Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 556 Counterattack from Upper Myanmar

Chapter 556 Counterattack from Upper Myanmar
On May 1869, 5, the French Empire seemed to have had enough of being isolated. Perhaps Napoleon III also wanted to see the British joke. The King of the French Empire attended a public banquet in Paris and faced nobles from all over Europe. , even expressed his dissatisfaction with the British's exploitation of Indians in person.

"In France, many people also think that the British are not very authentic. I think this is right. Therefore, the French Empire also requires London to cherish the loyalty from the Indians, not the other way around. I think the British are well-known as a member of Europe. , don’t destroy our honor.”

Napoleon III seems to have forgotten that they are still being sanctioned because of Siam's invasion of Asia.

The French Empire all stood up, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Italy, Spain, etc. were even less polite.

Normally, we are afraid of the British navy, so everyone keeps silent. But now everyone is pushing us, so it would be nice if we don't give him a few more kicks.It's just the right time to release the bad energy that you usually hold back.

Britain is facing overwhelming threats from all over the world. No matter how powerful its navy is, it will be difficult to withstand the criticism of global public opinion.

Faced with the pressure brought by these international countries, London did not fight back one by one, except for the British Foreign Office's refutation, expressing dissatisfaction with the interference of various countries in Britain's internal affairs.

"No one wants others to interfere in their own country's internal affairs, and the British Empire is not surprised. Therefore, we strongly appeal to all countries to abide by themselves and not challenge this international rule. Only in this way can all countries continue to maintain peace."

Foreign Secretary Russell's soft-yet-hard diplomatic words made Portugal, the Ottomans, Mexico, etc. who originally wanted to participate in "appealing" to the United Kingdom choose to wait and see. Obviously, they were unwilling to participate in the wrestling match between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands and the Caribbean Commonwealth.

However, Russell's statement will naturally not let the Netherlands and America give up.

On May 1869, 5, in the Upper Myanmar region in the Far East, Chin State, Kachin State, Chan State, and Kayah State led the capital of Mandalay Province and joined forces with Sagaing Province, Magway Province, and the Inner Union Bibi State District to form the The Five-Party Alliance, determined to drive away the British colonists, launched a counterattack against the British Empire's occupation of the Burmese colony of Arakan and Lower Burma. The Burmese army launched from the capital Mandalay Province to the British-occupied Rakhine State and Chin State in the west. Attack, the British were caught off guard and injured more than 6 people.

When the news came back to London, it was already 8 p.m. that day. It is said that Queen Victoria was furious in Buckingham Palace, and the British Empire Disraeli reported to the Queen overnight.

On May 1869, 5, countries in Europe and the United States were shocked by the news coming from the Far East.

No one bothered with the issue of Indian rights at this time because they were afraid of being implicated in the wrath of the British.

Obviously, the British Empire was not willing to cause trouble at this time.

However, the major forces in Upper Burma were not afraid. Leaders from all parties gathered in Mandalay Province and expressed their request for the British Empire to withdraw from Burma, otherwise this attack would not be the last.

On May 5, the British Empire issued an ultimatum to all forces in Upper Burma, requiring all parties to lay down their arms and recognize the British Empire's foreign affairs power in Burma.

British Foreign Secretary Russell said in London, "We require the UK to start supervising Myanmar's foreign affairs activities from today. If Myanmar does not accept it, we will respond to this British injury, which will produce angry actions that they cannot bear. We Being able to walk the talk.”

In the afternoon of that day, the British Empire's Indian fleet came eastward and stopped at Aang Port on Aang Island in the eastern Bay of Bengal. After that, British warships began to travel from south to north. It was obvious that Britain used warships to support the land to make up for the lack of soldiers.

At the same time, in the western Bengal region, the British assembled 3000 soldiers, including 7000 regular British troops and 1 indigenous troops, to attack Kachin State in Upper Myanmar from the west.

In response, the five-party alliance in Upper Myanmar responded by deploying 2 troops in western Kachin State, showing an uncompromising attitude.

"The Kingdom of Siam has learned a bloody lesson, and we call on the United Kingdom and the Quadruple Alliance of Upper Burma to negotiate to resolve the problem." On May 1869, 5, King William IV of the Kingdom of the Netherlands met with Mexican President Bey who was visiting the Netherlands in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Nito Juarez publicly made the above statement.

On the same day, the Sydney consul of Myanmar in the Netherlands and Australia pointed out in an interview, "We ask the United Kingdom to withdraw from Myanmar's territory. This is a request of all parties. We call on the Netherlands and other internationally just countries to support Myanmar because we believe in the international Hague Tribunal Organization, of which we are applying for membership.”

Secretary of State for the Commonwealth of America Blake also said in Washington: "We support Myanmar's application to become a member of this organization. The British Empire seems to be unpopular recently. The Commonwealth of America was exploited too much by British capitalists and aristocrats. It’s serious, so they are rising up. Now the Indians in Canada and the Burmese in the Far East will very likely make the British repeat the same mistakes they made back then.”

This time, even the Tsarist Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which had not participated in the disputes in Central and Western Europe for a long time, joined the ranks of "persuading peace."

This puts increasing pressure on Britain.

On May 1869, 5, the International Court of Justice in The Hague held meetings for three consecutive days starting from the 11th. After a "fierce" tug-of-war, on this day, it completed the application proposal for Burma and held emergency consultations.

Due to the obstruction of Portugal and Belgium, Upper Burma did not become a member of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. However, perhaps Portugal and Belgium were unwilling to offend countries such as the Netherlands and America too much. Upper Burma represented the country of Burma and became an observer with the same status as the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. country.

In the joint communiqué of the member states of the International Hague Tribunal, the organization asked the United Kingdom not to carry out an armed invasion of Upper Burma. At the same time, the organization also called on the five-party alliance in Upper Burma not to try to challenge the British Empire.

Although the UK was somewhat reluctant, there were too many countries forced to recognize it, and in the end it could only make some mild dissatisfaction.

Perhaps to vent their dissatisfaction, the United Kingdom began to respond with actions, but instead of the 10000 British troops in Bengal as everyone had guessed and expected, the attack was launched from the south toward Lower Burma.

On May 5, the British evaded everyone's attention, and 13 British soldiers suddenly occupied the border fortress Minhura and marched directly to Mandalay Province, the capital of Myanmar.

The regular army in Mandalay Province, Upper Burma, was caught off guard at first. They had an advantage in numbers but a disadvantage in equipment, so they could not stop the attacking British army.

On May 1869, 5, the British Southern Army entered the Inner Union Bibondu District at the southern end of Mandalay Province. On the same day, British Prime Minister Disraeli held a press conference in London and announced that the Arakan region of Myanmar currently occupied by the British , Lower Burma, the Tanah Sarin area and the Inner Mongolia region that had just been conquered and occupied by the British Empire were British Overseas Territories and an independent province of British India.

In response, the Five-Party Alliance in Upper Burma stated that it would not accept the British proposition. They demanded that the United Kingdom withdraw from all British troops in Burma.

In order to fight back against British enslavement, with the support of the Five-Party Alliance in Upper Burma, these British-occupied Burma launched a guerrilla war against the occupation.

And Upper Burma also gradually began to organize small-scale counterattacks from time to time because of the same hatred of the enemy.

Why was Burma, a poor country like Burma, able to organize a steady stream of organizations to fight against the powerful Britain over the years? This began to arouse London's suspicion, Burma's rival, the Kingdom of Siam?Or is France trying to balance Britain?Or maybe the Netherlands?

Everyone started to wonder.

 Thanks to Yang Xiaoming’s book friend for the reward, as well as to the book friends who have been tirelessly voting for monthly votes and recommendation votes recently.

(End of this chapter)

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