Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 539 Italy: “Liberals” are just a trap?

Chapter 539 Italy: “Liberals” are just a trap?
How could Britain not fight back after suffering a loss?

Britain deployed a fleet on the northern coast of Spain. At the same time, the Conservative Prime Minister Disraeli did not break up with the Netherlands directly. Instead, he used his mentor to criticize William IV in order to win over the conservative Tories. At the same time, he also Members of the Whig Party who were obsessed with British "hegemony" could be poached. At the same time, during this period, the British navy was conducting exercises in the Mediterranean Sea in the south, northern Spain in the north, and the British Navy in the Eastern North-Navy Center.

The views of these people are strongly agreed with by Italian Prime Minister Marco Minghetti. Minghetti said: "I am worried that the incident has caused a chain reaction and may get out of control. I hope that the UK and the Netherlands can exercise restraint. The most important thing is that the UK and the Netherlands can exercise restraint." The Netherlands must have communication between the prime ministers to avoid accidents and violent war.”

Emmanuel II: "There should be no military exercises between Britain and the Netherlands, at least for now, and the British military exercises will also subside. However," Emmanuel II said: "Huntington's impact on the relations between Britain, Spain and the Netherlands this time has been The damage will be irreparable in the short term.”

Crown Prince Umberto of Italy has much the same opinion as the two.He thought Huntington, the Dutch speaker of the House of Representatives, was reckless.He did a "stupid thing" and sent an envoy to Spain, insisting on escalating the Gibraltar issue, which worsened Anglo-Dutch relations.

France's invasion of the Kingdom of Siam has not yet ended, and the Netherlands has already started to stir things up. Now it has raised the issue of Gibraltar. I wonder what its intentions are?Now that the relationship between Britain, the Netherlands and Spain has further deteriorated, it has affected the stability of the region and even the world. The Italian crown prince hopes that the situation in Europe will not continue to deteriorate. He pointed out that fortunately, the three countries do not want to go to war at this stage, but the relationship has been further damaged.

When the Italian Crown Prince was asked about the deterioration of relations between Britain and the Netherlands, has the French Empire, which has a bad relationship with the Netherlands, formed an alliance with the British Empire to fight side by side against the Netherlands?
Crown Prince Umberto said: "France and the United Kingdom have not formed a military alliance like the Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden. When one member country is attacked, other allies will join the war. In fact, the United Kingdom and other countries have not formed a military alliance. alliance"

It is worth mentioning that according to a poll about Italy by "European Times", many people accused the UK of suppressing Huntington's visit to Spain, which caused regional tension and affected regional peace and stability. Sooner or later, Italy will also be affected. .

Public opinion shows that many Italians suggest that the Italian government issue a proclamation to express its regret over Britain's suppression of Huntington's visit to Spain.Many people in public opinion say that Britain's behavior in recent years has affected regional peace. Britain has been causing trouble in many places. The most recent example is asking the Netherlands to withdraw from North America. To this end, it has not hesitated to use the power of the Rothschild family to suppress it. Dutch people, and eventually many other ethnic groups in the United States were victimized. Secretary of State Seward and Lincoln were even personally attacked.

Second, without Britain stopping it, the French Empire intensified its invasion of the Kingdom of Siam without any scruples, which affected the security of the Far East and caused various countries to impose sanctions on France. In the end, Britain reaped the benefits.

Third, the UK holds double standards. On the one hand, it requires other countries not to make any political declarations to interfere with Gibraltar, which Britain snatched from Spain. On the other hand, Belgium provided help and finally broke away from the Netherlands. Recently, it has been so indecisive that it even abandoned Belgium. Signed an Anglo-Dutch Agreement with the Netherlands agreeing to Dutch sovereignty over Belgium.This feels ridiculous.

After that, Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington visits Spain. The fierce suppression by the United Kingdom will prompt countries such as Netherlands to form an alliance to jointly deal with the British provocation. The security and stability of the world will be threatened. The French Empire may take advantage of the opportunity to allow the invasion war to continue. The people suffered from war for a long time.

Alfonso Ferrero Lamarmola, the former Italian Prime Minister who is also a right-wing Prime Minister like Prime Minister Minghetti, served as Prime Minister from 1864 to 1866. His successor was Prime Minister Minghetti, who was previously an Italian military officer. He is a powerful figure in the military and political affairs.In a recent lecture at the University of Milan, he made a long speech criticizing the British Empire for making a fuss over the visit of Huntington, the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives. He has always been known in the Italian political arena for his "non-startling speech". In the lecture at the University of Milan, Alfonso. Ferrero Lamarmora has just publicly criticized Britain for suppressing the Netherlands' diplomatic space and implementing a policy of internal interference in other countries. He pointed out that this represents a new level of British influence on the international community.

He also publicly criticized Huntington, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands, for his "private goods" visit to Spain, which meant that the Netherlands challenged Britain's governance of Gibraltar and supported Spain in more provocations against Britain.

Alfonso Ferrero Lamarmora believed that Huntington, the Speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives, visited Spain and supported Spain’s position. The purpose of the Netherlands was to contain Britain and find a way out. He even boldly estimated that the Netherlands wanted to use this They came to coerce Britain to support the Netherlands in taking over Belgian territory and making Britain surrender. Current facts prove that the Netherlands did it, and Britain was one step behind.

When the Netherlands "invaded" Belgium and achieved results, Britain needed the Netherlands to make concessions because of issues such as Gibraltar. In the end, Britain lost the beginning.

Who is Britain?The British Empire, unwilling to admit defeat, would naturally come back to fight back against the Netherlands. '

Alfonso Ferrero Lamarmora believes that when the UK faced the Netherlands and its allies and close partners, the Netherlands used wolf tactics to attack them in turn and gave in. He failed to defeat the Netherlands' intentions. Now the UK suddenly finds itself lacking allies, so No. 10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace, and even the Whigs and the Tories have made many compromises to find countermeasures. Therefore, in order to break through the layers of relationships established by the Netherlands, the UK Found a breakthrough or doorway.

In the end, the global battle between liberals and conservatives was chosen to divert the attention of all countries around the world to themselves, in order to raise people's concerns about the liberals in their own countries taking power. Will this aggravate the internal affairs problems of the liberal leader William IV affecting various countries? , Britain moved the battlefield to the interior of the Dutch allies and partners, intending to sow a wedge between the Netherlands and its allies and partners.

This time Britain mobilized the Conservative Party to accuse the Liberal Party of moving closer to the Netherlands. No one knows whether this will be a trap.

Lamarmora said: "The current problem is that the United Kingdom and the Netherlands seem to have become enemies who are fighting for wits. But the good news is that neither country has taken the hope of heading towards war. Not only the weak Netherlands, but also the United Kingdom. So, thank God for that.”

(End of this chapter)

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