Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 574 The Fall of Eastern France

Chapter 574 The Fall of Eastern France
The British appeal on August 1869, 8 was initially ignored by the French.

At the same time, the army of the Kingdom of Prussia was led by William I as commander-in-chief, Moltke as chief of staff, and Bismarck coordinated the overall situation. The three planned to concentrate their superior forces and attack Alsace and Lorraine, two territories in eastern France. The three men tried to annihilate the main force of the eastern French army on the Franco-Prussian border or send it to the north of France, and then prepare for the attack on Paris.

The Prussian army's mobilization was carefully planned, and the troops were transported by railway throughout the entire process. By August 8, in addition to the Prussian troops attacking France on the front line, a steady stream of troops transported from behind arrived at the western Prussian-French border.As of August 26, Prussia has assembled 8 major armies with 27 troops and more than 3 artillery pieces on the border between Prussia and France.

Perhaps it was influenced by the appeal issued by the maritime overlord Britain.Or maybe it's because the war between the two sides has entered a tug-of-war in recent days, because the main force of the Prussian army has not been fully deployed and cannot continue to attack and pursue the victory. Although the French army was defeated in the border area due to insufficient preparation before the war, However, the main force did not receive a major blow from the Prussian army and the losses were limited. At the same time, the French border was set up for offense and was not suitable for defense at all. In this case, the main French force should have planned a planned withdrawal deep into the theater to replenish troops. Adjust deployment and stand by for a decisive battle with the Prussian army.Because of this, the French and Prussian armies actually ushered in a period of intermission between battles.

On September 1869, 9, London, England held a meeting at the level of foreign ministers of the 1 countries composed of the United Kingdom, Tsarist Russia, Austria-Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and the parties to the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia and France, to discuss how to End the dispute between Prussia and France.

At the meeting, the two sides of the Franco-Prussian War between Britain and the Russian Empire held peace talks. Queen Victoria even attended the meeting and gave a speech on the eve of the meeting. She solemnly reiterated Britain's attitude towards an armistice between the two countries.

"No one likes a war in Europe. I hope that Prussia and France can coexist peacefully instead of in war. The UK will use its own advantages to support the convening of this armistice conference and contribute its strength."

Afterwards, British Prime Minister Disraeli also announced measures on behalf of the British government, including preparations to send delegations to visit the two countries to prevent the further outbreak of war.

At the meeting, in addition to the stance of the host country, the United Kingdom, the Tsarist Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, enemies since the Crimean War in 1853, took a unified stance, and rarely stood with the United Kingdom because of concerns about Prussia.

But what is strange about these countries is that except for Belgium and Italy, this time they are vaguely on the side of France.

The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Spain seemed to be incompatible with each other, but in fact they chose Prussia.

But thinking about it, it seems to be similar to the recent position.

In the end, the meeting ended without joy.

As you can see from the recent transfer of the Bahrain Islands in the Middle East, the relationship between the Netherlands and Prussia has shifted away from the competition for influence on the American side.Isabella II, the Spanish ruler, had many conflicts with Napoleon III of France.

The most surprising thing is that Denmark actually chose to support Prussia. Have they forgotten the pain caused by the Prussia-Danish War?
Many people don't understand what Christian IX thinks.

Sweden has always been aloof from Northern Europe, while France is far away from Sweden, and Prussia just follows the Baltic Sea. The two countries have close relations, so it is not difficult to understand that they support Prussia.

Belgium has been frightened by the Netherlands, and now only Brussels and the southern province of Walloon Brabant are left.But here, French people make up the majority.

Leopold II, who had regained the king's rights, naturally sized up the situation and followed Britain and France.

Italy may have supported France because it was afraid of the threat posed by France's defeat by Prussia.

While various countries were contemplating the positions of the participating countries, the Franco-Prussian battlefield continued to be silenced by the sound of guns and artillery shells. On September 1869, 9, when the atmosphere of failure of the London Conference enveloped Europe, the commander ordered the 3st Army led by Carl Friedrich von Steinmetz to the 1st Prussian Army. Suddenly Prussia gained from the division of Liege Province in Belgium and France. The Eastern Liege Province attacked the Western Liege Province. Unprepared, the German and French commander of the Metz Army led his 5th Army to be defeated. Finally, he was forced to retreat out of the Western Liege Province and was driven to Napoleon III. The city of Namur, the capital of Namur Province, was snatched from Belgium.

All east of the city fell to Prussia.

When the news returned to Paris, it shocked France.Even the original Luxembourg province in Belgium was now occupied by the French province of Luxembourg. Most of it was occupied by Prussia from the south of Namur to the east of the city of Bastogne in the French province of Luxembourg.

As a result, almost one-third of the territory fraudulently stolen from Belgium a few years ago fell into the hands of Prussia in less than a month, which can be described as a great shame for France.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

When William IV learned about France's disastrous defeat in Liege and Namur provinces, he immediately frowned, but suppressed his strange thoughts.

"Our military is the best in Europe. It is well-trained and has extremely strong combat effectiveness. To be honest, I am announcing the war against Prussia with a very relaxed mood."

William IV sarcastically said to Tolbeck beside him: "What I remember well about this sentence is that it was said by Napoleon III, the Prime Minister of the French Empire, Olivier, shortly after he declared war, right?"

"Your Majesty remembers it well, it is indeed him." Prime Minister Tolbeck not only felt sad for Napoleon III, but the situation in France was too difficult at this time.

William IV made an astonishing statement: "Based on my understanding of Bismarck and William I, they may want to divide the enemy into pieces. In other words, France may change its phase next."

Seeing Tolbeck showing a shocked expression.

William IV said: "If this happens, the Netherlands can take the next step."

Tolbeck looked at William IV waiting.

The latter said: "Our Principality of Luxembourg, now that the provinces of Liege, East Namur and French Luxembourg have fallen to Prussia, France is already struggling to support the eastern border defense line. Especially when it was acquired The original territory of Belgium, Bismarck will not let this opportunity pass easily."

Tolbeck seemed to have thought of something. He looked up at William IV: "Your Majesty means that Prussia is going to attack France on a large scale."

"Yes, but before that, in order for Prussia to achieve the greatest results with the least effort, Bismarck would definitely make some strange moves, and that move would be to overthrow the French Prime Minister."

(End of this chapter)

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