Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 550 The Abandoned Governor General of Canada

Chapter 550 The Abandoned Governor General of Canada
President Johnson Andrew of the Commonwealth of America drew criticism from the British government when he publicly called on the British government to give more rights to Canadian Indians.

Disraeli faced the British domestic "Times of London", "The Times", "Financial Times", "The Guardian" and the internationally influential "European Times", "Australian Times", " When asked by Le Figaro, Le Coronet, The New York Times, etc., he pointed out, “The British Empire will not lack attention when it treats its own citizens, and at this point, the Commonwealth of America is the one that needs it. Attention countries, Britain will not let the rights of Canadian Indians go unchecked, but there is a prerequisite, and that is to ensure loyalty to Britain and the Queen."

In this regard, when William IV was asked about this matter in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, he laughed and said: "Do you need a prerequisite to claim rights? And it is still a nihilistic topic of loyalty. I think the British Prime Minister Disraeli talked too nihilistically. It makes people feel less sincere, because it requires the loyalty of Indians, but loyalty is something that cannot be seen, touched, or measured. Isn’t this embarrassing Canadian Indians?
Perhaps, in Prime Minister Disraeli's view, the British government has the final say on whether the Indians are loyal or not, or even whether they meet their requirements. Who knows whether the standard is only in their whims? "

With the "entry into the war" of William IV of the Netherlands, the international community suddenly realized that this time the British and Canadian Indians' claim for rights was not that simple.

On April 1869, 4, two thousand native Indians marched in the Canadian towns of Skagway, Whitehorse and Dawson, a British Overseas Territory near the Alaska Peninsula, because they were dissatisfied with the Disraeli government and the Governor-General of Canada, Charles Stanley Mount. Due to Gram's bad attitude, the native Indians attacked the local British town government, which eventually triggered a large number of British soldiers to suppress it. In the end, the number of casualties exceeded that of white people.

In order to avoid being hunted by British officers, many indigenous people even hid in the Alexandria Islands, where Juneau, the capital of the Dutch Alaska Province, is located.

For this reason, the British and Canadian Governor-General's Office protested. Governor-General Charles Stanley Monk even made a stern statement in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, "We are very dissatisfied with the Dutch Province of Alaska for housing these criminal Indians. We We ask the Dutch government to hand over these criminal suspects to face punishment, and we also need the Dutch Alaskan government to apologize for this, otherwise, the Netherlands needs to be prepared to bear the consequences of the deterioration of relations between the two countries.”

In response, the Alaska provincial government expressed its unwillingness to see the indigenous Indians sent back to Canada to be mistreated. To this end, the Alaska government will provide an exile immigration policy. The Alaska Peninsula is willing to accept those who cannot survive in Canada. people.

“We in the Kingdom of the Netherlands are a democratic country with universal human rights, so we are serious about granting the rights to the indigenous people. If the Canadian government is unwilling to grant the rights that the Indians deserve, it will even consider it a kind of abuse. Sorry, people who feel abandoned can come and live in the Netherlands. Our great Netherlands is willing to accept you."

The Canadian government was very dissatisfied with this, but had no choice but to submit the dispute to the British government in London.

This gave the Disraeli government a headache.

They had just defeated the Dutch army in Africa, and now the Netherlands was counterattacking in North America and Canada, and they were coming so quickly and fiercely, which made Disraeli feel the pressure.If it is not handled well, it may trigger a polydomino effect, causing other British colonies and territories to follow suit, which will cause great damage to London's power.

However, if the demands of the Canadian Indians are not met, the Indians will not give up easily.

This is where the Disraeli government is in trouble. If in the past, other countries used violence to colonize, they could simply mobilize tens of thousands of troops to deal with it with firepower. But now the whole world is Observe that if Britain does this, it will damage Britain's reputation. And the most abominable thing is that the Dutch Alaska government actually openly waved to Canadian Indians, intending to attract these people to immigrate to Alaska, while also He proposed immigration to other colonial natives who were dissatisfied with British rule. This would inevitably make the natives in the grateful British colonies think differently. After having second thoughts, Disraeli did not think that these natives would still remain contentedly. Stay.

Just when Disraeli was preparing how to respond to the matter at the British national level, a piece of news came that made Disraeli's face change drastically.

After the news came out, the blow stirred up a thousand waves, the Indians became more vocal, and the British suddenly fell into a dilemma.

It turned out that on April 1869, 4, the Swedish government stood up to support the treatment of ethnic minorities by the Netherlands and the Commonwealth of America. There was news in Stockholm that the Swedish Parliament would also act in the mainland and African overseas territories of Togo and Burkina. In three places, the indigenous rights enhancement bill will be carried out to give more livelihood rights to local ethnic minorities and African indigenous people.

King Carl XV of Sweden stated: "Although the Kingdom of Sweden is located in the northernmost tip of Northern Europe and the food supply is tight, the extremely determined Swedes will not exploit any human beings on a large scale. We hope to work with ethnic minorities and Africans. The indigenous people of Sweden's overseas territories coexist peacefully, and we hope to build a strong United Kingdom of Sweden with them. We will treat them with the same kindness and friendship as we treat Norway, which is part of the United Kingdom of Sweden."

Sweden's statement put more pressure on the Disraeli government, because Disraeli felt that things seemed to be out of control.

Sure enough, while Disraeli was reporting his concerns to Queen Victoria, bad news for Britain came from the international community.

King Christian IX of the Kingdom of Denmark also announced in Copenhagen that the Royal Danish Parliament will recently propose legislation for the overseas territories of Iceland and Sierra Leone in Africa to follow the example of the Netherlands and Sweden in legislating to protect indigenous rights. Denmark will not aggravate the internal conflicts within Denmark at the expense of indigenous interests. Disharmonious.

The king further stated that he did not want indigenous people around the world to be treated unfairly. Denmark hereby called on the British Empire, as the most powerful country in the world, to behave like a great country and provide the Indians with the most basic protection. "I heard that the natives there were taken to Ottawa or Quebec to work for the British for free. They only had one meal a day, and it was still half full. It is said that many people died. I don't know how to answer this appalling news, but Regardless of whether the news is accurate or not, I think the British government should pay attention to this because this is not good news for the British Empire.”

When asked what he was referring to, Christian IX said seriously: "Because it is an impact on Britain's global reputation."

Prime Minister Disraeli, who was reporting to Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace, also heard the news just provided by the Buckingham Palace steward, and his face suddenly became extremely embarrassed.

At the age of 50, Queen Victoria began to slowly become obese. Perhaps in a few years, she will be unable to get rid of her bloated figure.However, this did not affect her as the most powerful king in the world, and Disraeli never dared to underestimate her.

Disraeli said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the Dutch counterattack seems a bit fierce."

Queen Victoria said: "Only you are allowed to attack, but others are not allowed to fight back?"

Disraeli smiled bitterly when he heard this and said to himself: This is not what your son did."

Although he thought so, he did not dare to say it.

Disraeli said with a wry smile: "Now the Dutch counterattack has allowed the Indians in Canada to find opportunities. Obviously, the Andrew government of the Commonwealth of America has also got involved this time. The Alaska Peninsula of the Netherlands and the Commonwealth of Canada in southern Canada have also joined in." , attacking from both sides, has put pressure on our local government governance in Canada. This will be very dangerous. If we are not careful, it may trigger a large-scale war between the Canadian Governor-General and the Indians, and finally bring about the Dutch and American Confederation. The country’s fishermen benefit”

After hearing what Disraeli said, Queen Victoria changed the subject and said, "It seems that the current Governor-General of Canada, Charles Stanley Monk, is also a Tory?"

Disraeli immediately felt worried after hearing this, because from the look on Queen Victoria's face, it seemed that someone was going to be unlucky, and now she directly mentioned Charles Stanley Monk. If his prediction was correct, the Queen should be preparing to take Charles. .Stanley Monk, the Governor-General of Canada, came to perform the surgery.

Thinking of this, he was shocked, and when he couldn't help but raise his head and look at Queen Victoria, he was full of fear.

Queen Victoria seemed to have expected that the other party would guess some of her thoughts, and said coldly: "Politics is so ruthless. If you can't control your own one-third of an acre of land, then why do you have the face to be so prominent (dangerous) Canada’s geographical location is too important to the British mainland and cannot be lost.”

Kingdom of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

William IV welcomed a very important guest today, so much so that he actually chose to take care of Queen Alexandra's pregnancy test for her third child.

Simply because this guest was so important to William IV and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

"I never thought that His Majesty William IV, who had defied the British Empire many times, actually treated his wife with sincerity and love like the legend said. If all the men in the world want to be like His Majesty, then love will be reinterpreted "

"Haha, if the love speech of His Excellency Bismarck, the iron-blooded Prime Minister of Europe, is made public, then I believe that the whole of Europe will be silent immediately. Even when introducing Your Excellency, in addition to the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, there should also be a love expert."

(End of this chapter)

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