Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 521 Counterattack against London

Chapter 521 Counterattack against London
On February 1869, 2, the undercurrent between Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain triggered by Speaker Huntington's visit to Spain was surging. At this time, the British acted very gentlemanly and proposed to the Netherlands to resolve this issue through negotiation. Naturally, the Dutch government would not object to this.

The negotiations did not go very smoothly. The Dutch government asked the British government to lift the number of British warships in northern Spain, but was refused. The negotiations seemed to have reached a deadlock.

However, the negotiations do not seem to have affected the visit of Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington, who is visiting Spanish territory, and his visit is still ongoing.

In addition to meeting with the Prime Minister and the Queen one after another in Madrid, Huntington was invited by the House of Representatives and the Senate in Spain to deliver speeches in these two parliaments respectively. In them, he talked loudly, and talked most about the Netherlands' feelings towards Spain, and the Netherlands' love for Spain. Support, and hinted that he will push the Dutch government in the House of Representatives to provide the most advanced weapons support to Spain so that Spain can resist pressure from Britain, France and other countries.

Huntington's approach has been greatly welcomed in Spain. Whether from the Spanish people or the government, he represents a symbol of friendship between the Netherlands and Spain.

And his approach quickly fed back to the representatives of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands at the negotiating table.

Seemingly influenced by Huntington's popularity in Spain, Britain's position softened slightly.

The Netherlands used this to advance one step towards Britain and put forward some excessive demands.

So much so that this excessive request, informed by Disraeli, actually aroused the anger of Queen Victoria, who was always disliked to anger.

"Is the Netherlands crazy? How dare you make such a request." Queen Victoria sneered: "What a William IV, the master of the renaissance of the Nassau family, he actually set his goal here."

She turned to Disraeli and said: "What does your cabinet government think?"

Disraeli knew that this scene would happen from the beginning when he learned the news.

Because the request made by the Netherlands was so excessive, he felt it was very ridiculous immediately after hearing it. The Netherlands dared to make this request. Isn't he afraid that Queen Victoria of England, who has always been pro-Dutch, would turn against her?
"I'm still hesitating now." Seeing Queen Victoria's concerned gaze in his eyes, he felt something secret in his heart, and he suddenly had some concerns, so he said calmly: "Our current idea is to politely refuse and test the other party at the same time. bottom line"

Perhaps seeing Queen Victoria who was already on the verge of anger wanting to speak, Disraeli hurriedly said: "We can use this to test more demands from the Netherlands and then formulate countermeasures."

When Queen Victoria heard this, she suppressed her anger.He said: "Just watch. In short, I will not let the Kingdom of Belgium disappear. This is my bottom line."

In the past few days, almost all the world news revolved around his exclusive interview in "European Times".

Looking at the world map he made himself, William IV sighed. It seemed that the Netherlands occupied a large territory on its own, but was actually far away from Europe. This was equivalent to being alone overseas. Economically, it may not be able to develop very fast, at least. Due to transportation reasons, the export economy of mainland Australia and the Dutch East Indies will increase a lot of transportation costs for exports to various countries.

Looking at the current negotiations in London, England, it seems that the Netherlands has the upper hand, which is actually dangerous.

The Netherlands seemed to be advancing in the direction of Spain and launched a diplomatic attack on the United Kingdom. It seemed that the United Kingdom was giving in. In fact, it was very likely that the United Kingdom was brewing some counterattack. This time, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs combined with Huntington in Parliament to move forward, and resources were also available. Inevitably they are scattered.

The United Kingdom may be grasping the purpose of the Netherlands and preparing to evaluate the pros and cons of counterattack against the Netherlands.

The British navy is the best in the world and currently seems to be languishing in Spain. If it is transferred to the Netherlands, then the Netherlands' current seemingly advantage will no longer exist.After all, the hinterland of the Netherlands is too small. The British navy's threat to the Netherlands can be said to be direct and violent, and the Netherlands will also feel extremely painful.Although the United Kingdom is still "cooperating" with the Netherlands in choosing Spain as the venue for "battle", making Spain a lever for the Netherlands to fight against the United Kingdom. This is the same as the United Kingdom cooperating with the Netherlands to specifically go to the British opponent to ask for trouble. Enemy countries make no difference.

Obviously, only the brave British people dare to do this.

Foreign Secretary Hesbert Fenghui reported: "Your Majesty, I have just received news that the British Disraeli government rejected our proposal to return Belgium to our Netherlands, and also expressed dissatisfaction with the Dutch ambitions, naming Queen Victoria. I am very angry and ask the Netherlands to stop making delusions. The UK is even preparing to support the Belgian royal family and fight back against the Netherlands."

William IV was shocked, but then returned to normal.

Britain's reaction was what he expected, but it was not unexpected and was quite normal.

This is a diplomatic method that the British have always used. Obviously, after seeing the purpose of the Netherlands, the British are ready to intervene in Belgium's internal power competition.

William IV was extremely ruthless. Almost all Belgians are now in power of Dutch descent. From the Prime Minister to the Speakers of both Houses, the same is true for the Supreme Court. Down to the lower states, cities and towns, they are all controlled by Dutch. This situation Under the circumstances, even if the British threatened with artillery shells, it would be difficult to achieve their goal.Unless the British can change the current demographic structure of Belgium, they can make the current population structure of Dutch people account for more than 80% of the population in Belgium.

What's more, 80% of the Dutch population, under the "cultivation" of William IV, has never had any thoughts of rebellion against the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Even if the British have exhausted all their agencies, it will be difficult to break the Dutch influence there.

"What Britain can do now is nothing more than to make the Dutch ambitions public and make European countries dissatisfied with the Netherlands." William IV asked: "Isn't that right?"

Hesbertvon nodded in approval.

William IV then asked: "If that is the case, what do we need to do to eliminate it?"

Hesbert von: “Sending additional envoys from various countries to explain the Dutch position”

William IV shook his head, "That would be too inefficient."

Hesbert Feng: "Your Majesty, has a better way?"

William IV nodded and said: "Of course there are ways. Few people will believe what the government says, because throughout the era, the government has been too close to capital and aristocrats, and the bottom class of society has developed a sense of distrust. Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for communicating with various countries. Say it, it’s better not to say it”

Haysbet Feng: "?"

William IV further revealed the mystery and said: "You said that if the Dutch people in Belgian society were to launch a referendum, the title would be whether to choose to join the Netherlands? Do you think this public relations is better than your Ministry of Foreign Affairs' explanation? Is it better?"

Hesbert Feng nodded fiercely and said happily: "More than a hundred times."

(End of this chapter)

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