empire also launches wars and attacks from time to time. As the Greek Kingdom becomes uneasy, the Ottoman Empire With the improvement of weapons, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has fully recovered after being defeated by Prussia. Although the three countries of Tsarist Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans are now inclined to cooperate and ease relations, none of them is a reliable leader, so a war can break out at any time. These are all very possible. After all, when diplomacy and negotiation are insufficient, the use of force must be an option."


William IV: "Spain and France are also currently in conflict. The two nations seem to be at odds. Although there seems to be no risk of war at present, mainly due to the previous border peace between the two countries, this historical peaceful border mechanism still exists. It’s inevitable to become vulnerable.”

Reporter: "Your Majesty thinks there will be a huge conflict between Spain and France?"

William IV: "I think anything is possible, of course, I just think"

Reporter Haig: “In a situation where the geopolitical landscape is being reshaped by regional powers, successful Dutch diplomacy must actively respond to the patriotic development, economic and political demands of countries in the region. In this regard, both Britain and France seem to be unable to do so at present.

In recent years, the Netherlands has proposed looking south and east, paying more attention to the Mediterranean and Africa. The Far East has been a place that His Majesty has repeatedly declared to be of great importance.

Although this will cause dissatisfaction and concern among some Mediterranean countries, most of them just believe that the Netherlands needs to pursue a pluralistic and balanced diplomacy.Many people believe that the Netherlands needs to keep a clear mind and strategic composure and not have too many illusions about this. It needs to be cautious and fearful when entering Africa and the Far East to avoid falling into the trap of powerful countries such as Britain and France. What does Your Majesty think? "

William IV: "I think the Netherlands is currently focusing on the Far East and Africa, but we are also paying attention to any details of the geopolitical changes on the European side. The local area is the foundation of the Netherlands, and we will not give up. native."

Reporter: "But many Dutch people have begun to believe that the focus should be on the Far East. The vast territory there is where the dream of the Netherlands lies in the future. They even call it the Land of the Dutch Dream."

William IV: "Haha, this is a thorn in the side, but if they think so, I can't refute it?"

Reporter "Why?"

William IV: "Because, in the near future, the Netherlands may choose to move the capital of the Netherlands to the Far East in accordance with public opinion."

Reporter: "Oh my God, is your Majesty serious?"

William IV: "If public opinion agrees by then, I think I will support this approach."

Reporter: "Where is the new capital?"

William IV: "It should be in the southern city of Melbourne, Australia. Of course, it also needs to be decided by public opinion."

Reporter Haig: "Well, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to allow me to conduct an exclusive interview. "European Times" and I wish your Majesty the best of luck and success."

William IV: "Thank you"

(Note: William IV heard that everyone said that the pace should be fast, and he agreed very much. In this case, it will speed up in the future. I hope everyone will continue to support)

(End of this chapter)

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